CONVERSION SZIOLS Innenclip (ClipInside)
Standard Sziols Innenclip Progress 50/20 – though it can be modified to various sizes and/or shapes:
- for the largest possible field of vision
- perceived rimless
- large sized lenses(uni-focal/progressive/bi-focal)
Recommendation: if the size is to be modified, then keep approximately to the lens width (47-48 mm ) while merely modifying the height of the lens (32-42mm)if necessary and/or advisableto enlarge the downwardfield of vision while, at the same time, keeping the FOV constant! The lateral range of vision is large enough.
The centering data are determined according to habitual head position and body posture as well as the centre of rotation of the eyes (ideally by means of a video centering system). Based on this, the following modifications are made:
Centering correction - horizontal (general):
a)For minus values: R/L each 1 mm outwards
b)For plus values: R/L each 1 mm inwards
Centering correction - vertical (only for rough orientation):
Runners - to avoid tripping or falling while running, the eyes are primarily directed downwards: a) optical centre approx. at lower edge of eyelid
(Also dependent on forward tilt +HSA)
Bikers - due to lowered position of the upper body and/or the position of the head, the eyes are primarily directed upwards: a) optical centre approx. at lower edge of pupils(also dependent on forward tilt +HSA)
for progressive/bi-focal lenses:
a) Set centre as low as possible so that the short range measuring field and/or the short range section is still just maintained (to ensure the largest possible long-range field).
Recommendation: Reduce progressive range by 0.25 dioptres
Lens ordering values:
a)HSA conversion for lens values above +/- 4 dioptres (trial frame -> Innenclip)
b)Progressive lenses: Addition in relation to every-day glasses (reading distance 30 to 40cm) reduce by 0.25 dioptres and/or adjust to situation for use (e.g. 60cm) to achieve larger range, i.e. less peripheral distortion and therebyenhanced spontaneous compatibility.
c)Conversion of the prescription values with the Sziols calculation programme: Tilting the lens axes in relation to the eye, gives rise to changes in the lens values in the situation of use in relation to the prescription values:
"Material index": irrelevant – has no influence on the calculation
" Angle of tilt" (AOT): this refers to the angle of the lens to the arm of the frame (!)
a)Running: AOT 19°
b)Bike/Bike Pro/Water: AOT 21°
c)For multipurpose lenses: set specificpreferences or use mean AOT value of 20°
"Lenses to be ordered": theoretical order value when the sphere /cylinder combination still has to be rounded to 0.25 dioptres (see example)
Example 1: AOT 21°
Prescription value:sphere -1.50, cylinder -1.25 A 45°
Lenses to be ordered:sphere -1.33, cylinder -1.15 A 38.4° (1.HS -1.33 / 2.HS -2.48)
rounded:sphere -1.50 cylinder -1.00 A 39° (1.HS -1.50 / 2.HS -2.50)
Example 2: AOT 19°
Prescription value: sphere +2.50, cylinder -0.75 A 160°
Lenses to be ordered:sphere +2.20, cylinder -0.54 A 152.5° (1.HS +2.20 / 2.HS +1.66)
rounded:sphere +2.25, cylinder -0.50 A 153°(1.HS +2.25 / 2.HS +1.75)
a)In the case of intermediate values, cylinder values generally to be rounded
b)Adjust Sphere by rounding according to the HS effect of the calculation
c)Precisely round the degree of the axis in the direction of the refraction axis