JANUARY 27, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Board members present were Theresa Platts, Fred Lewis, Stephanie Gano and via phone, Erick Bevington. Also present were a few homeowners, as well as Lisa Horanburg, Don Taliento and Mary Jane Lunsford from L & T Properties.


Theresa read the letter sent in from Unit #28 concerning the spool. The homeowner request not paying part of her monthly HOA fee since the spool has been inoperable. The Board advised the homeowner that the spool repair was on the agenda for that same meeting.

Unit #10 reported that New Leaf School was over watering their plants and the water is coming through the Associations wall and damaging the homeowner’s plants. Management was asked to contact New Leaf School concerning this.

Management was asked to send a memo out to the homeowners advising them to bring their trash barrels in off the street after the garbage has been picked up. All trash barrels must be stored either in the garage or behind the gate. Trash barrels must not be seen from the street.

Management was asked to send a memo to Units #1, 2,3,4,5, 20 and 21 concerning parking in the street.

Management was asked to contact Summer’s Quality Cleaning to obtain a bid to clean the spools restrooms once a month.

The meeting minutes from the previous meeting were never taken, therefore could not be approved.


Erick Bevington provided the 2010 report. After review and some discussion the budget was approved. There will not be an increase in fees for 2010.


Erick Bevington provided graphs, charts and estimates for the repair of the spool, spool heater, pump, and deck. Management was asked to measure the distances of the split drains. There is a possibility that they are too close to each other. If the drains are too close, options were discussed to have them corrected. One of the homeowners provided a phone number to a company that would be able to fix the drains. Management will call to get a cost on the repair. After more discussion concerning the filter a motion was made, seconded and approved to have Red Mountain Pools repair the spool filter at the cost of $384.79.

Management was asked to contact City of Mesa to turn the gas back on to the spool. Management was asked to contact Red Mountain Pools and have them check the sand filter, auto fill valve and to get a quote on fixing the heater. The Board agreed to have the heater fixed if the cost was $600.00 or less.

Management was asked to provide spool service bids.

Patching and recoating the deck was discussed.

The Board reviewed bids to move the irrigation box. The Board has asked for one more bid from Decore Electric.

The Work Order Summary was reviewed. All work orders are closed.

The Violation Report was reviewed. Management was asked to note in the violation letter the section in the CC&R’s that refer to the specific violation. Management was also asked to post a method of cleaning stains on the driveways.

Management was asked to contact unit #6 concerning their phone or cable box which needs painted. Theresa has the paint.

Management offered to provide an Outside Mangers Report every month so that the board is aware of what is being done while on the property.

Management advised the board that there was a leak in the men’s bathroom in the spool area. The Board request a work order be sent to Steve Palmer to put Henry’s sealer on the roof.

The Board reported that the umbrella in the spool area needed to be replaced.


Unit #5 was asked to have security doors installed on the upstairs patio doors. The security doors must be painted Verde Green. Screens must be dark bronze with bronze frames.


Due to the death of board member David Piasecki, Ron Weber was appointed to the Board to finish David’s term.

With nothing further to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:50.

Respectfully submitted by,

Stephanie Gano, Secretary

The next meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2010, 6:30 at unit #08.