Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities

2015-2016 Student Conduct Summary Data


The Elizabethtown College Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities upholds practices of a facilitative and fair nature, respecting individual rights while balancing these with community integrity, honesty, civility and safety. The Office holds the primary function of investigating and resolving alleged incidents of student misconduct. Furthermore, our practitioners are dedicated to enriching the social-learning experiences of students.

2015-2016 Snapshot

Cumulative Data

Semester / Number of Cases referred to Office / Number of Students Found Responsible / Total Number of Violations / # AOD violations / # of total Violations by FY students
Fall 2015 / 51 / 96 / 158 / 112 / 55
Spring 2016 / 58 / 98 / 186 / 98 / 90
Total 2015-2016 / 109 / 194 / 344 / 210 / 145

Comparison to Student Population

Semester / #Responsible Students / Total # Student Population (undergrad only) / % of Students Found Responsible of Total Population / Number of responsible FY Students / Total # FY Students / % of Total FY Students Found Responsible
Fall 2015 / 96 / 1756 / 5% / 34 / 504 / 7%
Spring 2016 / 98 / 1674 / 6% / 46 / 475 / 10%


Fall 2015—96 students; 158 violations

Spring 2016—98students; 186violations

Comparative Data

Semester / Total # Incidents / # Students Found Responsible / Total # Violations / # AOD Violations
Fall 2012 / 89 / 152 / 292 / 187
Spring 2013 / 80 / 127 / 213 / 149
Fall 2013 / 90 / 136 / 244 / 177
Spring 2014 / 69 / 155 / 340 / 211
Fall 2014 / 43 / 64 / 111 / 90
Spring 2015 / 60 / 103 / 196 / 102
Fall 2015 / 51 / 96 / 158 / 112
Spring 2016 / 58 / 98 / 186 / 98

2015-2016 Repeat Respondents:

The table below shows the number of students who had subsequent incidents during the 2015-2016 academic year.

Number of Interactions with OSRR / Number of Students*
1 interaction / 158
2 interactions / 14
3 interactions / 5
4 interactions / 1

*Please note that this total number differs from the semester breakdown of responsible students as this number captures the entire academic year.

2015-2016 Incident Location Report:

Location of Incident / Total
Academic Buildings / 2
Access Roads (On Campus) / 1
Access Roads (On Campus) / 1
Baugher Student Center / 1
Brinser Residence Hall / 4
Brossman Commons / 4
Brossman Commons Dining / 4
Campus Security / 5
Campus Streets / 1
Campus Wide / 4
Founders Residence Hall / 22
High Library / 1
Hoover Business Building / 1
Masters Center Esbenshade Hall / 1
Myer Residence Hall / 9
Ober Residence Hall / 6
Off Campus / 17
Parking Lot / 4
Roadways and Streets / 1
Royer Residence Hall / 12
Schlosser Residence Hall / 12
Schreiber Quadrangle / 4
Thompson Gymnasium / 1
Unassigned / 4
Wenger / 1
Hackman Apartments / 6
Total / 129*

*Number of incidents here will be higher than the number of incidents referred to the OSRR office as this includes all incidents reported, even those that may not go through OSRR because of unknown respondents.

Residence Hall Incident numbers and percentages

Res Hall / Occupancy / Current Occupancy % of Total / Number of Incidents 2015-2016 / % of Incident Total
Brinser / 118 / 8.2% / 4 / 3.1%
Founders / 286 / 19.9% / 22 / 17.1%
Myer / 133 / 9.3% / 9 / 7.0%
Ober / 216 / 15.0% / 6 / 4.7%
Royer / 124 / 8.6% / 12 / 9.3%
Schlosser / 206 / 14.3% / 12 / 9.3%
Quads / 127 / 8.8% / 4 / 3.1%
Apartments / 182 / 12.7% / 6 / 4.7%
SDLCs / 45 / 3.1% / 0 / 0.0%
Other/non- residential / 54 / 41.9%
Total / 1437 / 100% / 129 / 100.0%

Fall 2015 Student Conduct Statistics

Violation Statistics



Total Incidents referred to office: 51

Total Students processed responsible: 96

Total Students processed not-responsible: 32

Cases pending: 0

Appeals: 3

Violation Types:

AOD Violations: 112

Non-AOD Violations: 44

Total Violations: 158


Violations / Total
APV-Consuming Alcohol in Front of a Person(s) Under the Age of 21 / 13
APV-In the Presence of Alcohol Under the Age of 21 / 23
APV-Possession of Quantities that Exceed the College Approved Limits / 5
APV-Possession or Use of Alcohol Related Paraphernalia / 6
APV-Underage Possession or Consumption of Alcohol / 45
APV-Use, Possession, Manufacture, Distribution or Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that Violates the Rights of Others or Results in Emergency Medical Response for Self or Others / 2
APV-Visible Intoxication or Public Drunkenness / 3
Dishonesty Furnishing False Information to Any College Official / 1
Disruptive/Disorderly, Lewd or Indecent Conduct / 1
Disruptive/Disorderly, Lewd or Indecent Conduct Public Urination or Defecation / 1
DPV-Actual or Intended Use or Possession of Marijuana / 6
DPV-Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / 1
DPV-Possession of Any Drug Paraphernalia / 5
Endangering Safety or Wellbeing of Others-Behavior that Endangers Safety/Health of Others or Threats to Cause Such Actions / 2
Endangering Safety or Wellbeing of Others-Interfering or Tampering with Safety or Emergency Response Systems / 4
Endangering Safety or Wellbeing of Others Physical Assault / 1
Endangering Safety or Well-being of Others / 1
Endangering Safety or Wellbeing of Others / 1
Failure to Comply or Cooperate with a Reasonable Request or Direction of a College Official / 1
Guest Policy Violation / 4
Housing Policy Violation / 1
Housing Policy Violation-Pets / 1
Housing Policy Violation-Violation of Quiet or Courtesy Hours / 14
Sexual Misconduct-Non-consensual Intercourse (Sexual Assault) / 1
Sexual Misconduct-Non-consensual Sexual Contact / 2
Smoking in a College-Owned Facility or in a Non-Designated Area / 3
Theft of Property or Resources Belonging to Individuals or the College / 1
Violation of Federal, State or Local Laws / 6
Violation of Federal, State or Local Laws-Alcohol Citation / 1
Violation of Federal, State or Local Laws-Drug Citation / 2
Total / 158

Sanction Data:


Sanction Total: 320

Formal Warning: 58

Disciplinary Notice: 28

Disciplinary Probation: 14

Disciplinary Suspension: 1

Disciplinary Expulsion: 1

E-Chug: 44

E-Toke: 1

Choices: 14


AOD Assessments: 8

Skills for Life: 7


Sanction / Total
Formal Warning / 58
Disciplinary Notice / 28
Disciplinary Probation / 14
Disciplinary Suspension-one semester / 1
Disciplinary Expulsion / 1
E-Checkup-Alcohol / 44
E-Toke / 1
Alcohol/Drug Assessment / 8
Skills for Life / 7
Academic Advisor Notification / 44
Athletic Director Conference / 1
Athletic Director Notification / 30
Parent/Guardian Notification / 30
Educational Project / 23
Letter of Apology / 1
Dean of Student's Conference / 5
Dean's Hold / 1
Loss of Privileges / 1
Residence Relocation / 1
Residence Restriction / 1
Other / 4
Total / 320

Athlete Information:

Number of Students Found Responsible who were athletes: 36 (22 males; 14 females)

Percentage of violating students who are athletes: 38%


Breakdown by team


Men’s teams:Women’s teams:


Baseball – 3


Basketball – 6

Golf – 2

Soccer – 2

Swimming – 1

Tennis – 3

Wrestling – 5

Field Hockey – 1

Lacrosse – 2

Soccer – 5

Softball – 1

Swimming – 4

Volleyball – 1


Medical Amnesty Report:

Medical Amnesty Fall 2015: 5

Medical Amnesty Fall 2014: 2 (involving total of 5 students)

Medical Amnesty Fall 2013: 5

Ambulance Report for Drug and Alcohol:

Total number of AOD-related ambulance calls Fall 2015: 8

Total number of AOD-related transports to hospital Fall 2015: 7

Total number of AOD-related ambulance calls Fall 2014: 7

Total number of AOD-related transports to hospital Fall 2014: 5

Spring 2016 Student Conduct Statistics

Violations Statistics



Total Incidents referred to office: 58

Total Students processed responsible: 98

Total Students processed not-responsible: 48

Appeals: 9

Cases pending: 0

Violation Types:

AOD Violations: 98

Non-AOD Violations: 88

Total Violations: 186


Violations / Total
APV-Furnishing Alcohol for Person(s) Under the Age of 21 / 5
APV-In the Presence of Alcohol Under the Age of 21 / 12
APV-Possession of Quantities that Exceed the College-Approved Limits / 2
APV-Possession or Use of a False ID / 1
APV-Possession or Use of Alcohol-Related Paraphernalia / 7
APV-Sale of Alcoholic Beverages (Includes Door Cover Charges and Sale of Cups) / 7
APV-Underage Possession or Consumption of Alcohol / 36
APV-Use, Possession, Manufacture, Distribution or Sale of Alcoholic Beverages that Violates the Rights of Others or Results in Emergency Medical Response for Self or Others / 3
APV-Visible Intoxication or Public Drunkenness / 3
Discrimination and Harassment / 2
Dishonesty / 1
Dishonesty-Alteration or Misuse of Any College Document, Record or Instrument of Identification / 1
Disruptive/Disorderly, Lewd or Indecent Conduct / 17
DPV-Actual or Intended Use or Possession of Marijuana / 10
DPV-Possession of Any Drug Paraphernalia / 7
Endangering Safety or Well-being of Others / 26
Endangering Safety or Well-being of Others-Physical Assault / 1
Failure to Comply or Cooperate with a Reasonable Request or Direction of a College Official / 2
Guest Policy Violation / 3
HPV-Pets / 1
HPV-Violation of Quiet or Courtesy Hours / 4
Retaliation / 1
Smoking in a College-Owned Facility or in a Non-Designated Area / 1
SM-Dating Violence / 4
SM-Sexual Harassment / 2
SM-Stalking / 1
Theft of Property or Resources Belonging to Individuals or the College / 6
Unauthorized Possession, Use or Sharing of College Resources, Including but Not Limited to Keys, IDs, Electronic Resources, and the Unauthorized Entry or Use of College Premises, Including Entering/Exiting/Passing Through a Window or Hatch / 3
Vandalism, Damage to Property / 2
Violation of Federal, State or Local Laws / 7
Violation of Federal, State or Local Laws-Alcohol Citation / 4
Violation of Federal, State or Local Laws-Drug Citation / 1
Weapons / 3
Total / 186

Spring 2016 Sanction Data:

Sanction Total: 449


Formal Warning: 26

Disciplinary Notice: 36

Disciplinary Probation: 36

Disciplinary Suspension: 4

Expulsion: 0

E-Chug: 13

E-Toke: 7

Choices: 15


AOD Assessments: 12

Skills for Life: 6


Sanction / Total
Formal Warning / 26
Disciplinary Notice / 37
Disciplinary Probation / 36
Disciplinary Suspension / 4
E-Checkup-Alcohol / 21
E-Toke / 7
Alcohol/Drug Assessment / 12
Skills for Life / 6
Academic Advisor Notification / 75
Parent/Guardian Notification / 53
Athletic Director Notification / 46
Educational Project / 59
Dean of Student's Conference / 11
Athletic Director Conference / 9
Dean's Hold / 4
No Communication/No Contact / 1
Letter of Apology / 4
Loss of Privileges / 3
Residence Relocation / 2
Residence Restriction / 1
Other / 2
Total / 449

Athlete Information:

Number of Students Found Responsible who were athletes: 51(28 males, 23 females)

Percentage of violating students who are athletes: 52%


Breakdown by team


Men’s teams:


Baseball – 1

Women’s Teams:


Basketball – 6

Golf – 1

Lacrosse – 5

Soccer – 11

Swimming – 1

Tennis – 1

Track and Field – 1

Wrestling – 2

Basketball – 5

Cheerleading – 3

Field Hockey – 6

Lacrosse – 1

Soccer – 4

Softball – 2

Swimming – 1

Volleyball – 1


Medical Amnesty Report Incidents:

Medical Amnesty Spring 2016: 1 (involving total of 5 students)

Medical Amnesty Spring 2015: 3 (involving total of 8 students)

Medical Amnesty Spring 2014: 8 (involving total of 20 students)

Medical Amnesty Spring 2013: 7 (involving total of 8 students)

Ambulance Report for Drug and Alcohol:

Total number of AOD-related ambulance calls Spring 2016: 8 (1 non-student)

Total number of AOD transports to hospital Spring 16: 5

Total number of AOD-related ambulance calls Spring 15: 7

Total number of AOD transports to hospital Spring 15: 7


The number of incidents and responsible students remained nearly identical for both fall and spring semester, an unusual occurrence since spring incidents tend to be substantially higher than fall incidents.

  • Spring 2016 illustrates the lowest incident number and violations total of a spring semester in the last four years.

Although violations in 2015-2016 totaled 341, they trended similarly to 2014-2015 (305) but remained lower than 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years (505 and 584, respectively).

In 2015-2016 42% of the total number of violations were made by first-year students which is slightly higher than 2014-2015 (37%), but lower than the two academic years prior (which hovered around 50%).

When running a 2015-2016 report based on locations, Founders had the most incidents with 22 (not surprising given it houses over 20% of the total residential population). Royer and Schlosser tied for second place with 12 incidents, despite the fact Royer housed eighty-two fewer students. Incidents in the ILUs were down from 15 in 2014-2015to 10 in 2015-2016.

The percentage of athletes responsible for total violations rose sharply in spring 2016 to 52%, due, in large part, to several off-campus incidents where the majority of the residents were athletes. Typically the number hovers around 35-40%. Several of the off-campus residents have been sanctioned to attend a fall orientation/information session for all off-campus students. The Director of Athletics, Chris Morgan, was also instrumental in working with these students through Athletic Director Conferences.

  • In both semesters“Underage Possession/Consumption of Alcohol” was the most common violation with “Being in the Presence of Alcohol while Under the Age of 21” as the second most common violation. There was a slight uptick in the number of alcohol-related violations that enacted an emergency response (5 in 2015-16 and 4 in 2014-15), but only one medical amnesty-related call in spring 2016.
  • Marijuana incidents for spring 2016was slightly lower than spring 2015 (11 and 15, respectively).

There was a significant uptick in the number of Disciplinary Probation sanctions in spring 2016 compared to fall 2015 (37 to 14, respectively) due, in large part, to the several off-campus incidents that occurred in the spring semester.

Student Conduct Staff 2015-2016

Marianne Calenda, Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students

Allison Bridgeman, Associate Dean of Students, Director of Residence Life, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Conduct Officers:

Susan Asbury, Director, Student Rights and Responsibilities

Administrative Assistance & Advocate Support:

Susan Lehman, Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students

Residence Life Staff:

Cody Miller, Area Coordinator

Stephanie Collins, Area Coordinator

Victor Osorio, Area Coordinator

Appeal Officers:

Allison Bridgeman, Associate Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life//Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Kristen Vieldhouse, Assistant Director of Residence Life & Student Activities

Cody Miller, Area Coordinator

Brandon Jackson, Coordinator of Multicultural Programs and Residential Communities

Title IX Investigators:

Allison Bridgeman, Associate Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Andrew Powell, Director, Campus Security

Susan Asbury, Director, Student Rights & Responsibilities