Alcohol Unit Review

Name: ______Period: ______

Directions: Use your textbook and packet from class to correctly answer the following questions.

  1. Alcohol is a ______, which impacts a persons ______, and in large amounts can be ______.
  2. One ounce of ______proof alcohol is equivalent to one drink.
  3. Adults (21yrs +) who drink responsibly, using alcohol ______, should follow these 8 guidelines:
  1. Alcohol use is the Nation’s #1 ______problem.
  2. Excessive alcohol use can be either in the form of ______drinking, or ______drinking.
  3. Once a person builds up a tolerance to alcohol and begin to experience blackouts they could be labeled as this class of a drinker: ______.
  4. List some examples of distilled alcoholic beverages.
  1. __P______, __T______, and consuming alcohol under the age of 21 are all considered illegal in the state of PA.
  2. The blood alcohol level that is the legal limit to be at or above if you are 21 years old and driving (in PA) is:
  1. Accurate and common ways police check Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC):
  1. The person most likely to be in an Al-Anon meeting would be:
  1. In PA a person under 21 years of age has a legal intoxication level beginning at:
  1. List specific examples of what “one drink” consists of:
  1. What is delirium tremens?
  1. The organization that controls all sales of alcoholic beverages:
  1. How does alcohol affect the brain?
  1. The #1 alcohol related disease is ______.
  2. Long term affects of alcohol on the liver include:
  1. What happens to a person who has a BAC of 0.5?
  1. What is the purpose of laws that restrict alcohol use?
  1. What is binge drinking?
  1. The period of time forgotten the day following alcohol abuse is called a ______.
  2. The type of alcohol found in whiskey, brandy, wine, and beer is called ______.
  3. The ______law lowers the legal blood alcohol level for intoxicated drivers under the age of 21.
  1. People under 21 will get arrested for ______if they drive over a ______blood alcohol level.
  1. ______is the last and most severe class of a drinker.
  1. ______, ______, and ______are three factors that affect Blood Alcohol Concentration.
  2. ______is a severe condition in which a baby has a severe disability as a result of the mother using alcohol while she was pregnant.
  3. ______is the first class of drinkers, when an adult drinks in safe, responsible amounts.
  4. ______is a recovery program for teens that have a family member with alcoholism.
  5. Alcoholism is a disease in which there is ______

and ______dependence on alcohol.


L. Wells, 2008-2009