Thursday, November 14, 2013
Kankakee Country Club, 6:00 p.m.
Administrative Council Members Present:
Beecher –Tami Roskamp & Deb Von Alven
Bradley – Candace Limperis
Central –Tonya Evans & Paul Swanson
Grant Park – Mardale Ekhoff
Herscher –David Ruder
Kankakee – Jeanette Kreuz
Momence – Gary Miller & Sandra Illum
Manteno – Not Present
Peotone – Steve Stein
St. Anne –Rick Levek & Kurt Moranz
Director – Don Fay
Assistant Director – Bosa Goodale
Special Populations Coordinator – Matthew Kelley
Bookkeeper – Daniel Gesell
Recording Secretary – Alice Argyelan
Rick Blanchette, Janice Krizik-Schmidt, Kaye Lemenager, Garfield Heid
Mr. Ekhoffwelcomed everyone to the meeting and requested roll-call. Meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. Everyone present gave a brief self-introduction. First-time attendee, Dr. Candice Limperis and guests were welcomed.
A motion was made byMr. Ruder, seconded by Ms. Von Alven at 6:06 p.m. to approve the minutes of the Augustmeeting. Minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.
- KARVES and KACC Audit Report: Mr. Rick Blanchette, C.P.A. with Russell Leigh & Associates, presented the annual KARVES and KACC Audits. Mr. Blanchette reviewed expenditures and revenues, comparison of actual vs. budget amounts for each entity. Mr. Blanchette highlighted several areas and noted any deviation from budgetary amounts. In essence, with rare occasion, fund balances were more than the amount budgeted favoring both KARVES and KACC. A motion was made by Mr. Ruder, seconded by Mr. Moranz to accept the KARVES and KACC Annual audits as presented. Motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote. Mr. Ekhoff complimented Mr. Fay on being able to maintain such favorable fund balances and staying under budget on the expense side of the ledger. Mr. Ekhoff stated it is really wonderful to have the ability to stay within and under budget during these uncertain times. Mr. Fay thanked Mr. Ekhoff and stated three years ago, it was quite a different story, with KACC/KARVES not knowing if they would be receiving anticipated revenue.
- SkillsUSA: Ms. Krizik and Mr. Heid provided an overview of the recent leadership conference they attended. Ms. Krizik informed everyone KACC has 3 State Officers, demonstrating the exceptional presence of KACC at the State Level, naming each student, their high school and KACC course of study. Mr. Heid spoke about the new contests being implemented at SkillsUSA, training of Skills Advisors like himself and Ms. Krizik, and training and development of the students who attended. Both Ms. Krizik and Mr. Heid took the opportunity to remind everyone of the National SkillsUSA competitors from summer 2013, with Criminal Scene Investigators taking 2nd place and Fire-Rescue taking 5th place in the Nation.
- Type 2 Assessment Project: Ms. Krizik, Mr. Heid and Ms. Kaye Lemenager provided information concerning this new project undertaken not only at KACC, but State-wide in order to create assessments meeting new PERRA guidelines. Each instructor from KACC spoke of his/her experience on their respective teams. Ms. Lemenager provided a PowerPoint Presentation (attached) outlining more of the history and scope of the project with Teach Sharp. All three instructors were extremely positive about their experience and agreed this will be of great benefit to both instructors and students. The goal is to have the initial test banks up and available for their programs by March. Mr. Ekhoff spoke on behalf of those present complementing the instructors for their enthusiasm and hard work on this program and applauded them for taking the extra time and making the extra effort to create a worthwhile assessment program.
- PRINCIPAL/ASSISTANT DIRECTOR UPDATE: Ms. Goodale expressed her thanks to the instructors present for their willingness to be a leader in the state and working so diligently on the assessment project. Ms. Goodale also reported on the following:
- Professional Development: Ms. Goodale spoke of recent professional development opportunities presented to KACC faculty, including Flipping the Classroom (thank-you BBCHS for sharing your instructors). Ms. Goodale stated the Charlotte Danielson modules will be wrapped up this year so next year work can begin on the goal setting implementation of this program.
- School Visits: Ms. Goodale has traveled to each of the KARVES’ member schools to visit with principals and others, stating this was a great experience for her.
- Attendance: Student attendance at KACC continues to average 97%. This number is very positive and reflects the fact…Students really enjoy coming to KACC and their curriculum.
- Faculty Performance Reviews: Ms. Goodale will finish first semester observations this month.
- Upcoming Meetings:
- KACC Principal’s Meeting will be November 21st.
- Area Career Center Principal’s Meetings: Attending monthly.
- Counselor’s Day will be held on December 3rd. Ms. Goodale spoke of the purpose of this meeting and its benefits to school counselors. Ms. Goodale expressed her appreciation to the schools for supporting counselor attendance at this annual meeting.
Mr. Kelley once again thanked everyone for coming and highlighted the following were:
- Students identified as requiring Learning Center tutoring service will be undergoing the ACT WorkKeys post-tests the first week of December. Mr. Kelley will share information on the amount of academic growth gained at the next KARVES meeting.
- Sophomore Day: This annual event took place on October 29th. There were 585 students from 16 schools who attended. Reports provided to the members included a breakdown of demonstrations attended, school reservations versus actual attendance and a report on Chaperone/Counselor Surveys gathered the day of the event. Mr. Kelley informed everyone we are continually looking for ways to improve and will continue to survey counselors and chaperones for this and other events.
- 8th Grade Career Awareness Days: Will be held at the Hilton River Stone Convention Center in Kankakee on April 8 and 9, 2014. All area 8th graders will be invited to attend. Typically, attendance runs between 1,000 and 1,400 students over the two day period. Invitations to volunteer speakers and area schools have been sent.
- Career Coaches: Both Mr. Degenhart and Smith have returned to KACC this year and have begun working with students on developing a professional resume and portfolio. Mr. Kelley spoke about the initial leeriness of some students and how, after working on their portfolio, they tend to understand the many benefits. Mr. Kelley took this time to share a story or two about students who come to KACC and learn they have no interest in working in the field they are studying. Mr. Kelley expressed his belief on this being an important benefit of KACC as it is better to find out earlier than later if one is not cut out for a certain career area. Mr. Kelley shared the fact he always encourages students to complete their curriculum to demonstrate their aptitude to learn something new and finish what they start.
- KARVES Advisory Committee: This program has been tweaked this year to initiate smaller committees which are program-focused. Mr. Kelley reported on his work with Mr. Heid and Health and Fire professionals from the community in order to implement an Emergency Medical Responder (sometimes referred to as EMR or First Responder) program in our KACC curriculum by February or March of this year. Mr. Kelley complimented Mr. Heid on his work on this project and his willingness to go this past summer for training and certification to teach this additional curriculum. Mr. Kelley was happy to announce both local hospitals are agreeable to support the system and have their EMT Medical Directors officially oversee the program so we may apply for a site code with the Illinois Department of Public Health. Mr. Kelley stated the input and assistance from the hospitals, KCC and areas fire district personnel has been extremely valuable and is a good example of how an advisory committee can help improve our curriculum.
Mr. Ekhoff encouraged everyone present to make time to go and tour the Kankakee Area Career Center to see first-hand the learning which takes place at the school. Mr. Ekhoff spoke of his first tour and how enlightening it was for him several years ago. Mr. Kelley, Mr. Fay and Ms. Goodale will certainly welcome everyone who wants a tour.
Mr. Fay opened this portion of the meeting expressing his gratitude for everyone’s attendance this evening.
a.Maintenance Grant: Mr. Fay presented information concerning this grant, which will be utilized for life safety projects, repair/reconstruction of 43-year old restrooms, and complete some parking lot repairs. A motion was made by Mr. Moranz, seconded by Mr. Ruder at 7:05 p.m. to approve Mr. Fay to complete and submit a Maintenance Grant Application in the amount of $50,000. Motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.
b.Strategic Planning: Mr. Fay reviewed a draft of the Strategic Plan and highlighted the plans/goals/activities he wants to undertake in four main areas: Finance, Physical Plant, Curriculum and Human Resources. Everyone on the Committee received a copy of the Strategic Plan with their Agenda Packet. Mr. Fay stated the document presented will be updated to include the potential use of the 9.5 acres of land we have surrounding the Career Center – potentially a good space to create Culinary Arts program. Mr. Fay highlighted some building and technology areas, such as replacement of the phone and bell systems, Career Center signage, technology enhancements needed, etc.
There being no further business, a motion was made byMs. Von Alven, seconded by Mr. Moranz at 7:15 p.m. to adjourn the meeting of the KARVES Administrative Board of Control. Motion carried by unanimous voice-vote.
Deb VonAlven, Secretary