News /
27 July 2016


FionaHyslopMSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs, today announced the appointment of SirKennethCalman as Chair of the National Library of Scotland Board.


Born and brought up in Glasgow, his love of books began there in the local community library. He studied Medicine and Science at the University of Glasgow and began his medical career and clinical years in Surgery and then in Oncology and Palliative Care.

His particular interests in literature, health and well-being began at this time and continued when he became Chief Medical Officer of Scotland in1989 and subsequently in England until his appointment as Vice-Chancellor at the University of Durham(1998 to2006). He became a Trustee of the British Library, and subsequently Deputy Chair and Chair of its Audit Committee. He was until recently Chair of the National Trust for Scotland. He is currently Chancellor of the University of Glasgow.


This appointment,which is regulated by the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland, will run from 1October2016 to 30September2020. It is non-remunerated and part-time with a time commitment of 3-4days per month.

Ministerial Appointments

SirKennethCalman currently does not hold any other Public Appointments.

Political Activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last fiveyears (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.

Sir Kenneth has had no political activity in the last fiveyears.

National Library of Scotland

The National Library of Scotland is one of the world’s leading research libraries with a particular focus on the study of Scotland and the Scots. It is the largest library in Scotland with over 24million items and is one of the sixLegal Deposit Libraries entitled to claim a copy of every printed and electronic work published in the UK and Ireland under the terms of the Legal Deposit Libraries Act2013.

Its key priorities take account of its statutory functions of preserving and developing its collections, providing access, encouraging education and research, whilst contributing to the understanding of Scotland’s national culture as a country with a rich heritage and a vibrant future.

Core funded by the Scottish Government, it operates within the context of the Scottish Government’s national outcomes and strategic objectives, including public service reform. It is governed by a Board which is accountable to the public through Ministers and the Scottish Parliament for the discharging of the functions defined in the National Library of Scotland Act2012, and for the overall vision, strategy and corporate performance of the Library.