Canadian Regional Chairman’s Challenge 2017

To complete this challenge you must fill out the following form with all of the required information below within the dates provided. Please forward your completed form to Kelsey McEntee at no later than 11:59PM on March 26th, 2017. Late entries will not be accepted. If you complete the challenge prior to March 26th, 2017, please submit your challenge form as soon as you have met the challenge requirements. If you have any questions please contact .

Challenge dates: December 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017

Unfranchise Owner name: Unfranchise ID:

Unfranchise Owner email: Unfranchise Owner phone: ______

1) Personally sponsor two new qualified UFOs between December 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017.

New UFO’s name:New Unfranchise ID:

New UFO’s name:New Unfranchise ID:

2) Activate one of the newly qualified UFOrs betweenDecember 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017.

New UFO’s name:New UFO’s ID:

3) Each of the two new UFOs must register a minimum of 10 Preferred Customers. PC ID’s:

#1 / #2
PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #:
PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #:
PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #:
PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #:
PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #: / PC ID #:

4) Have two (2) new UFOs complete the Shopping Annuity Assessment betweenDecember 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017.

ID #:

ID #:

5) Purchase 5tickets to the 2016Canadian Regional Convention. Ticket numbers purchased:



6) Generate a minimum of $1500 in retail sales of MA Branded products betweenDecember 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017.

(Include Retail Receipt and MA Order Invoice)

7) Generate a minimum of $1500in retail sales through Partner Stores betweenDecember 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017.

. . (Include Retail Receipt and MA Order Invoice)

8) Generate a minimum of 200 BV in Personal Consumption products through personal use or preferred customer base between December 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017. (Include Retail Receipt and MA Order Invoice)

9) Become a Master UFO or re-qualify as a Master UFO during the Challenge Period.

10) Listen to at least 1 audio from your Unfranchise Business Account or Unfranchise Media App each week. Use the Audio Curriculum Measuring and Monitoring Worksheet (available under Unfranchise Business Account>Downloads>Training). Document the audios that you listened to between December 16th 2016 to March 26th, 2017.and list the key points.

11)Purchase three tickets to the 2017 International Convention directly from the company. Proof of purchase will be required. You must be the paying ID on the ticket order.

UFO who purchases the most tickets for International Convention between those dates will be awarded with VIP Seating at the Canadian Regional Convention.

12)Personally complete the Shopping Annuity Assessment and with four (4) members of your organization and commit to completing the Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool. .

ID #:______

ID #:______

ID #:______

ID #:______

WINNERS WILL BE RECOGNIZED ON STAGE AT Regional Convention. They will also be invited to the Challenge Reception to be held on Saturday evening – April 2nd (Day Subject to Change)

All Orders will be verified based on personal product orders.