Portobello South Community Development Association


Re: Meeting of June 17, 2014

Location: Francois Dupuis Recreation Centre - Provence Room

2263 Portobello Blvd, Orléans

Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

In attendance: Regrets:

Pamela Moss Etienne Nzolang Valérie Assoi Graham Hogg

Patricia Joyce André Arsenault Isabelle Roy

Rachelle Lecours Danick LaFrance

Guest: City Councillor Steven Blais

1.  Welcome

The President welcomed everyone.

2.  Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

3.  City of Ottawa Update

Councillor Blais mentioned the new development initiatives and subdivision proposals including the East Urban Community Centre between Mer Bleu and Pagé Road, Minto subdivision application (land south of Avalon) and a site plan application on Innes across from the Superstore amongst others.

Action Item: Patricia is to sign up to receive emails from the City on behalf of the PSCDA.

Councillor Blais mentioned that the feedback for the splash pad at Millennium Park was good.

Questioned over the expansion of the Francois Dupuis Recreation Centre (FDRC), Councillor Blais mentioned that the planning group would be ready to present three plans in the Fall. It was suggested that the plans be presented at the Annual General Meeting to be held on or around November 20, 2014. Members questioned the need to get feedback from the area community associations and the general public. It was suggested to setup a table in the lobby of the Francois Dupuis Recreation Centre to gather comments regarding the best use of the 2,000 square feet of unaccounted space.

Action Item: Councillor Blais to check with the planning department to see if they can present at the AGM in November and advise the President of the PSCDA accordingly.

Action Item: Councillor Blais is to send a copy of the rough draft and the designated areas unaccounted for, along with guidelines as to what is possible and what is not, to the President

as soon as possible.

Action Item: Councillor Blais is to send Patricia photos of the Kanata Recreation Centre such as the rock climbing wall, etc.

As a result of a meeting with Mrs. Primeau at the FDRC, the unaccounted space was discussed to see what could be feasible such as multi-purpose room, programming, canteen, equipment, full kitchen with possibility of offering cooking classes or renting out for parties, outdoor patio, etc.

Action Item: Patricia is to contact other community associations in the area to get their feedback once the information requested is received from Mr. Blais`s office.

Action Item: Patricia will conduct a survey with the people using the FDRC facilities. The findings will be forwarded to the planning committee for consideration when developing the final three plans.

4.  Reading of action items of last meeting

All action items resulting from the April meeting were completed or are being actioned.

Action Item: Pamela is the request information from Isabelle on the need for Director’s insurance.

5.  The Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported a balance of approximately $2,950.

6.  Planning for September 6th BBQ

a.  Update – Division of Tasks

The President distributed the list of tasks to be carried out. Pamela moved to spend $870. plus tax on inflatables as per Isabelle’s suggestion. Rachelle seconded the motion. All in favour. Motion carried.

Action Item: Rachelle and Valérie to look into the cost of making or buying vests for the members and volunteers instead of getting Tshirts.

Action Item: Rachelle to send Patricia and Houman the contact name for Mango Decals.

b.  Publicity/ Partnership campaign

Patricia distributed the Publicity Kit to all members. Additional copies are available by contacting the Secretary.

Action Item: All members are to try to solicit the support of one or two companies to help with the publicity campaign ie, Mortgage Broker, Financial Advisor, Veterinarian, Dentist etc.

Action Item: Danick will contact Kiwi Kraze and Barley Mow.

c.  The proposal from Anchor Climate Care to bring their photo booth instead of paying for a table was accepted.

Action Item: Patricia will contact Anchor Climate Care and make arrangements for the photo booth as proposed for the BBQ.

d.  Taekwondo participation

Action Item: Rachelle to contact Orléans Taekwondo and send an invoice for their participation at the BBQ.

7.  Updates on ongoing/new activities

a)  Habitat for Humanity

Mrs Lecours mentioned that the build on four homes (two semi-detached) has started and possession is scheduled for October and November 2014.

8.  Other business

a.  GOEDC meeting with Councillors

Briefing will be done at a later date.

b.  Team Ottawa Orleans Start-up Meeting

Briefing will be done at a later date.

c.  May 14th Zoning Project Overview& June information sessions

Patricia spoke about the next phase which is to match the zoning to the Master Plan. A meeting is scheduled for June 19th from 4 to 8pm on Centrum.

d.  Response to email received regarding the fountain in the Avalon Pond.

Action Item: Patricia is to respond to the email received by the PSCDA regarding the fountain and the ducks in the Avalon Pond.

9.  Round Table

No new items.

10.  Next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 12, 2014 at the François Dupuis Recreation Centre followed by a meeting in Portobello Park on September 4th.

11.  Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.