Near Vicksburg Miss June 28/63
Friend James I once more take my pen in hand to write you a few lines and let you know I am ok and hope you are enjoying good health. I have received no answer to the last two letters that I wrote you.
We are lying now in sight of Vicksburg, can plainly see the Court house and church and by looking through a spyglass can now and then see a rebel. It is an awful strong place. As I am writing this the shells are flying and falling in town and perhaps killing women and children which has been done, but if they done as (General) Grant told them they would all been right. He gave them plenty of time to get out but they did not go so now let them suffer the consequences. The 15th of this month we had a fight atRichmondSea twelve miles from the River from Millikens Bend. The Marine Brigade mustered some 8 or 9 hundred that were able to go and a small force from below us started long before daylight and got to the field of action early in the day. The force that went from below us reached there the same time we did. Our whole force had ten pieces of Artillery. They drew up in line and commenced work of death. The rebels replied with three pieces with no effect, not so with our own . Our Regt supported them. The rebels drew up in line to charge on us when two twelve pound shells lit in their ranks which caused then to cut sticks fast. They got in line again but rotten balls as the n----rs say fell so thick for them and they retired. The Marines started to right flank them but when we got where they was, but like Paddy’s, they were gone. The rebels had fifteen killed and a good many wounded. Our force had five wounded. The Marine Brig has nearest canon to Vicksburg and it talks to the now and then. The first night it opened on then the rebels hollered to them said they were playing sharp but they would give h--l in the morning.
There is a good many negro Soldiers in this vicinity and they have been tried and make good soldiers. The rebels attack them a short time since at Millikens Bend and they got badly whipped. We were talking with one of them and he said their Officers said treat but they did not know what treat (retreat) meant. They fought bravely. The rebel and negro were found lying side and side each with a bayonet through him.
The Cavalry were out the other day and brought in green corn ripe apples, and peaches blackberries we had long ago as large round as your fingers. I suppose by this time you have got your face made up for a grand time the 4th of July, and I would like to be with you to have a little sport, but I suppose I will be down here in dixie doing a soldiers duty. The report is that (General) Banks has taken Port Hudson . If so it is good news and perhaps have a tendency to make Vicksburg surrender sooner.
We have a good many sick at this time. Our hospital boat has not an empty bed on it, nearly two hundred and most all our own. It is very unhealthy here. It is such awful hot weather.
It is now 10 o clock PM and I will bring this to a close, write soon and let me know what’s going on in old Newburg.
Give my respects to all enquiring friends
Your truly