Report on Incidents of Bullying and Retallation

School Year 2014-2015

School ID : 131265

School : J. Marquez Elementary School

School ID: 131265

Division: CotabatoCity

Address: SK Pendatun Extension , CotabatoCity

Classification: Public

Level : Elementary

Date of the Incident / Nature / Victims / Respondents / SCHOOL
Physical / Psychological / Cyber-Bullying / Retallation / Name / Age / Sex / Name / Age / Sex / Action Taken / Recommendation / Status
July 7,2014 / / / Awal , Maira A. / 10 / F / Ismael , Johari A. / 10 / M / Call the attention of the pupils and parents with their adviser. / Johari ask forgiveness to Maira and promised not to do it again. / Resolved
July 17,2014 / / / Suwaib , Al-Awadie T. / 9 / M / Aloy , Rasul B.. / 11 / M / Call the attention of the parents/guardian involved.
Conduct meeting regarding the behavior of the pupils. / The parents need to see the adviser and Guidance Counselor.
Report to the Guidance Counselor any second attempt. / Resolved
Aug. 20, 2014 / / / Kansi , Baby Jean B. / 11 / F / Kadtugan , Halid M. / 12 / M / Settle the conflict with the presence of parents, pupils, adviser and GC.
Dialogue between two parties. / Avoid making jokes.
Inform the adviser about the conduct of the respondent. / Resolved
Oct. 29,,2014 / / / Kalon , Moadz S. / 12 / M / Mangulamas, Ismael A.
Kos , Beshager K. / 15
13 / M
F / Call the attention of the parents of the respondents to know the real scenario. / Inform the respondents regarding Child Protection Policy.
The respondents asked sorry to the victim with the presence of the parents and adviser and promised not to throw anything that can hurt their classmates. / Resolved
Nov. 13,2014 / / / Eman , Ohmar U. / 12 / M / Talambo , Datu Rainon S.
Embang , Baby Jun / 16
14 / M
M / Talk to the mother of the victim and the respondents about the case that it was only a joke. / The respondents asked sorry of what had happen and refrain from doing so.
The GC informed the respondents about the consequences if they will do it again. / Resolved
Jan. 27, 2015 / / / Talib , Marcos S. / 9 / M / Kamlon , Martin S. / 12 / M / Call the attention of the respondent and talk about the case and not to believe about rumors he heard. / The GC advise the respondent and told him not to say something w/c is not true. Although it is just a joke but still it is not good.
The respondent ask forgiveness to the victim. / Resolved
Feb. 23, 2015 / / / Tarok , Raul B. / 14 / Kampang , Morsiden
Polo , Ismael / 13
12 / M
M / Call the respondent and his mother and talk what had happen. Settle the conflict with the respondent. / Respondents promised to refrain orstop saying something that can hurt others and the respondents promised not to do it again. The respondents ask sorry to the victim as well as to the mother of the victim. / Resolved

Prepared by:


School Guidance

Reviewed and Conformed by:


School Principal 1

Date: April 14, 2015



Principal In-Charge