Online Learning Management System Rubrics
Based on the Quality Rubricdesigned by Sue Roig at SaltLakeCityCommunity College

A.Instructional Design and Delivery Techniques

The course should employ instructional design and delivery techniques that encourage student interaction, achieve the course learning objectives to the best degree possible, and facilitate student learning.

  1. Learning objectives and learning activities
/ Easyto Accomplish in Sakai?
1.1Behavioral learning objectives are stated for each course unit (e.g., “At the end of this unit the student will be able to calculate and explain basic measures of central tendency.”)
Readings and assignments support learning objectives
Activities lead to learning desired concepts
Activities are varied and address multiple learning styles:
1.4.1 Lecture
1.4.2 Reading and writing requirements are consistent with student abilities and course unit load
1.4.3 Multimedia (Audio/Visual)
1.4.5Discussion group
1.4.6Practice by doing
1.4.7Teaching others/Immediate application
1.5 Activities help develop student critical thinking abilities (e.g. compare and contrast exercises, case studies or “real world” scenarios, peer review)
1.6Material is motivated by real-world examples, when appropriate
1.7Summary provided frequently, particularly at the end of topics, to reinforce learning
1.8Pace of delivery of course content is managed
2. Assessments / Easy to Accomplish in Sakai?
2.1 Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning in the course via journaling, self-tests, applying rubrics to own or others’ work, creating a portfolio
2.2 Quantity and scope of graded assignments is reasonable
2.3 Assignments are clearly aligned with unit and course learning objectives
2.4 Exam study questions identify core concepts
2.5Grading criteria are clear and explicit, and known to students prior to submitting work
2.6 Rubrics are used to evaluate participation in online discussion groups
2.7 Rubrics are used to evaluate papers, essays, or other written work
2.8 Students are not assessed solely on tests/quizzes but are provided ample opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in different ways
2.9 When possible, options among assignments are provided to allow for different interests, backgrounds, and personal learning styles
3. Promote interaction in the learning community / Easy to Accomplish in Sakai?
3.1 Introductory announcement welcomes students to class
3.2 Introductory exercise in which students introduce themselves and are encouraged to respond to classmate introductions
3.3 “Ice-breaker” activity is incorporated to help students get acquainted
3.4 Instructor introduces himself/herself to model interaction
3.5 Students are required to post their own assignments and respond to others’ posts
3.6 Student participation will be tracked; plan to draw “wallflowers” in to the discussions
3.7 Students understand that facilitator may play “devil’s advocate” in discussions
3.8 Provide a virtual meeting place for casual off-topic communications
3.9 Assign a “study buddy” as a learning support partner.
4. Faculty Use of Student Feedback / Easy to Accomplish in Sakai?
4.1 Student input regarding the course and course delivery is sought at regular intervals
4.2 Instructor has an open door to students to point out flaws of delivery of instruction using technology

B. Online Organization and Design

Courses should have a consistent organizational structure, and information should be easy to locate. Courses should also have an attractive look and feel, to the best extent possible.

1. Course navigability and organization / Easy to Accomplish in Sakai?
1.1 Syllabus and required instructional materials are easily located
1.2 Navigability is clear, simple and user friendly
1.3 Layout of course is visually and functionally consistent
1.4 Course organization and sequencing is logical and clear--students know “what to do next”
1.5 Resources are separated into “required” and “optional” categories
1.6 Folders have descriptions before opening them
1.7 Top level links have no files that increase load time (e.g., audio files or animations)
1.8 Nothing should be more than three clicks from the top level
1.9 Topics are clearly identified and subtopics are related to topics
1.10 Numbers identify sequenced steps; bullets list items that are not prioritized or sequential
1.11 Links to other parts of the course or external sources are accurate and up-to-date
1.12 Links to outside web sites open in a new browser window (this is required for copyright compliance)
1.13 Course schedule is available in a printer-friendly format for student convenience
1.14 The calendar or other device is used to inform students of due dates and other time-sensitive information
2. Written materials / Easy to Accomplish in Sakai?
2.1 Spelling and grammar are accurate, and a consistent writing style is used throughout
2.2 Written material is concise, sentences and paragraphs brief
2.3 Language of written material is friendly and supportive
2.4 Clear directions are given for each task or assignment
3. Universal accessibility / Easy to Accomplish in Sakai?
3.1 Transcripts of any audio or video are provided
3.2 Images are optimized for speedy display and include alt-tag text
3.3 Alternative formats of materials are provided, when possible (e.g., optional print packet of extensive reading materials available, CD of audio clips used in course, low bandwidth alternative for multimedia elements, PDF for a print option, etc.)
3.4 Use of color adds interest but does not disadvantage those with color blindness (e.g., color of text does not impart meaning)
3.5 Use of background images is avoided, as these are distracting to some students with learning disabilities
4. Aesthetic design / Easy to Accomplish in Sakai?
4.1 Typeface choice and contrast between text and background enhances readability. A light background with dark text usually works best.
4.2 Design keeps course pages to a comfortable length with white space. If longer texts are used, optimize for printout and offline reading.
4.3 Appropriate images supporting course content add visual interest
4.4 Consistent theme used throughout
4.5 Appropriate level of humor cultivates interest in course materials

C. Analysis of Technology / Tool Use in Your Class

Please indicate which of the following is used in your class (es). These are not guidelines, but will help us better understand the technology “landscape”. Not all tools will be appropriate for your class, and many fine blended or online classes make use of only a few such tools.

___ Discussion Board required as part of course grade

___ Group discussion areas, when appropriate, for group activities

___Discussion areas specifically for student questions—open to responses from other students as well as the instructor

___ Discussion area for off-topic discussions to keep the instructional discussion areas focused on course content

___ Email/Email archive

___ Online Office Hours using instant messaging or “Chat”

___ Virtual Classroom / Synchronous “Chat”

___ Teleconferencing (either using ITV, or using synchronous audio or video technologies)

___ Online “lecture” – text version, and/or audio and/or video version

___ Course texts available online

___ Weblogs (blogs) created by students

___ Web searching in support of research papers

___ Library database searching in support of research papers

___ Instructor tracks student activity to monitor individual interaction with course materials and classmates

___ Regular use of announcements area

___ Flash illustrations / animations

___ Audio / Video clips

___ CD-ROM or DVD supplemental materials

___ Podcast

___ Wiki

___RSS news feed

___Online quizzes

___ Software specific to your discipline: ______

___ Other technology – please describe: ______