Present: Councillor: Mrs L Durno – Vice Chairman
Mrs J Atack Mr I Balmforth, Mrs J Charge, Mr W Isaac, Mr R Sealy, Mr R Squires
In Attendance: Mrs C Sutton (Clerk) and 3 members of the public
Public Question Time
The Council was asked whether any action had been taken by the Council on Bird’s Marsh Wood. It was noted that the Council had not been consulted on this, as it did not fall within the Parish. Parishioners requiring further information were advised to visit the Wiltshire Council offices at Monkton Park.
The Council was asked whether it had any information about the agricultural land near the old Milk Marketing Board cottages, and whether they were had been sold. It was confirmed that the land and buildings were believed to be still for sale.
It was reported that a new community police officer had introduced himself at a village hall event. Councillors were not aware of a change in staffing for the local team, and the Clerk was asked to contact the Police. ACTION CLERK.
10/016 / ApologiesApologies had been received from Cllr Hall and Cllr Marlow.
10/017 / Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
10/018 /
Minutes of Last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 14th January 2009 were received and, with minor amendment, approved as a correct record before being signed by the Chair.10/019 /
Report on Actions from last meeting
(i) Parish Information Booklet. It was reported that the comments had been collated and passed to the printers, and that the final booklet should be available at the next meeting.(ii) Adoption of red phone box. It was reported that the consultation had been responded to, to the effect that the Parish Council did not wish to adopt the box.
(iii) Potholes. It was reported that these had been reported to Wiltshire Council, and noted that Stanton Lane was being completely resurfaced.
10/020 / Policing
(i) Neighbourhood Watch. Cllr Balmforth confirmed that he had written to 18 people to ask if they would volunteer, and had received 11 replies, 10 from people who were willing to set up a scheme in their part of the village. The areas currently covered were ; The Close, Hillside House area, The Ham, Area around no 75, Kington Manor, Stubbs Lane, The Orchard, The Skillins, The Ridings and Kyneton Way
Cllr Balmforth was very pleased with the response, and now needed individuals to formally sign up to the scheme. Areas still to be covered included Easton Piercy (Cllr Durno to contact Mrs Seaward personally – ACTION CLLR DURNO), Stanton Lane (someone was considering whether to volunteer) and Grove Lane (Cllr Atack had not received the letter, Cllr Balmforth to resend. ACTION CLLR BALMFORTH).
An update on signage was provided. The cost of signs had increased, and it was agreed to put the number and location of the signs on the next agenda. ACTION CLERK. Cllr Squires was asked to find out whether the signs could be put up on the existing telegraph poles. ACTION CLLR SQUIRES.
(ii) Policing Update. An email from PCSO Norman Webster was read out. It covered domestic burglaries, in particular one in KSM which was under investigation.
10/021 / Planning Matters – As received
(i) WC Decisions received
a. N/09/02140/CLE – Certificate of lawful use at The Byre, Brook Paddocks, Honey Knob Hill, KSM. Certificate of lawful use GRANTED 5 February 2010.
b. N/09/02186/FUL – Agricultural Building at Kington Farm, Draycott Lane, KSM. Permission GRANTED 8 February 2010.
(ii) Planning Applications received
a. No planning applications had been received since the last meeting.
(iii) Enforcement Issues
a. Temporary Stables at Honey Knob Hill – A response had been received from Wiltshire Council that if the structure was temporary, no permission was required. It was noted that there is no statutory definition of temporary, but that standard practice suggests that to be temporary a structure should be moved completely off its foot print at least 4 times each year. It was suggested that the structure should have been moved by the end of April 2010, and agreed that the situation be monitored again at that time. ACTION CLERK.
b. Gates at 27 Kington St Michael – It was noted that the owners had suggested to the enforcement officer at Wiltshire Council that they should move the gates back so that they were at least 2m from the highway. If this were done, there would be no requirement for planning permission.
c. Yatton Keynell Golf Course appeal – It had been confirmed by Wiltshire Council that all comments from the original application had been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate.
10/022 / Highway Matters
(i) Update from Transport Project Group
A report following the February meeting of the group was circulated and is attached to the minutes. The group had agreed to focus on two main issues.
Firstly, it was a priority to reduce speeding through the village, through the use of either chicanes or a 20mph speed limit. The reduction in speed limit would require the minimum capital investment, and should take the form of a speed limit, rather then a speed zone (which would also include chicanes etc.) It was agreed that the working group should pursue this option. The Clerk was asked to obtain the official speed data figures from the two recent surveys. ACTION CLERK.
The second priority was to build the footpath at Tor Hill, which would be expensive. The cost would be reduced as the land required was already owned by Wiltshire Council. The Clerk was asked to contact Wiltshire Council to find out exactly what land is owned by them which could be used for the path. ACTION CLERK.
Cllr Squires and Cllr Sealy both declared a personal interest at this point of the meeting.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved that the Parish Council should pursue the provision of a footpath at Tor Hill. Cllr Charge agreed to move this matter forward.
There were also some minor issues which would be dealt with ;
HGV access to and from the M4 – Cllr Squires to draft a letter to be sent by the Clerk. ACTION CLERK /CLLR SQUIRES
White-lining – Cllr Squires to draft a letter to Kristian Price to be sent by the Clerk asking for these to be reinstated near the village hall and the school crossing. ACTION CLERK /CLLR SQUIRES
Bollards at the South end of the chicane – the Clerk to find out the cost of installing three bollards to prevent people from driving over the chicane. ACTION CLERK.
Relocation of 30mph signs – Cllr Squires to draft a letter to Kristian Price. ACTION CLERK /CLLR SQUIRES
Parking – Cllr Squires to approach Westlea Housing Association to ask them to designate some of their land for parking, and to contact the village hall committee about ideas for parking at that end of the village. ACTION CLLR SQUIRES.
The working group were thanked for attending the meeting, and it was noted that a further meeting and walkthrough were planned.
(ii) Grit Bins
It was noted that a survey had been received about grit bins, and this had been sent back to Wiltshire Council. It was noted that there was a new policy for locating grit bins.
10/023 /
Recreation Field
(i) Additional Bench – Report on Progress.There was a bench available which needed to be refurbished and put on sleepers. It was agreed that this should be done before the summer, and that Mrs Pratley should advise on the location of the bench. ACTION CLLR ATACK / CLLR ISAAC.
(ii) Steps leading to the stone bridge.
An email had been received from Stephen Leonard stating that he had no intention of resurfacing the path leading to the bridge at the present time. The Clerk was asked to respond, noting that there had been contact from concerned residents, and reminding him that as it is the responsibility of Wiltshire Council to maintain the surface of public footpaths, and liability for any accidents would lie with them. ACTION CLERK.
(iii) Update on Kick wall fencing
Cllr Sealy had tried to source a cheaper option, but this was not available. He agreed to go back to Mr Allen and try to source a cost effective solution. ACTION CLLR SEALY.
(iv) Litter Bins
This was in progress, and a contract should be in place by 1st April.
10/024 /
Village Maintenance
(i) Parish StewardsIt was reported that the Stewards had been in the village, and had been working on clearing the grips and gullies. They were due in the village again during March.
(ii) Updating of Fingerpost
It was reported that the fixing piece had been received, and that Cllrs Squires and Sealy had spent a long time fixing it in place – this had not been straightforward. Cllrs Squires and Sealy were thanked for their hard work. It was agreed that the old fingers should be retained by Cllr Sealy, and donated to the next village promises auction.
(iii) Lighting at Stubbs Lane
An email from Mr Wheatley was read out, suggesting that his contribution could be used to purchase a single light. It was agreed that the Clerk should progress this with Wiltshire Council. ACTION CLERK.
(iv) Dog Mess
An email from a concerned parishioner was read out. The Clerk has contacted the dog warden who had agreed to visit the village, and put up notices where appropriate. A notice had also been put on the web site asking people to clear up after their animals, and the dog warden had agreed to send out some further literature. It was questioned whether the Parish Council had the power to levy fines on offenders, however Wiltshire Council appeared to have this power already.
10/025 /
The Clerk requested funding for a CiLCA course run by WALC. It was agreed that the Clerk should book the course. ACTION CLERK.10/026 /
Area Board Funding
The dates of the area board meetings were read out, and it was noted that any funding requests would need to be submitted 6 weeks before the meeting. It was agreed that funding requests from the village should be co-ordinated, as it was likely requests would be coming from the village shop, the recreation field working group, and the village hall as well as the parish council. It was agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting, and Councillors were asked to bring their ideas. ACTION ALL / CLERK10/027 /
Requests for Assistance – Non financial
(i) NSPCCA request had been received to assist in raising awareness of the NSPCC helpline. It was agreed that this was a very worthwhile cause, and the Clerk was asked to get further details and notify them of the Parish Council’s support. ACTION CLERK.
(ii) Wiltshire Air Ambulance
The Wiltshire Air Ambulance charity had asked the Parish Council to consider siting a clothing recycling bin in the village. It was agreed that there was no space on Parish Council owned land, but that the charity should be directed to contact the school who may have some space. ACTION CLERK.
10/028 /
Financial Matters
(i) Report for January and February 2010The report was approved, and the cheques detailed were approved. The projected position at the year end was reviewed, it looked likely that there would be a surplus of £1,179.
(ii) Applications for grant funding
North Wiltshire Citizens Advice Bureau – The accounts were circulated and considered. It was agreed that they provide a useful and worthwhile service particularly in current financial climate. It was proposed seconded and unanimously resolved that a grant of £100 be made under s.137 LGA. The Clerk was asked to request notices to put up on the notice boards to make people aware of the service. ACTION CLERK.
KSM Village Shop Limited – The accounts were circulated and reviewed. It was noted that the postal service ran at a loss and a subsidy would be needed if it were to continue. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that a grant for £325, 50% of the required subsidy be made under s.137 LGA. It was noted that further grants may need to be made if other sources do not contribute.
Victim Support – Cllr Charge declared a personal interest. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that a grant of £50 be made under s.137 LGA.
10/029 /
Exchange of information / reports from members
Cllr Atack reported on the recreation field working group. The most recent minutes had been circulated, and it was noted that the following would need to be on the next agenda for decisions ;· Shading
· National Trust Matting – to allow parking on the grass
· Bonfire Night
· Camp out
· Castle Combe Colts training
Cllr Atack reported on the playbuilder funding which had been received. £15,000 had been provided, and it needed to be spent on children aged 8 – 13, not a play area and not sports equipment. The children needed to decide what they wanted, and the working group were facilitating this.
It was noted that there was a recruitment drive for the working group, as many had been on the group for a while and felt it was time to move on. Cllr Atack agreed to provide a notice for the web-site. The group was thanked for all their hard work.
Cllr Balmforth asked whether Councillors wished him to attend the Area Board meeting on 1st March. It was agreed that since there would be a presentation by Judy Entincknap of the planning department he would attend if he was able to. It was noted that other Parish Councils had started to submit reports to the Area Board, and agreed that Kington St Michael should follow suit. It was suggested that the play builder funding, and the proposals for Tor Hill be added to the first report. ACTION CLERK.
10/030 /