The Maggie Welby Foundation
The Maggie Welby Foundation awards scholarships to students in or entering grades Kindergarten -12th.Please complete this application to apply for a scholarship for school tuition only.Complete the Grant Application for all other requests. Scholarships can range between $250 and $2,500. A student may only receive one scholarship per school year. NOTE: Scholarships are only awarded twice a year in January and July.
Scholarship Application– Applicants interested in applying for a scholarship from The Maggie Welby Foundation, must complete all sections of this application including the essay. For younger students, parents or guardians are encouraged to complete the application on the applicant’s behalf. Please print clearly or type your information in the gray squaresand complete the entire application. Include any information that you feel best supports your case for a scholarship from Maggie’s Foundation.
Use the tab key to move between boxes. You may email the completed form to:
Personal Information
Student Full Name: / Date:Last / First / M.I.
Parent or Legal Guardian
Full Name(s):
Last / First / M.I.
Street Address / Apartment/Unit #
City / State / ZIP Code
Phone: / ( ) / E-mail Address:
Family Members’ Name / Age
Family Members’ Name / Age
Family Members’ Name / Age
Family Members’ Name / Age
Family Members’ Name / Age
Family Members’ Name / Age
Total Number In Family:
School Information
School Currently Attending:Address:
City / State / ZIP Code
Head of School: / Phone: / ()
School for which Scholarship is being requested:
(if different from above)
City / State / ZIP Code
Head of School: / Phone: / ()
/ The Maggie Welby Foundation
Amount of Scholarship Request:$
(Scholarships range from $250 to $2,500 based on true need)
Financial Need
The awarding of any scholarship will be based predominately on financial need and the brief essay below. Please use the section to demonstrate how there is a true financial need. Include as much detail as necessary to demonstrate the need including income and expenses and a detailed explanation of need.Monthly Income
Example: John’s (father) Salary/Wages
Example: Mary’s (mother) Salary/Wages
Example: Child Support / Alimony / Amount
Example: $3,000 per month
Example: $1,000 per month
Example: $600 per month
Total Monthly Income: / $ 0.00
(right click high lighted area and select Update Field to total)
Monthly Expenses
Example: Mortgage (House Payment)
Example: Telephone Bill / Amount
Example: $650 per month
Example: $53 per month
Total Monthly Expenses: / $ 0.00
(right click high lighted area and select Update Field to total)
Details: Please use the space provided below to provide any further information relative to your monthly income or expenses, or any special circumstances that may be relevant.
Please use the space provided below, or attach a separate sheet for an essay between 250-500 words. This essay should clearly articulate how you will use this scholarship for the betterment of yourself and/or your family. Include in detail why school is important to you, and how if selected you will best utilize the scholarship. Make a case for why you are deserving of this scholarship.
The Mission of
The Maggie Welby Foundation
Inspired by the life and memory of Maggie Welby,the Maggie Welby Foundation seeks to
aid students(grades K-12) and families in financial need, in orderto help fulfill the dreams and hopes that Maggie realized in every person she touched during her life.
The Maggie Welby Foundation
#8 Green Acres
St. Louis, MO63137
(314) 330-6947
© 2009