Medium term Plans for Autumn Years 2/3 Mixed age Range

Week / Y2: Main focus of teaching/activities / Outcomes / Y3: Main focus of teaching/activities / Outcomes
1 / Number and place value
Day 1: Mark 2-digit numbers on a beaded line.
Day 2: Count in tens.
Day 3: Estimate and count in 10s
Day 4: Estimate a quantity, then write place value addition.
Day 5: Use place value to add/subtract. / Day 1: 1. Locate 2-digit numbers on a beaded line. 2. Say which is more. 3. Say a number between neighbouring multiples of ten.
Day 2: 1. Count in tens from a single-digit number marking jumps on a beaded line.
Day 3: 1. Make a sensible estimate up to 100 (e.g. choosing from 10, 20, 50 or 100).
Day 4: 1. Show 2-digit numbers on a bead string and write the place value addition (e.g. 26 = 20 + 6).
Day 5: 1. Partition 2-digit numbers into multiples of ten and one. 2. Use place value to add and subtract (e.g. 30 + 4, 53 – 3)
HAT Outcomes 4 (beaded line), 3 (PV), 2 (forward) and 6 / Number and place value
Day 1: Revise placing 2-digitnumbers on an empty number line.
Day 2: Place 3-digit numbers on a landmarked line.
Day 3: Place value/ordering 3-digit numbers.
Day 4: Add using place value.
Day 5: Subtract using place value. / Day 1: 1. Say what each digit in a 2-digit number represents. 2. Place 2-digit numbers accurately on a 0-100 line.
Day 2: 1. Place 3-digit numbers accurately on a landmarked 0-1000 line.
Day 3: 1. Say what each digit represents in a 3 digit number. 2. Use this knowledge to compare 3-digit numbers.
Day 4:1. Say what each digit represents in a 3-digit number.
2. Use knowledge of place value to add.
Day 5: 1. Use knowledge of place value to subtract.
HAT Outcomes 1, 2, 3 (PV), 5
2 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Know pairs to 10, 8 and 9.
Day 2: Know pairs to 20.
Day 3: Know pairs to 10 & 20, write related addition & subtraction facts
Day 4: Add/subtract single digit numbers.
Day 5: Add three small numbers. / Day 1: 1. Know pairs to 10, 8 and 9.
2. Use the = sign to represent equality. 3. Understand how □ can represent an unknown.
Day 2: 1. Begin to know by heart pairs with a total of 20.
Day 3: 1. Partition 10 and 20 into pairs and write related addition and subtraction facts.
Day 4: 1. Add single digit numbers to 2-digit numbers (not crossing a multiple of ten).
2. Subtract 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers (not crossing a multiple of ten).
3. Use number facts and patterns to add and subtract rather than counting on or back in ones.
Day 5: 1. Add 3 small numbers, spotting pairs to 10 and other number bonds.
HAT Outcomes 7 (7, 8, 9, 10, 20), 8 (not crossing 10s), 13,14 (missing nos), 11 (use number facts) and 9 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1:Addition/subtraction facts for numbers up to 20.
Day 2:Using the = sign to represent equality.
Day 3:Use number facts to add.
Day 4:Use number facts to subtract.
Day 5:Add several small numbers. / Day 1: 1. Know number bonds for all numbers up to 20. 2. Use number bonds when doing addition and subtraction.
Day 2: 1. Write balancing number sentences using numbers up to 20. 2. Understand that = represents equality.
Day 3: 1. Use known number facts to add 1-digit to 2-digit numbers. 2. Cross a tens boundary when adding.
Day 4: 1. Use known number facts to subtract 1-digit from 2-digit numbers. 2. Cross a tens boundary when subtracting single-digit numbers
Day 5: 1. Use number facts to choose a sensible order to add at least 4 numbers. 2. Explain the reasons for your choices.
HAT Outcomes 7, 13 and 14
3 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Recognise coins and find totals of amounts.
Day 2: Investigate amounts using coins.
Day 3: Use coins to buy and to find change.
Day 4: How many to the next 10.
Day 5: How many to the next 10, corresponding subtractions. / Day 1: 1. Recognise all coins. 2. Add the values of 2 coins.
Day 2: 1. Begin to use ordered lists to find all possibilities. 2. Find totals of two coins.
Day 3: 1. Find the total of 2 prices (total) less than 20p). 2. Find change from 20p.
Day 4: 1. Use pairs to 10 and the image of the 100 beaded string to find what needs to be added to a 2-digit number to make the next multiple of 10.
Day 5: 1. Use pairs to 10 and the image of the 1-100 grid to find what needs to be added to a 2-digit number to make next multiple of 10.
HAT Outcomes 27 (combine amounts), 28 (pence only), 7 (pairs to 10), 12 (next 10) and14 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1:Write amounts in £ and p.
Day 2:Compare amounts of money.
Day 3:Subtract by counting up (answers less than 20).
Day 4:Subtract by counting up.
Day 5:Count up to find change from a pound. / Day 1: 1. Write amounts in £ and p including using zero as a place holder.
Day 2: 1. Write amounts in £ and p.
2. Compare amounts of money using place value knowledge.
Day 3: 1. Subtract numbers by counting up, drawing own empty number line.
Day 4: 1. Subtract any pair of 2-digit numbers by counting up.
Day 5: 1. Count up to find change from a pound.
HAT Outcomes 8, 13 and 32
4 / Measure and shape
Day 1: Read time to the half hour.
Day 2: Read time to nearest quarter of an hour.
Day 3: Telling time to nearest quarter on analogue clocks.
Day 4: Identify left and right.
Day 5: Understand clockwise/anticlockwise turns. / Day 1: 1. Read the time to the half hour on digital and analogue clocks.
Day 2:1. Read the time to the quarter of an hour on analogue clocks.
2. Begin to identify time intervals.
Day 3: 1. Read the time to the quarter of an hour on analogue clocks.
Day 4: 1. Follow and give instructions involving position, direction and movement including left and right.
Day 5: 1. Recognise whole, half and quarter turns, both clockwise and anticlockwise. 2. Recognise that a right angle is a quarter turn.
HAT Outcomes 29, 37 and 38 / Measure and shape
Day 1:Revise telling time to 5 minutes.
Day 2:Revise telling time to 5 minutes.
Day 3:Read digital and analogue times to 5 mins; use am and pm.
Day 4:Understand angle as turn measured in degrees incl. 90.
Day 5:Recognise that 2 angles make a half turn, 3 make three quarters of a turn and 4 a complete turn. / Day 1: 1. Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
2. Match equivalent digital and analogue times.
Day 2: 1. Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes on analogue and digital clocks.
2. Read Roman numerals to XII.
Day 3: 1. Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes using am and pm and clocks without numbers.
Day 4: 1. Understand angles as degrees of turn.
2. Use the language clockwise and anticlockwise.
3. Know that a right angle is a quarter turn and four a complete turn.
Day 5: 1. Recognise that 2 right angles make a half-turn, 3 make three quarters of a turn and 4 a complete turn.
HAT Outcomes 33, 35 and 38
5 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Add/subtract 10 using spider.
Day 2: Add /subtract 10 using coins.
Day 3: Add/subtract 10, 11 and 20.
Day 4: Add 10, 11, 20 and 21.
Day 5: Subtract 10, 11, 20 and 21. / Day 1: 1. Add and subtract 10 to/from 2-digit numbers by counting in tens not ones.
Day 2: 1. Find 10p more/less than amounts up to 89p.
Day 3: 1. Add and subtract 10, 11 and 20 in the context of money.
Day 4: 1. Add 10, 20, 11 and 21 to 2-digit numbers less than 80.
Day 5: 1. Subtract 10, 20, 11 and 21 from 2-digit numbers.
HAT Outcomes 2, 3 (1-100 grid), 10, 11 (1st part) and 15 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1:Add 2-digit numbers by partitioning.
Day 2:Add 2-digit numbers by partitioning.
Day 3:Add/subtract money using place value.
Day 4:Add 1, 10, 100 to a 3-digit number.
Day 5:Subtract 1, 10 and 100 from a 3-digit number. / Day 1: 1. Add pairs of 2-digit numbers by partitioning and recombining, totals in tens or ones more than 10.
Day 2: 1. Add pairs of 2-digit numbers by partitioning and recombining, totals in tens and ones more than 10.
Day 3: 1. Say what each digit represents in a 3-digit amount of money.
2. Use this knowledge to add and subtract money.
Day 4: 1. Know what each digit represents in a 3-digit number.
2. Add 1, 10 or 100 to a 3-digit number.
Day 5: 1.Know what each digit represents in a 3-digit number.
2. Subtract 1, 10 or 100 from a 3-digit number.
HAT Outcomes 3, 8 (add) and 32
6 / Multiplication, division andfractions
Day 1: Count in 10s and 2s.
Day 2: Count in 10s, begin to use multiplication.
Day 3: Recognise odd & even numbers.
Day 4: Find halves & quarters.
Day 5: Find halves & quarters of shapes. / Day 1: 1. Describe and continue patterns. 2. Count in 2s and 10s. 3. Recognise multiples of 2 and 10.
Day 2: 1. Understand multiplication as repeated addition. 2. Count in 10s.
Day 3: 1. Recognise odd and even numbers to at least 20.
Day 4: 1. Find halves and quarters of shapes by folding. 2. Recognise which shapes are divided in halves/ quarters and which are not.
Day 5: 1. Colour ¼ or ¾ of shapes.
HAT Outcomes 1 (2s and 10s), 36, 21, 18 (odds/evens), 23, 24 (½, ¼, ¾) / Multiplication, division andfractions
Day 1:Revision of 2 times table.
Day 2:Recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
Day 3:Multiplication/division facts and commutativity.
Day 4:Find fractions of shapes/number.
Day 5:Finding ½ of quantities including odd numbers. / Day 1: 1. Write x and ÷ sentences for the 2 times table.
Day 2: 1. Confidently recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
Day 3: 1. Know x and ÷ facts for the 5 and 10 times tables.
2. Understand that multiplication is commutative.
Day 4: 1. Know what ½, 1/3, ¼ of a shape looks like.
2. Find ½, 1/3, ¼ of a small number (whole number answers).
Day 5: 1. Find ½ of a quantity, including odd numbers.
2. Write a jotting to show halving a quantity.
HAT Outcomes 15, 16, 17 (2s, 5s and 10s), 20 (halve) and 23 (unit fractions)
7 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Find doubles to 20.
Day 2: Find doubles/halves to 20.
Day 3: Find halves of even numbers.
Day 4: Add a single digit to a 2-digit number.
Day 5: Subtract a single digit from a 2-digit number. / Day 1: 1. Find doubles to double 20 using bead strings to help.
Day 2: 1. Investigate which numbers to 30 can be halved (whole number answers), and find that these are even numbers.
Day 3: 1. Use strips to halve even numbers and write the corresponding double.
Day 4: 1. Add single digit numbers to 2-digit numbers.
2. Use number bonds to 10 and place value to add rather than counting on in ones.
Day 5: 1. Subtract 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers.
2. Use number bonds to 10 and place value to subtract rather than counting back in ones.
HAT Outcomes 18 (to 30) and 8 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1:Double 2-digit numbers up to 50.
Day 2:Halve even 2-digit numbers.
Day 3:Double odd and halve even 2-digit numbers.
Day 4:Finding ¼ and ¾ of quantities.
Day 5:Finding 1/3 and 2/3 of quantities. / Day 1: 1. Double 2-digit numbers up to 50 by partitioning and recombining.
Day 2: 1. Halve even 2-digit numbers up to 50 by partitioning and recombining.
Day 3: 1. Find ½ of a 2-digit number.
2. Investigate a general statement.
3. Know if 2-digit numbers are odd or even.
Day 4: 1. Know what ¼ and ¾ of a shape looks like.
2. Find ¼ and ¾ of a quantity (whole number answers).
Day 5: 1. Know what 1/3 and 2/3 of a shape looks like.
2. Find 1/3 and 2/3 of a quantity.
HAT Outcomes 20, 23 and 21 (investigating general statements)
8 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Addition/subtraction facts for 20.
Day 2: Work out what symbols stand for.
Day 3: Find amounts to next ten.
Day 4: Find change from 20p.
Day 5: Begin to find a difference. / Day 1: 1. Find pairs to 20 and record the addition and subtraction fact. 2. Recognise the inverse relation between addition and subtraction and use this.
Day 2: 1. Recognise the use of a symbol such as ■ to represent an unknown. 2. Recognise the inverse relation between addition and subtraction and use this
Day 3: 1. Use pairs to 10 to find what needs to be added to a 2-digit number to make the next multiple of 10.
Day 4: 1. Find change for 20p.
2. Solve and write simple number stories involving money.
Day 5: 1. Begin to find a difference between 2 numbers either side of a multiple of 10.
HAT Outcomes 7, 14, 12 and 28 (change, pence) / Addition and subtraction
Day 1:Know multiples of 5 which total 100.
Day 2:Know pairs which total 100.
Day 3:Subtract numbers by counting up.
Day 4:Subtract numbers by counting up.
Day 5:Subtract numbers by counting up. / Day 1: 1. Know multiples of 5 to 100. 2. Confidently list pairs of multiples of 5 which add to 100.
Day 2: 1. Quickly find pairs of numbers with a total of 100.
Day 3: 1. Use counting up to subtract numbers on either side of 100, answers less than 20.
Day 4: 1. Use counting up to subtract numbers on either side of 100, answers less than 30.
Day 5: 1. Use counting up to subtract numbers on either side of 100, answers less than 40.
HAT Outcomes 7, (pairs to 10), 8 (pairs to 100) and 12 (either side of 100)
9 / Measures
Day 1: Measure using decimetre strips.
Day 2: Measure using centimetres.
Day 3: Measure using cm and m.
Day 4: Measure liquid in cupfuls.
Day 5: Measure liquid in litres and make comparisons. / Day 1: 1. Use a uniform unit to measure to the length of the nearest unit.
Day 2: 1. Measure length to the nearest centimetre.
Day 3: 1. Choose from a range to estimate the lengths of objects.
2. Measure length to the nearest centimetre.
Day 4: 1. Estimate and measure capacity in cupfuls.
Day 5: 1. Begin to havea sense of a litre and make comparisons between other amounts.
2. Estimate which containers hold more or less than a litre.
HAT Outcomes 25 and 26 (both length and capacity) / Measures
Day 1:Measure/convert cm to metres.
Day 2:Measure in, and convert between cm and mm.
Day 3:Measure in m, cm and mm; Draw a bar chart.
Day 4:Place value in money, writing in £ and p.
Day 5:Use place value to add and subtract pounds, 10ps and 1ps, e.g. £4.63 – 60p and £3.49 + 30p. / Day 1: 1.Measure lengths in m and cm and record.
2. Convert cm into m.
3. Find a difference between lengths.
Day 2: 1. Measure lengths in cm and mm.
2. Convert lengths from cm to mm.
3. Find a difference between lengths.
Day 3: 1. Choose appropriate units of measurement to measure objects.
2. Collect, record and interpret data in a bar chart when one step represents several units.
Day 4: 1. Know what each digit in an amount between £1 and £10 stands for.
2. Make ordered lists to help with an investigation.
Day 5: 1. Use place value to add and subtract pounds, 10ps and 1ps, e.g. £4.63 – 60p and £3.49 + 30p.
HAT Outcomes 28 (length), 29, 30, 32 and 36 (bar chart)
10 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Add & subtract to/from 2-digit numbers.
Day 2: Add/subtract to/from 2-digit numbers.
Day 3: Add 11, 12, 13, 21, 22 & 23.
Day 4: Add 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, & 33.
Day 5: Add and subtract 11 and 21. / Day 1: 1. Add and subtract 20, 30, 40 and 50 to/from 2-digit numbers using a 1-100 grid.
Day 2: 1. Add and subtract 20, 30, 40 and 50 to/from 2-digit numbers using a beaded line.
Day 3: 1. Add 11 and 12 to 2-digit numbers using the 1-100 grid.
Day 4: 1. Add 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32 and 33 to 2-digit numbers using the beaded line.
Day 5: 1. Subtract 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 etc. from 2-digit numbers using the 1-100 grid and the beaded line.
HAT Outcomes 2, 10 and 11 / Multiplication and division
Day 1:x & ÷ facts for 3 times table.
Day 2:x & ÷ facts for the 4 times table.
Day 3:Writing division facts to go with multiplications.
Day 4:Dividing using multiplication facts.
Day 5:Dividing using multiplication facts. / Day 1: 1Know 3 times table.
2. Know related division facts.
Day 2: 1. Know 4 times table. 2. Know related division facts.
Day 3: 1. Understand that multiplication is the inverse of division. 2. Write related multiplication and division facts.
Day 4: 1. Divide by 5 and find a remainder. 2. Understand that division sometimes produces a remainder.
Day 5: 1. Use multiplication facts to divide a number where the answer has a remainder.
HAT Outcomes 15, 16 and 17 (2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x)
11 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1: Add near multiples of 10 using a calculator.
Day 2: Add near multiples of 10 by adjusting.
Day 3: Add near multiples of 10.
Day 4: Revise adding ‘ordinary’ numbers.
Day 5: Add an ordinary or nearly number and do the addition accordingly. / Day 1: 1. Add near multiples of 10; spotting patterns.
Day 2: 1. Add near multiples of 10 by adding a multiple of 10 then subtracting 1.
Day 3: 1. Add near multiples of 10 by adding a multiple of 10 then subtracting 1.
Day 4: 1. Add a 2-digit number ending in 1, 2 or 3 by counting on in 10s then adding 1, 2 or 3.
Day 5: 1. Add near multiples of 10 and numbers ending in 1, 2 or 3 choosing how to do so.
HAT Outcome 6, 10, 14 and 15 / Addition and subtraction
Day 1:Add 100s, 10s and 1s using place value,.
Day 2:Subtract 100s, 10s and ones using place value.
Day 3:Add/subtract nearmultiples of ten using place value.
Day 4:Add near multiples of 10 to 3- digit numbers using place value.
Day 5:Subtract near multiples of 10 from 3-digit numbers using place value.. / Day 1: 1. Say what each digit represents in a 3-digit number.
2. Add 1s, 10s or 100s to a 3-digit number, without crossing the tens or hundreds barrier.
Day 2: 1. Say what each digit represents in a 3-digit number.
2. Subtract 1s, 10s or 100s from a 3-digit number, without crossing the tens or hundreds boundary.
Day 3: 1. Add or subtract a multiple of 10 to froma 2-digit number.
2. Add or subtract a near multiple of 10 to/from a 2-digit number,
Day 4: 1. Add a multiple of 10 to a 3-digit number.
2. Add a near multiple of 10 to a 3-digit number without crossing the tens or hundreds boundary.
Day 5: 1. Subtract a multiple of 10 to/from a 3-digit number.
2. Subtract a near multiple of 10 from a 3-digit number without crossing the tens or hundreds boundary.
HAT Outcomes 3, 5 and 9

Title of topic – colour code (see below)

GREEN – Place Value or number
ORANGE – Addition or subtraction
PURPLE – Multiplication or division (inc. scaling or square/cube numbers or multiples and factors...)
GREY – Fractions or decimals or percentages or ratio
BLUE – shape or measures or data
BROWN – Algebra

The Hamilton plans do provide resources for practice of the relevant algorithms, skills and the reinforcement of crucial understandings.However, some teachers may prefer to use textbooks as an additional source of practice. We have agreed with Pearson, the publisher of Abacus, that we can reference the Abacus textbooks and that they will do a special deal if any Hamilton users wish to purchase a set of these textbooks. These are new books, written specifically to match the new National Curriculum. Any schools wishing to follow this up should go to this webpage:

Scroll down for Hamilton Assessment Tracker Outcomes

Outcomes for Hamilton Assessment Tracker

Year 2 – Key Outcomes in bold

  1. Count from 0 in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10.N
  2. Count on and back in 10s from any number.N
  3. Identify any number on the 1-100 grid, understanding that each number is a multiple of ten and some ones.N
  4. Locate any 2-digit number on a 1-100 grid or a landmarked line; use this to order and compare numbers with <, > and = signs.N
  5. Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and make recognisable attempts to write numbers in words.N
  6. Use place value and number facts to solve problems, e.g. 60 -  = 20N
  7. Know securely number pairs for all the numbers up to and including 20, e.g. pairs which make 15 (7+8, 6+9, 5+10, 4+11, 3+12, 2+13, 1+14, 0+15). AS
  8. Know different unit patterns when adding or subtracting, first when not crossing a ten and then when crossing a ten, in numbers up to 100. AS
  9. Add two or three single-digit numbers, using number facts and counting up. AS
  10. Add a two-digit number and tens; add two 2-digit numbers which total less than 100 by counting on in tens and ones.AS
  11. Count back in ones or tens or use number facts to take away, e.g. 27-3 = or 54-20 =. AS
  12. Begin to count up to find a difference between two numbers with a small gap, e.g. 42–38. AS
  13. Show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot. AS
  14. Recognise that addition and subtraction are inverse operations; use addition to check subtractions and solve missing number problems. AS
  15. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers, quantities and measures, using recall of number facts and appropriate models and images. AS
  16. Know 2x, 5x and 10x tables, and related division facts, e.g. saying how many 10s in 40; use x and ÷ signs correctly. MD
  17. Understand equivalence in simple calculations: 3 x 4 = 6 x ☐MD
  18. Double and halve numbers up to 20 and multiples of 5 to 50; recognise odd & even numbers.MD
  19. Write multiplications and divisions, using x, ÷ and = signs; calculate answers. MD
  20. Understand that multiplication can be done in any order (commutative) and division cannot. MD
  21. Solve multiplication/division problems in context, using recall of x /÷ facts, doubling, halving, arrays, ‘clever counting’. MD
  22. Count in halves and quarters, recognising fractions as numbers FD
  23. Begin to recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and ½ on the number line and in other practical contexts. FD
  24. Understand ½, ¼, 1/3, ¾, 2/3 as fractions of quantities in a practical context; solve problems using shapes, objects, quantities.FD
  25. Choose/use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height, mass, temperature and capacity to the nearest appropriate unit using rulers, instruments. MS
  26. Compare and order objects according to length, (mass) weight and capacity using suitable units, and record the results using >, < and =. MS
  27. Recognise/use symbols for pounds (£) & pence (p); combine amounts, find different combinations of coins that give the same amount.MS
  28. Solve simple problems in a practical context; add and subtract pence & pounds, including finding and giving change.MS
  29. Tell/write the time on digital/analogue clocks to ½ past, ¼ past & ¼ to the hour; draw hands on a clock face to show these times.MS
  30. Begin to tell and write the time on digital and analogue clocks to the nearest 5 minutes.MS
  31. Know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day and use this to compare and sequence intervals of time. MS
  32. Construct simple tables, pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams where unit scale is labelled in 1s or multiples of 2; interpret, ask & answer appropriate questions. MS
  33. Identify/describe common 2-D shapes, referring to properties including on the surface of 3-D shapes; compare/sort 2-D shapes G
  34. Recognise symmetry in a vertical lineG
  35. Identify/describe common 3-D shapes, referring to no. of edges, vertices, faces (curved and flat); compare/sort 3-D shapes. G
  36. Order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences.G
  37. Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line. G
  38. Distinguish between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half & three-quarter turns (clockwise & anti-clockwise). G

NB The letters in orange indicate the strand to which each outcome belongs on Hamilton Assessment Tracker