APHG 12.3 Q&A Name:______

I. World Cities
1. / a) Name 4 hearths regions of the ancient world where urban settlement was encouraged.
b) A state (like Athens) dominated by its major city was called a ______-______.
2. / a) Why did the number of cities in Europe decline after the fall of the Roman Empire?
b) Describe the organizational pattern of a typical medieval city.
c) Where were most large cities located during Medieval times?
3. / Give examples of the types of services that would be found in a modern world city.
Business Services:
Consumer Services:
Public Services:
II. Hierarchy of Business
4. / a) According the map on page 423, what are the 3 dominant world cities?
b) What factors separate these cities from other world cities?
5. / Describe the differences between 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level world cities. (Be precise & specific!)
III. Economic Base of Settlements
6. / What is the difference between a basic and a non-basic industry? Give at least one example of each.
Why are basic industries so important to a community’s economy? (part of it’s economic base)
How does the economic base of the southern Great Lakes regions differ from that of the Carolinas?
Use the maps on page 426 to answer questions 7-8.
7. / a) Where in the U.S. do the largest % of college educated people & scientists live and work?
b) Where in the U.S. do the smallest % of college educated people & scientists live and work?
8. / What does the map on the bottom right side of page 426 tell you about Orlando?

APHG Ch. 12.4 Q&A

1. / Describe what a Central Business District is and where it is usually located.
2 / What are the benefits of locating a business or service in the CBD?
3. / List the 3 types of retail services that are found in the CBD.
4. / Why are stores with high thresholds now located in suburban malls instead of the CBD?
5. / What have cities like Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore done in their downtown areas to encourage people to come long distances (high ranges) to shop?
6. / How do retail services in an American CBD differ from those in areas outside North America?
7. / Why is it especially beneficial for producer services to be clustered in the CBD?
8. / Explain why Tokyo’s CBD has the highest land prices in the world.
9. / Because land is so expensive, what have cities and businesses done to make use of space that is available to them in the CBD?
10. / The CBD used to be the center of industry and manufacturing in many cities. Why have these types of businesses left the CBD for suburban and rural areas?
11. / List at least 3 push and/or pull factors that have lured people away from living in CBDs and into suburban areas.
12. / Why do many European cities have restriction on the height of building allowed in the downtown area?
13. / Explain why the “corner store” is probably a thing of the past in many American communities.
14. / List 3 pros and cons of locating a business in the suburbs instead of the CBD.
Pros / Cons
1) / 1)
2) / 2)
3) / 3)