November 15, 2011

6:30 p.m.

I.  Call to order

II.  Pledge of Allegiance

III.  Roll Call - William Ritchie _____

Craig Plaisted _____

Robert Cummins _____

Jim Lewis _____

Rich Stewart _____

IV.  Communication / Commendation

Parent Correspondence

V.  President’s Report -

VI.  Superintendent’s Report –

VII.  Principal’s Report –

VIII.  Business Executive Report –

IX.  Public Participation –

X.  Report –

A.  Consent Agenda:

Moved by ______, seconded by ______to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following Consent Agenda items 1 thru 4:

1. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 18, 2011 as submitted by District Clerk, Laurie Butts.

2. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period of October 1, 2011 through October 31, 2011 as presented.

3. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the warrant reports for the month of October for General, School Lunch, Special Aid, Capital and Payroll as presented.

4.  To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to

approve the 2011-2012 Tax Collectors Report as presented.

Aye: ______Nay: ______Abstained:______


Moved by ______, seconded by ______to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following personnel items 5 thru 14:

5. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Gayle Pavone and Jaymie Marble co-advisors for the class of 2012 effective September 15, 2011.

6. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following additional substitutes for the 2011-2012 school year:

Brock Bess – Non Certified

Nathanial Szucs – Non Certified

Lori Miller – Certified

Ashley Bissell – Non Certified

Janelle Robbins – Non Certified

7. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Amanda Blake as a part time teacher aide for four hours per day and salary will be per CSEA Contract.

8. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Joseph Mahar as district treasurer effective September 1, 2011.

9. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve an increase in the Tax Collector Stipend up to $2,000 a year effective July 1, 2011.

10. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint the following Sports Coaches and Workers for Basketball 2011-2012:

Molly Scholla – Varsity Girls Basketball

Amanda Blake – Non-Paid Assistant

Leah Scott – Saturday Basketball (gr 4-6)

John Brandes – Boys Junior High Basketball

Debra Kane – Girls Junior High Basketball

Shirley Levernier – Shot Clock

Mickey Cummings - Tickets/Chaperone

Robert Ellsworth - Scorekeeper

Jarrod Bell - Scorekeeper/Chaperone

Lois LaFleur - Tickets

11. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept with regret the resignation of Brenda Carpenter as Bus Monitor effective November 4, 2011.

12. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Brenda Carpenter as a 1:1 aide contingent on individual student need and salary will be per CSEA Contract.

13. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following Student Teachers:

Jenna Curran – Mrs. Welka – November 7, 2011 thru December 9, 2011

Kelly O’Connor – Mrs. Allen –

Brock Bess - Karen Layman - thru November 22, 2011

14. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept with regret the resignation of Elizabeth Weir as Bus Monitor effective December 31, 2011.

Aye: ______Nay: ______Abstained:______


Moved by ______, seconded by ______to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following:

15. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the recommendations of the CSE, CPSE and 504 meetings on the following:

September 13, 2011 September 20, 2011 September 23, 2011

020220051 002012017 002020037

020230047 002019043 002020035

020230049 020260002

020250038 002015068

020230048 001234662

September 30, 2011 October 4, 2011 October 6, 2011

020210036 002014027 002010021

002016008 002012054

002011018 002011007

002013023 002013006

October 7, 2011 October 12, 2011 October 17, 2011

002012056 020240011 020230042

020240003 002013011

October 26, 2011 October 27, 2011 October 28, 2011

002011018 002014059 002014048

October 31, 2011


Aye: ______Nay: ______Abstained:______


Moved by ______, seconded by ______to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following items 16 thru 20:

16. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Family Training Contract effective September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011 with the Cattaraugus Rehabilitation Center, Inc.

17. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Kelsey Robbins to be Home Schooled for the 2011-2012 school year.

18. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the removal of the excess and obsolete items from inventory as presented.

19. A motion is needed to approve (1) one vacation day for Maureen Donahue on December 9, 2011.

20. To act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to abolish the Account Clerk position effective December 1, 2011.

Aye: ______Nay: ______Abstained:______

21. Items of Information / Discussion

a. Enrollment

b. ACSBA Dinner December 1, 2011 @ Moonwinks


If Necessary:

Motion by ______, seconded by ______, that the Board of Education go into executive session at ______p.m. to discuss a particular person or corporation.

Aye: ______Nay: ______Abstained:______


Motion by, ______, seconded by ______to adjourn at ______p.m.

Aye: ______Nay: ______Abstained:______