$$$ 1 A

Indicate the backlingual sound

A. [k]

B. [r]

C. [s]

D. [m]

E.[ t]

$$$ 2 B

Indicate bilabial, plosive fortis consonant

A. /b/

B. /p/

C. /k/

D. /m/

E. /θ/

$$$ 3 C

Indicate velar, plosive, fortis consonant

A. /b/

B. /p/

C. /k/

D. /m/

E. /θ/

$$$ 4 D

Indicate bilabial, nasal consonant

A. /b/

B. /p/

C. /k/

D. /m/

E. /θ/

$$$ 5 B

Indicate an occlusive plosive consonant

A. ]f]

B. ]t]

C. ]w]

D. ]e]

E. ]h]

$$$ 6 B

Indicate an interdental consonant


B. [θ]

C. [n]

D. [s]

E. [l]

$$$ 7 E

Indicate a bilabial consonant

A. [d]

B. [h]

C. [r]

D. [j]

E. [b]

$$$ 8 C

Indicate a glottal sound

A. [k]

B. [s]

C. [h]

D. [m]

E. [o]

$$$ 9 A

Indicate a labio-dental consonant

A. [v]

B. [d]

C. [l]

D. [w]

E. [j]

$$$ 10 B

Indicate a constrictive cacuminal approximant consonant

A. [h]

B. [r]

C. [j]

D. [p]

E. [w]

$$$ 11C

Indicate back, open, rounded, checked vowel

A. [æ]

B. [i:]

C. [o]

D. [ə]

E. [æ]

$$$ 12 D

Which intonational style is used on the stages, on the screen, in a TV studio, etc.

A. Informational Style

B. Academic Style

C. Publicistic Style

D. Declamatory Style

E. Conversational Style

$$$ 13 A

Indicate central, mid-open, rounded vowel

A. [ə:]

B. [i:]

C. [o]

D. [ə]

E. [æ]

$$$ 14 C

Indicate an affricate

A. [f]

B. [n]

C. [t∫]

D. [w]

E. [θ]

$$$ 15 C

Indicate bilabial, voiced occlusive consonant

A. [f[

B. [l[

C. [b]

D. [∫]

E. [h]

$$$ 16 E

Indicate a back vowel

A. [i:]

B. [æ]

С. [e]

D. [u:]

E. [a:]

$$$ 17 A

Point out the type of modification of vowels?

A. reduction, accommodation

B. qualitative, quantitative

C. positional, nasalization

D. reduction, positional

E. positional, qualitative

$$$ 18 D

Indicate the word that begin with a dental consonant:


B. guy

C. mine

D. thigh

E. fly

$$$ 19 C

Point out the word that end with a nasal:

A. tough

B. dumb

C. rung

D. find

$$$ 20 B

Point out the word that begin with a lateral:





E mall

$$$ 21 A

Another name of the syllable theory:

  1. Muscular tension
  2. articulatory
  3. applicable
  4. loudness
  5. syllable

$$$ 22 C

Indicate diphthongs among these sounds

A. [ә] [ i]

B. [i: ] [u:]

C. [uә] [au]

D. [dĵ] [hα]

E. [w] [әе]

$$$ 23 A

What type do occlusive consonants subdivide in?

  1. noise and sonorants
  2. consonants and vowels
  3. noise and vowels
  4. diphthongs and monophthongs
  5. medialingual and interdental

$$$ 24 B

Indicate back advanced vowel

A. [ i:]

B. [a:]

C. [ei]

D. [ә]

E. [әe]

$$$ 25 D

Which one of these speech organs is passive?

A. lips

B. vocal cords

C. tongue

D. teeth

E. soft palate

$$$ 26 C

Noise consonants are divided into …

  1. consonants and vowels
  2. monophthongs and diphthongs
  3. plosive and affricates
  4. noise and calm
  5. consonants and sounds

$$$ 27 E

The class of labial consonants is subdivided into:

  1. labio-dental, forelingual
  2. bilabial, forelingual
  3. labio-dental and backlingual
  4. forelingual and medialingual
  5. bilabial, labio-dental

$$$ 28 C

Differentiate the right transcribtion for the word eraser

A. /iraizor/

B. /ereiz/

C. /ireizә/

D. /ereizer/

E. /ereizor/

$$$ 29 E

The branch of phonetics which studies the way in which the air vibrates between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ear.

  1. articulatory
  2. phonology
  3. theoretical phonetics
  4. experimental phonetics
  5. acoustic

$$$ 30 B

Indicate the right transcribtion for the word fission

A. [fision]

B. [fin]

C. [finә]

D. [faiә]

E. [fisin]

$$$ 31 B

According to the position of the tongue the English consonants are classed into 3 groups. What are they?

  1. labio-dental, forelingual, bilabial
  2. labial, lingual, glottal
  3. lingual, glottal, bilingual
  4. dental, labial, forelingual
  5. backlingual, labial, lingual

$$$ 32 B

Point out the correlation of consonants which is based on the presence of vibrations of the vocal cords:

  1. [k - g]
  2. [f - v]
  3. [d - t]
  4. [s - z]
  5. [p - b]

$$$ 33 B

The name of linguist who classified the phonological and phonetic pronunciation errors?

A. V. N. Sidorov

B. L. V. Shcherba

  1. P. S. Kuznetsov
  2. N. F. Kaushanskaya
  3. R. I. Avanesov

$$$ 34 C

The mistake that is made when an allophone of the phoneme is replaced by another allophone of the same phoneme:

A. grammatical

B. stylistic

C. phonetic

D. morphological

E. relevant

$$$ 35 A

Find the right form of transcribtion for the word knight

A. [nait]

B. [knait]

C. [knigt]

D. [neit]

E. [naid]

$$$ 36 A

Which of these units is segmental

A. speech sounds

B. syllables

C. stress

D. rhythm

E. tempo

$$$ 37 C

The differentiation of phoneme from allophone is:

  1. phonemes can not contrast which each other, allophones occur in the same position in the word
  2. allophone is sound, phoneme is variant of a phoneme
  3. phoneme is sound, allophone is variant of a phoneme
  4. phoneme is not functional unit
  5. allophone and phoneme have not differentiation

$$$ 38 D

The English sounds are divided into:

A. syllables and non-syllables

B. sounds and allophones

C. morphemes and syllables

D. consonants and vowels

E. consonants and non-consonants

$$$ 39 A

Which one is not the component of the phonemic structure

A. accentual structure

B. word formation

C. stylistic device

D. abbreviation

E. compound sentence

$$$ 40 E

Which speech organ is not include in the obstruction mechanism

A. the tongue

B. the lips

C. the teeth

D. the palate

E. the lungs

$$$ 41 A

According to Shcherba the phoneme…

A.is the smallest language unit

B.is a stylistic device

C.as a dialect

D.is a part of sentence

E.is a part of speech

$$$ 42 C

Define the phonetic phenomenon in the given sentence: What was_ that?

A. reduction

B. loss of plossion

C. assimilation

D. lateral plosion

E. nasal plosion

$$$ 43A

Define the phonetic phenomenon in the given sentence: They are there in the bosom.

A. assimilation

B. loss of plosion

C. lateral plosion

D. nasal plosion

E. reduction

$$$ 44 B

L. V. Shcherba classified the pronunciation errors of two groups. What are they?

A. phonetic and morphological

B. phonetic and phonological

  1. phonological and grammatical
  2. distinctive and allophone
  3. stylistic and phonemic

$$$ 45 D

Define the phonetic phenomenon in the given word combination: sit down

A. lateral plosion

B. assimilation

C. reduction

D. loss of plosion

E. elision

$$$ 46 C

Define the phonetic phenomenon in the given word combination: it gave him

A. lateral plosion

B. assimilation

C. loss of plosion

D. elision

E. nasal plosion

$$$ 47 D

According to the Russian phoneticians there are 2 affricates in English phonetics:

  1. [s] [z]
  2. [h] [θ]
  3. [ŋ] [n]
  4. [t∫] [d∫]
  5. [v] [f]

$$$ 48 D

According to the number of obstacles in the production of constrictive and occlusive-constrictive consonants they are divided into

A. occlusive and constrictive

C. noise consonants and affricates

D. unicentral and bicentral

E. consonants and vowels

$$$ 49 B

The study of language by examining the inventory, structure and functions of speech sounds is called…

  1. Grammar
  2. Phonetics
  3. Linguistic
  4. Lexicology
  5. Psychological

$$$ 50 E

The aspect of phonetics which comprises all the movements and positions of the speech organs necessary to pronounce a speech sound is called:

  1. Functional grammar
  2. Perceptive phoneme
  3. Auditory phonetics
  4. Acoustic phonetics
  5. articulation

$$$ 51 C

The aspect which studies sound waves is called

  1. morphonemic
  2. functional
  3. acoustic
  4. constrictive
  5. articulation

$$$ 52 B

Which of them are the longest in the terminal position?

A.beet, cart

B.bee, bar

C.bead, hard, cord

D.call, pen

E.darn, boat

$$$ 53С

Which vowel is never met in open syllable?

A.[ i:]

B. [u:]

C. [әe]

D. [a:]

E. [ә:]

$$$ 54 B

Acoustic phonetics is the study

A. of the way the vocal organs are used to produce speech sounds.

B. of the physical properties of speech sounds

C. of the way people perceive speech sounds.

D. of general history of the people whose language is studied

E. of word formation

$$$ 55 B

Minimal pronounceable units into which sounds show a tendency to cluster or group are called

A. morphemes

B. syllables

C. words

D. sentence

E. phonemes

$$$ 56 E

Which one of these syllable theories was introduced by LV Shcherba

A. sonority theory

B. loudness theory

C. expiratory theory

D. vowel theory

E. theory of muscular tension

$$$ 57 C

The variant of a phoneme affected by the neighbouring sounds is called

A. principal allophone

B. a speech sound

C. a subsidiary allophone

D. a syllable

E. intonation

$$$ 58 A

The time taken by the articulation in phonetics is called

A. duration

B. palatalization

C. neutralization

D. articulation

E. nasalization

$$$ 59 E

Articulation term which indicates softening of the consonant

A. articulation

B. neutralization

C. velarisation

D. nasalization

E. palatalization

$$$ 60 D

Tones can be…

A. main

B. strong

C. compulsory

D. primary and compulsory

E. accentuated

$$$ 61 B

The syllable or syllables which are uttered with more prominence than the other syllables of the word are said…

A. to be absent

B. to be stressed

C. to be short

D. to be expired

E. to be loud

$$$ 62 E

The lips articulate against teeth for

A. bilabial

B. glottal

C. dental

D. palatal

E. labio-dental

$$$ 63 D

Stress in the isolated word is termed as

A. sentence stress

B. secondary stress

C. primary stress

D. word stress

E. fixed stress

$$$ 64 A

According to the place of articulation the consonant [h] is

A. glottal

B. dental

C. palatal

D. velar

E. alveolar

$$$ 65 C

What is the last stressed syllable?

A. the pre-head

B. the tail

C. the nucleus

D. the communicative center

E. the ending

$$$ 66 A

How English word stress is traditionally defined?

  1. dynamic
  2. tonic
  3. intensive
  4. pitch of voice
  5. qualitative

$$$ 67 B

How languages are differentiated according to the place of word stress?

  1. loud, medial stress
  2. free, fixed stress
  3. primary, secondary stress
  4. tertiary stress
  5. tertiary, weak stress

$$$ 68 B

Which of these words are two primary stressed?

  1. popularity, responsibility
  2. irresponsibility, inaccurate
  3. decoration, articulation
  4. possible, possibility
  5. appreciate, appreciation

$$$ 69 B

Name one of the objects of phonetics:

  1. parts of speech
  2. syllabic structure of words
  3. meaning of words
  4. word groups
  5. morphemes

$$$ 70 D

What do we understand by distinctive function of the phoneme?

  1. this function is proved by the fact that speech sounds constitute all the morphemes, syllables, words etc.
  2. One word or morpheme is differentiated from another by a difference in their number of speech sounds.
  3. this function consists in the use of the right allophone in words.
  4. this function is known as replacing one speech sound by another in the same position.
  5. It is proved by the fact that speech sounds can’t constitute words, syllables etc.

$$$ 71 C

The unstressed syllables which may precede the head

A. nucleus

B. head

C. pre-head

D. tail

E. fall-rise

$$$ 72 A

According to the work of active organs of speech the consonants may be.

  1. labial, lingual
  2. alveolar voiced
  3. velar voiceless
  4. palatal, fricative
  5. velar, voiced

$$$ 73 B

What is syllable?

A. an increase of expiratory and articulatory activity;

B. a speech unit consisting of a sound or a sound sequence;

C. a variation of pitch, force of utterance, tempo;

D. the interval between lower and upper limits;

E. a various speech realizations of the phenomena;

$$$ 74 B

Define the right transcription of the word dictionary

A. [‘diktiәnәri]

B. [‘dik∫nəri]


D.[ ‘dik∫eneri]

E. [‘dik∫enəri]

$$$ 75 C

Which syllable is stressed in the word simultaneous

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. forth

E. fifth

$$$ 76 C

A fully closed syllable has...

A. one vowel sound at the end;

B. one consonant between vowel;

C. a vowel between consonants;

D. one or more consonants at the end;

E. one or more vowels at the middle;

$$$ 77 B

Name the right definition to “fully closed” syllable:

  1. a syllable consists of one vowel sound;
  2. a vowel between consonants;
  3. a consonant precede a vowel;
  4. the optional presence of a consonants;
  5. a syllable covered at the end;

$$$ 78 C

Who presented the theory of “muscular tension”?

  1. O.Jesperson
  2. R.H.Stetson
  3. L.V.Shcherba
  4. N.I.Zhinkin
  5. B.A.Bogoroditsky

$$$ 79 B

What belongs to the power mechanisms?

  1. larynx
  2. the wind pipe
  3. the teeth
  4. the lips
  5. the tongue

$$$ 80 E

How do we call the type of obstruction when the articulating organs are in close contact, the air passage is completely blocked.

  1. intermitted
  2. incomplete
  3. complete
  4. constructive
  5. occlusive

$$$ 81 A

Name one of the functions of the phoneme.

  1. distinctive
  2. conclusive
  3. phonetic
  4. occlusive
  5. morphemic

$$$ 82 C

Modification of consonants by a neighboring consonant in the speech chain is called...

  1. lateral plosion
  2. reduction
  3. assimilation
  4. elision
  5. palatalization

$$$ 83 D

What types are English consonants divided into?

A. noise consonants

B. sonorants

C. degree of noise

D. noise consonants, sonorants

E. sonorants, degree of noise

$$$ 84 D

According to Russian scholars vowels are subdivided into:

A. diphthongs

B. monophthtongs

C. diphthongoids

D. diphthongs, monophthongs, diphthongoids

E. monophthongs, diphthongs

$$$ 85 A

According to the position of the soft palate all consonants are subdivided into:

A. oral and nasal

B. fortis and lenis

C. voiceless consonants

D. strong and week

E. flat

$$$ 86 B

What is a set of symbols representing speech sounds called?

  1. irrelevant
  2. transcription
  3. pronunciation
  4. redundant
  5. intonation

$$$ 87 B

Phonetics is an independent branch of:

A. lexicology

B. linguistics

  1. stylistics
  2. grammar
  3. logic

$$$ 88 C

What branch of phonetics studies the functional aspect of speech sounds:

A. physiological phonetics

B. phonology

C. acoustic phonetics

D. general phonetics

E. comparative phonetics

$$$ 89 B

What branch of phonetics studies the articulatory and auditory aspect of speech sounds?

A. general phonetics

B. phonology

C. phonostylistics

  1. physiological phonetics
  2. comparative phonetics

$$$ 90 B

What organs of speech belong to the vibrator mechanism?

A. the lungs, the windpipe, the glottis, the pharynx

  1. the vocal cords & glottis
  2. the nasal cavity
  3. the alveoli
  4. the teeth

$$$ 91 A

What resonator mechanism is responsible for the articulation of vowels?

  1. oral resonator
  2. nasal resonator;
  3. resonator mechanisms are not responsible for it

D. oral together with nasal resonator

E. nasal resonator and the vocal cords

$$$ 92 B

The vocal cords and the glottis constitute:

  1. resonator mechanism
  2. vibrator mechanism
  3. power mechanism
  4. obstructormechsanism
  5. they don’t constitute any mechanisms

$$$ 93 B

The obstructer mechanism responsible

  1. for the production of vowels
  2. for the production of consonants

C. for the production of sonorant only

D. for the production of all the sounds

E. for the production of nasal sounds

$$$ 94C

Allophones are:

  1. phonemes themselves
  2. morphemes
  3. variants of phonemes
  4. non-distinctive sounds
  5. any sounds

$$$ 95 D

What directions of assimilation do you know?

  1. double & regressive
  2. regressive & reciprocal
  3. progressive & reciprocal
  4. progressive, regressive & reciprocal
  5. complete & incomplete

$$$ 96 B

Modification of consonants under the influence of a consonant is called:

A. accommodation

B. assimilation

  1. adaptation
  2. elision

E. loss of plosion

$$$ 97 A

Modification of consonants under the influence of vowels is called:
A. accommodation

B. assimilation

C. lateral plosion

  1. elision
  2. loss of plosion

$$$ 98 C

Phonetics studies:

A.words & their semantic structure

B.words & their relations in the sentence

C. sounds & their various aspects & functions

D. parts of speech

E. morphological structure of sentences

$$$ 100 D

Phonology is a branch of phonetics which studies:

the physical nature of sounds

the functions of different phonetic phenomena

articulation of sounds

perception of sounds

pronunciation of sentences

$$$ 101 A

What are the English nasal consonants:

A. [m, n, ŋ]

B. [m, p, d]

C. [p, t,,k]

D. [I,e.o]

E. [w, r, j]

$$$ 102 A

In the case when the assimilated consonant is influenced by the preceding consonant we have:

A. progressive assimilation

B. regressive assimilation

C. double assimilation

D. complete assimilation

incomplete assimilation

$$$ 103 D

Assimilated sound is:

  1. any sound in the open syllable
  2. the consonant sound at the end of the word
  3. the sound written in transcription

D. when the articulation of a sound is modified under the influence of the neighboring sound

E. the result of two neighboring vowels

$$$ 104 A

What is the unit of Phonetics

  1. a phoneme
  2. an allophone
  3. minimal pairs
  4. a distinctive speech sound
  5. a speech sound

$$$ 105A

What is the unit of Phonology?

A. sound

  1. a morpheme
  2. a phoneme
  3. syllable
  4. word

$$$ 106 B

What is palatalization?

  1. work of vocal cords
  2. softness of consonants
  3. adaptation of sounds
  4. loss of sounds in speech
  5. softness of vowels

$$$ 107 D

What is the definition of assimilation?

  1. the result of obstruction
  2. the result of adaptation of one vowel to another
  3. the result of length
  4. the influence of neighboring consonants to each other
  5. the result of softness of consonants

$$$ 108 E

Phonetics has two main divisions:

  1. expression level and content level
  2. reception and transmission
  3. phonology and substance
  4. physical and acoustic
  5. articulatory and acoustic

$$$ 109 B

The branch of phonetics that studies the way in which the air vibrates between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ear:

  1. auditory
  2. acoustic
  3. articulatory
  4. phonology
  5. transmission

$$$ 110 E

The opening between the vocal cords is known as:

  1. larynx
  2. vibrator
  3. pharynx
  4. supraglottal cavities
  5. glottis

$$$ 111 B

Three aspects of the phoneme are concentrated in the definition of the phoneme suggested by:

  1. V.A. Vassilyev
  2. L.V. Shcherba
  3. B.Bloch
  4. E.D. Sapir
  5. N.S. Trubetskoy

$$$ 112 B

The allophones which do not undergo any distinguishable changes in the chain of speech are called:

  1. subsidiary
  2. principal
  3. real
  4. objective
  5. functional

$$$ 113 D

There are two major classes of sounds traditionally distinguished by phoneticians in any language, which are termed:

  1. incidental and indispensable
  2. occlusive and constrictive
  3. sonorants and affricates
  4. consonants and vowels
  5. medial and lateral

$$$ 114 A

The phonological/phonetic features characteristic of the speech of a group of people is

A. accent

B. articulation

C. nasalization

D. assimilation

E. muscular tension

$$$ 115 D

Find the examples of vowel reduction

  1. did you – could you
  2. glad to see you
  3. at last, table
  4. let me
  5. board – blackboard

$$$ 116 D

Phonologically the syllable is regarded and defined in terms of:

  1. its structural and functional properties
  2. acoustic descriptions
  3. taxonomy
  4. opposition
  5. relevancy

$$$ 117E

Syllables in writing are called:

  1. homographs
  2. homophones
  3. utterance
  4. syllabophones
  5. syllabographs

$$$ 118 D

A syllable which begins in vowel sound is called:

  1. open
  2. closed
  3. covered

D. uncovered

E. fixed

$$$ 119A

A syllable which ends in a vowel sound is called:

A. open

B. closed



E. uncovered

$$$ 120 D

What is a syllable?

  1. morphemic structure of the word
  2. one of the speech sounds

C. the shortest segment of speech continuum

D. segmental structure of the word

E.shortest speech continuum

$$$ 121 B

What is the theory of syllable formation & syllable division by Scherba ?

  1. sonority theory
  2. muscular tension theory
  3. expiratory theory
  4. the "are of loudness" theory
  5. musical

$$$ 122 D

What type is the syllable "no"?

A. covered, close

B. uncovered, open

C. uncovered, covered

D. covered, open

E. uncovered, close

$$$ 123 A

Sonority theory of the syllable was put forward by:

A. O.Yesperson

B. N.I.Lmkm

  1. L.V.Shcherba
  2. I.A.Vassiliev
  3. B.Block

$$$ 124 B

What do we call syllable in writing?

  1. morphemes
  2. syllabographs
  3. syllabophones

D. phonemes

E. suffixes

$$$ 125 B

Which theory of syllable is based on L.V.Shcerba'sstatement:

A. sonority theory

B. muscular tension theory

C. are of loudness theory

D. expiratory theory

E. theory of relativity

$$$ 126B

A type of syllable called uncovered open can be formed:

A. by a vowel and a consonant

  1. by a vowel
  2. by a vowel and a consonant
  3. by a consonant and a sonorant
  4. by a sonorant

$$$ 127 A

A type of syllable called uncovered closed can be formed:

  1. by a vowel and a consonant
  2. by a vowel
  3. by a vowel and a consonant
  4. by a consonant and a sonorant
  5. by a sonorant

$$$ 128 A

A type of syllable called covered open can be formed:

A. by a consonant and a vowel

  1. by a vowel
  2. by a vowel and a consonant
  3. by a consonant and a sonorant
  4. by a sonorant

$$$ 129B

The adaptive modification of a consonant by a neighbouring consonant in the speech chain is known as

  1. deletion
  2. Assimilation
  3. Accomodation
  4. Loss of plosion
  5. Vowel reduction

$$$ 130 C

Complete loss of sounds is

  1. Accomodation
  2. Assimiliation
  3. Elision
  4. Vowel reduction
  5. Syllabic indivisibility

$$$ 131 D

What type of modification of consonants in connected speech can be observed in the following examples: give me [gim mi], let me [lem mi]?

  1. Accomodation
  2. Elision
  3. Vowel reduction
  4. Assimilation
  5. Lip rounding

$$$ 132 A

What type of modification of consonants in connected speech can be observed in the following examples: tonight [tnait], police [pli:s], correct [krekt]?

  1. Vowel reduction
  2. Lip rounding
  3. Assimilation
  4. Loss of plosion
  5. Lateral plosion

$$$ 133 E

A difference in the position of the nuclear accent may perform a ______function in the following example import [‘impo:t] – import [im’po:t]:

A. expressive

B. functional

C. stylistic

D. exclamatory

E. distinctive

$$$ 134 B

Sound alternations that are traced to the phonetic changes in earlier periods of the language development are known as

  1. synchronic
  2. historical
  3. constant
  4. minor
  5. distinctive

$$$ 135 D

The interrelation of phonology and morphology in linguistic investigation is also known as

  1. historical phonetics
  2. general linguistics
  3. comparative linguistics
  4. morphophonology
  5. general phonology

$$$ 136 E