Competition task – category waiter

a/ Alternative preparation of 2 portions of tea with duty to shape and work in fresh fruit as a tea component or suitable tea completion including service in front of the guests´ eyes.

Service is to be performed witha restaurant technique.

Ingredients and equipment for the preparation of samples -your own.

b/Language exam

communication with the guest in English, German or Russian, after the performance

of competition tasks

Language teachers will be delegated by the competition organizer.

The communication of competitorwith the use of lavalier microphone.

Time limits

The preparation of competition task– 20 minutes.

The performance of competition task – 20 minutes.


Examiner board

It is nominated by the executive board of The Waiters´ Association of the Czech Republic, made up of five members – professionals in this category.

Summarization of point evaluation

It is organized separately by a scrutineer who is delegated by the competition organizer. Result tables are proceeded on the computer continuously. The highest and the lowest marks will be deleated.

Working equipment

The competitionorganizer will provide the furnished competition studio:

Side tables laid with white tablecloths, 1 preparatory desk 120 x 80, 1 working desk 20 x 80, a table for guests 120 x 80 including 2 chairs, a flambé trolley,a two-ranged board cooker.Competitors will use their own equipment and ingredients for preparation and service of the competition task as well as own platters and trays.

The competitor is also obliged to provide:

- information rack with name and school logo,

- information awning with competitor´s name and the name of the competition task

Final products will be displayed on the exhibition desk.

Breaking the competition

Chronometer will stop the time limit in case of competitor´s injury, but just for 5 minutes maximally. In case of inability to carry on the task till this limit, the competitor has to resign. After treatment the examiner board will decide if the competitor can keep on the competition.

In case of failure or technical disorder it is lodged a claim to break the time limit. If breaking lasts more than 5 minutes (not caused by the competitor), on own request the competitor can start the competition task again. Time of the beginning is determined by the examiner board.

Exceeding the time limit

Each exceeding the time limit means adding three penalty points for the competitor. If the time limit is exceeded for more than two minutes, the competitor is automatically disqualified, nevertheless, the competition task can be ended up.

Working clothes of competitors

Clothes must be in keeping with personal hygiene rulesfor workers in gastronomy and service.Competitors are allowed to wear working clothes just with school logo,or perhaps the competitor´s name and competition number.

Preparation of ingredients

The essential improvements of own ingredients will be made by cooks delegated by the competition organizer.Assistance of team leaders or other workers is not allowed. Team leaders or other workers accompanied the competitor are prohibited to entry into the servery.

Commencement of competitors

During the commencement according to drawing order competitors will be informed about working place.If the time of commencement is not followed, the competitor can be disqualified. The competitor is suposed to present an ID card and a healthcare card.Competitors without these documents will not be allowed to take part in competition.

In addition, during the drawing lots competitors are suposed to hand in a written worked-out questionnaire to an assistant as well as own formula and preparation method of the competition task.

For preparation and cleaning up of the working place the competitor can use a helper delegated by the competition organizer. However, placemats and setting the equipment have to be performed by the competitor independently.

After finishing the competition task, 5 minutes is set for cleaning up the workplace and its handing over the following competitor.

Disqualifying conditions

b) inappropriate behaviour, missing healthcare card and ID card,

c) unnatural neatnessandunadequate working clothes,

d) late commencement at the working place.


Personal hygiene and professional appearance of competitor

General neatness, undesirable features areexcesses in hairstyle, short or rolled-up sleeves at boys´ clothes, extravagant accessories of working clothes (piercing, tattoo etc.).

Use of suitable equipment

Useunified,adequate, suitable and undamaged equipment, followits useful and functional placement on the working desk.

Preparation of working place

Funcional, useful and artistic arrangementof equipment and ingredients in adequate quantityon the working desk, serving desk, flambé trolley. Cleanness of working place, suitable setting of equipment and artistic fine-tuning of guest´s table– presentation of school /school logo –information rack with a small flag, informationawning/.

Communication with guest

Contact with the guest for the whole duration of the performance, gracefulness and fondness,effective and professional commentary during the performance of the competition taskand

ability to attract guests. Exaggerating activities disturbing the guest are undesirable.

Performance of task

Preparation of tea,shaping and use of fruit will be performed in front of the guest. For preparation of tea completion it is allowedto usecorpuses, creams, double creams etc. made in advance. If tea contents alcohol, its quantity for one portion is limited 2 cl maximally.Professional behaviour, art of communication, skillfulness,operating organization, work sequences, speed and gracefulness during the task, no crossing the working operations, their logical sequence and work sofistication.Keeping tidiness on the working desk for the whole duration of the competition task.It is highlyessential to keep safety and hygiene rules. Adapt complexity of preparation to the fixed time limit, use professional skills at the complex service.

Appearance of competition task

Fine-tuning of all ingredients´ tastesin order not to lose original taste features by adding flavours.In addition, appearance, good smell, taste and harmony in colours and their fine-tuning, creativity and imagination. Appropriately selected equipment for the service.

Bc. Blanka Musilová,

Chairwoman of examiner board – category waiter