Southern Transportation Trunk Perfecting Project for Sewage Treatment in Bailonggang Area, Shanghai

Puxi Section Project

Resettlement Action Plan

Shanghai Urban Drainage Corporation


Endorsement Letter for the Resettlement Plan

ShanghaiMunicipal Government has applied for a loan from WB to finance Shanghai Southern Transportation Trunk Perfecting Project for Sewage Treatment Bailonggang Area. Therefore, the Project must be implemented in compliance with ADB safeguard requirements. This Resettlement Plan is prepared in accordance with the laws of the PRC, ShanghaiMunicipality, as well as WB’s Policy on Involuntary Resettlement and it constitutes the basis for land acquisition, house demolition and resettlement of the project.

ShanghaiMunicipal Government hereby confirms the content of this Resettlement Plan and will guarantee the land acquisition, compensation and relocation budget being provided according to the provisions of this Resettlement Plan. This Resettlement Plan is based on the feasibility study report and the initial surveys. If the final implemented components are different from the contents described in the feasibility study report and that will cause the substantial impact on the Resettlement Plan, this Resettlement Plan should be future modified and approved by WB before its implementation.

Shanghai Municipal People’s Government

______(Signature) ______(Date)


I. The objective of Resettlement Action Plan

1This Resettlement Action Plan is formulated on the basis of the laws, regulations and policies of the People’s Republic of China, and Local Government as well as the Guidelines of the World Bank (Operational Directive for Involuntary Resettlement OP 4.12). The purpose of this document is to set out an Action plan for the Resettlement and Rehabilitation of the Displaced persons (DPs) to ensure that they will benefit from the project and their standards of living will be improved or at least be restored after the project impact.

II. Definition of Relative Terms


2Criteria for Eligibility. Displaced persons may be classified in one of the following three groups:

(a)those who have formal legal rights to land (including customary and traditional rights recognized under the laws of the country);

(b)those who do not have formal legal rights to land at the time the census begins but have a claim to such land or assets—provided that such claims are recognized under the laws of the country or become recognized through a process identified in the resettlement plan; and

(c)Those who have no recognizable legal right or claim to the land they are occupying.

3Persons covered under 2(a) and 2(b) are provided compensation for the land they lose and other assistance. Persons covered under 2(c) are provided resettlement assistance in lieu of compensation for land they occupy and other assistance, as necessary, to achieve objectives set out in this policy, if they occupy the project area prior to a cut-off date established by the borrower and acceptable to the World Bank[1] . Those who encroach on this area after cut-off date are not entitled to the compensation or any other resettlement assistance. All persons included in 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) are provided compensation for loss of assets other than land.

Compensation and Resettlement Measures

4In order to address the impacts caused by compulsive land acquisition resulting in (i) relocating or loss of shelter; (ii) lost of assets or access to assets; (iii) loss of income source or means of livelihood, wheatear or not the affected persons must move to another location, an RAP or Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) should be prepared that covers the following:

(a)The resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure DPs are

(i)Informed about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement;

(ii)Consulted on, offered choices among, and provided with technically and economically feasible resettlement alternatives; and

(iii)Provided prompt and effective compensation at replacement cost[2] for losses of assets attributable directly to the project.

(b)if the impacts include physical relocation, the resettlement or resettlement policy framework should include measure to ensure that the displaced persons are

(i)provided assistance (such as moving allowance) during the relocation;

(ii)provided with residential house, or house sites, as required, agricultural sites for which a combination of productive potential, location advantages, and other factors is at least equivalent to the advantages of the old site.

(c)Where necessary to achieve the objectives of the policy, the resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework also include measures to ensure that displaced persons are

(i)offered support after displacement, for a transition period, based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be needed to restore their livelihood and standards of living;

(ii)Provided with development assistance in addition to compensation measures described in paragraph 4(a) (iii), such as land preparation, credit facilities, training, or job opportunities.

5cut-off date: the date in this project refers to the date that bulletin of land acquisition and house demolition is issued. DPs are not allowed to build new house, expand the building, rebuild, change the usage of house and land, lease land, or rent/bargain the house. Besides, persons moving into project areas after this date are not entitled to be compensated.


AAOV / Average Annual Output Value
APs / Affected Persons
DPs / Displaced Persons
DI / Design Institute
FSR / Feasibility Study Report
IA / Implementation Agency
M&E / Monitoring and Evaluation
PAPs / Project Affected Persons
PRC / People’s Republic of China
RAP, RP / Resettlement (Action) Plan
RIB / Resettlement Information Booklet
RPF / Resettlement Policy Framework
STTP / Southern Transportation Trunk Project
STTPP / Southern Transportation Trunk Perfecting Project
SPMO / Shanghai Project Management Office
WB / World Bank
mm / Millimeters
% / Percentage
mu / Chinese Area Unit of Land, 1 mu = 1/15 ha (1 ha = 15 mu)
Yuan / Chinese Current unit of Money, 1 Yuan = 1/7 dollar (1 dollar = 7 Yuan )



1Project introduction

1.1Brief Introduction

1.2Beneficial and Affected Areas of Project

1.2.1Beneficial Areas

1.2.2Affected Areas

1.3Social Economic Background of Project Affected Areas

1.4Total investment and Capital source

1.5Measures to Avoid Affects

1.6Linkage Projects

2Project Impacts

2.1Projec Impact Survey

2.2Project Impact Scope

2.3Permanent State-Owned Land Occupation

2.4Temporary Land Occupation

2.5Affected Enterprises

2.6Affected Unlicensed Structure

2.7Affected Population

2.8Affected Infrastructure and Ground Attachments

3Analysis on Resettlement Impacts

3.1Impacts Analysis on Temporary Land Acquisition

3.2Impacts Analysis on Enterprises

4Legal and Policy Framework

4.1Laws and Policies Referred in Resettlement

4.2Resettlement Policies of the Project

4.2.1Resettlement Policy of Demolished Enterprise

4.2.2Compensation Policy for Affected Ground Attachments

5Compensation Standard

5.1Compensation Standard for State-owned Land

5.2Compensation for temporary land acquisition

5.3Compensation for house demolition

5.3.1Rural non-residential house

5.3.2Urban non-residential houses

5.4Compensation for the impacts on enterprises production and operation

5.5Compensation standard for infrastructures

5.6Other compensation standard

6Resettlement Scheme

6.1Resettlement Objectives

6.2Resettlement Principles

6.2.1Principle of Reducing Resettlers as much as possible

6.2.2Principle of Equally Compensating

6.2.3Principle of Focusing on Emphasis

6.3Restoration of Temporrily-Occupied Land

6.4Resettlement for non-residential houses demolition

6.4.1Demolished enterprises

6.5Affected Infrastructure and Ground Attachment

7Public Participation

7.1Public Participation and strategy

7.2Public Participation Process and Policy Disclosure

8Greivance and Complaint Procedure


9.1Resettlement Agency

9.2Organization Chart


9.3.1Shanghai Develope and Reform Committee, Shanghai Construction and Management Committee & Shanghai Water Affairs Bureau

9.3.2Shanghai Urban Drainage Co., Ltd

9.3.3Shanghai Urban Planning and Adminisitration Bureau & Shanghai Housing and Land Administration Bureau

9.3.4Demolition Management Office and water affair bureau of Districts

9.3.5Shanghai Municipal Designing Institution

9.3.6Resettlement Monitoring Agency

9.4Organization Ability and Staffing

9.5Measures for Strengthening Institutional Capacity

10Table of Implementation Schedule

10.1Principle of Progress Joint of Resettlement and Consturctio

10.2Timetable of Key Tasks in Resettlement Implementation

10.2.1Principles of Scheduling

10.2.2Overall Schedule of Resettlement

11Expense and Budget


11.2Annual Capital Utilizing Plan

11.3Resettlement Capital Resource

11.4Capital Flow and Allocation Plan

11.4.1Capital Flow

11.4.2Allocation and Management

12Monitoring and Evaluation

12.1Internal Monitoring

12.1.1Implementation Procudures

12.1.2Monitoring Content

12.1.3Internal Monitoring Report

12.2External Monitoring and Evaluation

12.2.1Independent Monitoring Institute

12.2.2Monitoring Procedure and Contents

12.3Monitoring Indicator

12.4Post Evaluation

13Entitlement Matrix

Appendix1. Project Sketch Map

Appendix2. External Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Appendix3. Resettlement Information Booklet


Table List

Table 11 Summary of Project Resettlement Impacts

Table 21 Villages affected by the project

Table 22 List of Temoprary Collective Occupation

Table 23 List of temporary state-owned land occupation

Table 24 List of Affected Enterprises

Table 25 List of Affected Population

Table 26 Affected Infrastructure and Groud Atteachments

Table 31 effect to each enterprise

Table 51 Compensation standard of rural non-residential houses

Table 52 Compensation standard of urban non-residential house

Table 53 Compensation standard for infrastructures

Table 54 Relevant cost and fee

Table 71 Public Participation Process of Affected Population

Table 72 Policy Disclosure Process

Table 91 staffing of the resettlement institutes involved in the project

Table 101 Schedule for land acquisition and house demolition

Table 111 Budget for resettlement compensation

Table 112 annual investment plan

Table 131 Entitlement Matrix

Chart List

Chart 81 Grievance and Complaint Procedure

Chart 111 Capital flow


1Project introduction

1.1Brief Introduction

According to latest investigation data, sewage quantity increased faster in Bailonggang area, Shanghai in recent years. The inflow dischargeof Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant would be 1900 thousand m3/d until 2008. The situation above proves that the collecting sewage quantity of Bailonggang has exceeded the designed trunk scale which is 1721 thousand m3/d. (Feasibility Study Report, 2008).

To develop economy, environmental protection should be top-priority. With a new round development and opening of Shanghai, and rapid development of urban construction, the increasing sewage quantity of Pudong New Developed District, Minhang, Nanhui and other area is in a dire need of an outlet, so it has no time to delay to improve the discharge ability of sewage trunk line in Bailonggang area. In order to provide necessary environment capacity and self-contained infrastructure for local economy development, then improve the regional water environment quality, and accelerate the harmony development of economy and environment, Southern Transportation Trunk Project (STTP) has been the urgent affair of optimizing and improving sewage treatment system in Bailonggang area.

The service region of STTP belongs to Bailonggang area, of which, the north is in the southern side of Zuyuan, the west is in the Minhang boundary, the south is in the Minhang boundary and Nanhui airport express way, the east is in the Changjiang River. The area of service region is 1255km2, and the population is 7120 thousands. STTP includes Western Section Project of Southern Trunk and Southern Trunk Transportation Perfecting Project (STTPP). Presently the western section project has been completed and connected with middle trunk to the Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant. Because the actual sewage quantity has disparity with the planning, the eastern section project of southern trunk is suspended.STTPP in Bailonggang area) includes eastern section project and Puxi River-Crossing Pipe and the connection pipe. The purpose of STTPP is to perfect the southern transportation trunk. The project will start from June, 2009, and end in 2012.

STTPP could be divided into 2 parts: Puxi Section Project, including Puxi River-Crossing Pipe, the connecting pipe, and the pumping station; Pudong Section Project, including East Section of Southern Transportation Trunk and Pudong collecting branches. Shanghai Urban Drainage Corporation, as the project owner, plans to apply World Bank loan to Puxi Section Project, and compile Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). As to Pudong Section project, construction would be done with domestic capital, however, the project scope has not been confirmed, and soResettlement Policy Framework (RPF) is compiled.

1.2Beneficial and Affected Areas of Project

1.2.1Beneficial Areas

Beneficial areas of Puxi river-crossing pipe, connecting pipe, and river-crossing pump station include:


Shanghai is making effort to be a national sanitary city, the main standard of which is a good environment protection, including solid waste treatment, sewage treatment, air pollution control and noise control. STTP will create favorable conditions to improve the rate of piped sewage after its construction, so that it could reduce quantityof sewage discharged into InlandRiver;achieve the goal of improving InlandRiver’s water quality. STTP has a significant meaning for upgrading the whole sanitary environment of Shanghai, and provides good conditions for creating national sanitary city.

Puxi Central Urban Area

Because the discharged sewage from the sixth anabranch and Wumin has exceeded the designed scale, sewage from Puxi has no way to cross HuangpujiangRiver, and only could be discharged into Huangpujiang which is polluted gravely. STTPP would solve the sewage discharged into Huangpujiang in the rain season in this area completely, and have a very important meaning for improving the water quality in Huangpujiang.

1.2.2Affected Areas

The impacts of land acquisition and house demolition in Puxi Section Project involve 3 districts of Shanghai: Minhang, Xuhui and Pudong New Area.

Table 11 Summary of Project Resettlement Impacts

District / Minhang / Xuhui / Pudong / Subtotal / Remark
Township/Street / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3
Village / 1 / 1 / 2
Permanent State-owned Land Acquisition (Mu) / 11 / 11
TemporaryLand Acquisition / State-owned Land(m²) / 625 / 1625 / 4300 / 6550(about 9.8 Mu) / Including virescence belt & national roads
Collective Land(m²) / / / 1125 / 800 / 1925(about 2.9 Mu) / Non-agricultural land but for construction
Of which:Farmland
Affected Enterprises / House Demolition(m2) / 175 / 2110 / 2285
Auxiliary Construction(m2) / 3345 / 3345
Affected Enterprises / 1 / 4 / 5
Affected Population / 3 / 18 / 21
Total Affected Population / 3 / 18 / / / 21

1.3Social Economic Background of Project Affected Areas


Minhang District, located in the southwestern part of Shanghai, is shaped like a key. Situated in 31.05’N and 121.25’E, the district is bordered on the eastern side of Xuhui District, Pudong New Area and Nanhui District. It meets Songjiang and Qingpu Districts in west and Changning and Jiading Districts in east.

Hongqiao international Airport is within the district’s borderline. The WusongRiver and HuangpuRiver also run through the district. Minhang is an important traffic transit hub, a big industrial base in the city’s southwest and an emerging center of scientific technology and aerospace industry.

Minhang’s area accounts for 5.86 percent of Shanghai and its permanent population is about 10 percent of Shanghai .Its gross regional product accounts for 8.2 percent, ranked the third in the city. Minghang is an important base of equipment and manufacturing industry and a center of information technology. Its secondary and tertiary industries are developing quickly in the recent years. The district’s main economic index is always among the tops in Shanghai, No.2 in its fiscal revenues, No.3 in the value-added of Industry, No.4 in the total social retail sales of consumer goods, No.2 in investment absorption and No.1 in sales of newly-built real estate.

Minhang District administers nine towns, one city-rated industrial park and three sub districts with a total of 163 villagers’ committees and 311 residents’ committees.

By the end of last year, the district’s population is 885.8 thousand, 15.2% more than the previous year. About 778 thousand are city dwellers, 6.5% more than the previous year.

In 2007, the added value of the whole district was 97.6 billion Yuan, 15.2% increased by the previous year; financial grossincome was 27.22 billion Yuan, 19.6% increased by, including district financial income of 8.57 billion Yuan, 25.4% increased; total industrial value of 333.5 billion Yuan, 10.1% increased; and total retail sale of consumer goods 27.4 billion Yuan, 16% increased by the previous year.


Xuhui is one of the central urban zones of Shanghai, with an area of 54.8km²and a resident population of 1.06million. 12 colleges including JiaoTongUniversity, Medical College of Fudan University and 117 scientific research institutions including Shanghai Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences are located here.

Commercial development has shown a good trend. Residents’ consumption ability is obviously improved; consumption on cars, communication products and goods related to housing is further enlarged. Commodity structure is adjusted in business circle of Xujiahui Area and attention is paid to the economic benefits. Total retail sale of consumer goods is total to be 6.075 billion Yuan finished byShopping malls such as Ganghui, Dongfang, Liubai, Huijin, the Pacific, and Huilian and computer markets such as the Pacific and Bainaohui. Commerce develops fast.

District economy keeps a fast development and economic structure is further optimized. The annual gross production value of the district is 65.059 billion Yuan, 12.5% increased in terms of comparable price and increase amplitude 3.3 percentage points more than the previous year (see chart 1).Effective progress is made in the adjustment of district economical structure. Added value of the secondary industry is 15.886 billion Yuan, 5.6% increased; added value of the tertiary industry is 49.173 billion Yuan, 14.9% increased. The increase amplitude of added value of the tertiary industry is 9.3 percentage points more than the secondary industry and 2.4 percentage points more than the district economy. Structure proportion of the secondary industry to the tertiary industry is 24.4:75.6. Production value of the tertiary industry is increased by 1.3% to the previous year.


Pudong New Area lies in the east of Shanghai andYangtze River delta, with Changjiang estuary to the east, Nanhui and Minghang on the south, and HuangpuRiver on the west and north opposite to Xuhui, Luwan, Huangpu, Hongkou, Yangpu and Baoshan.

Urban comprehensive function of Pudong New Area is quickly improved in the last 10 more years of Reform and Opening.4 national development zones are taken as the main carrier and promote the function development.

National economy grows sustain ably and rapidly, with production value increased from 6 billion Yuan in 1990 to 210 billion Yuan in 2005 and doubling that for 2000. The average annual growth rate of district total production value is higher than 15%. New industry system, with advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industryas the leading factor, gets further improved with its gross industrial output value beyond 420 billion Yuan (1/4 of gross industrial value of Shanghai). Among it, the added value of the tertiary industry accounts for 49% or so of the output value. In 2005, total retail sale of consumer goodsbroke through 40 billion Yuan, and the total volume of foreign export and import amounted to 90 billion dollars, including export trade volume of 37.2 billion dollars.