BIO 182 General Biology for Majors 2 1

Essay 2

The Internal Environment of Animals

1.  Write an inference essay of no less than 400 words about the internal environment of animals, homeostasis and the challenges the environment presents to the maintenance of an internal balance.

2.  Be sure to describe a major internal variable such as temperature or water/salt concentration.

3.  Be sure to describe adaptations for maintaining the proper preset, internal values of the chosen variable.

4.  Be sure to include both anatomical and physiological adaptations as examples.

5.  Be sure to include at least one figure with a proper title and legend.

6.  Be sure to use at least two published sources and properly cite them in your paper using the author, year CSE style.

7.  Be sure to include a Works Cited section at the end of your paper.

Rules for Writing Assignments

The following rules must be followed for all Essays:

  1. All writing assignments must be submitted by e-mail as an attachment.
  2. Files must be in MS Word (.doc) or Rich Text format (.rtf).
  3. Files must be labeled with author’s name, “Essay” and number.
  4. A centered title must precede the assignment followed immediately by the author’s name and date.
  5. A 12-point font must be used throughout.
  6. Single spacing must be used throughout.
  7. Paragraphs must be indented throughout.
  8. Left and Right margins must be set at 0.75”.

9.  Demonstrate a complete understanding of the overall topic.

10.  State the meaning of each supporting idea, including details and explanatory examples.

11.  Organize the essay with introductory and concluding paragraphs.

12.  Place and develops each main supporting idea in a separate, complete paragraph.

13.  Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

  1. All figures (pictures, tables, or graphs) must be cited in the text and illustrate a point made in the text.
  2. All figures (pictures, tables, or graphs) must be numbered sequentially, titled, described with a legend, and citation.
  3. All works referenced must be cited in the text using CSE author-year format.
  4. All works referenced must be listed in a Works Cited section following the body of the text using CSE format.