Dear all,

This is to confirm that the DOE Copenhagen group will soon be arriving in Vietnam for our next visit. I will personally be in Vietnam from 4 May to 15 May, and other participants will be coming around these dates. Giang, please note Mikkel and Katleen will be coming from 23 April already but the rest is coming only from 4 May.

Below follow the various activities we would like to pursue, and I would appreciate your advice if there is anything which does not correspond with your understanding. I have tried to indicate appropriate names (in bold letters to make it easier) but please advise if there are any mis-interpretations. As usual I will coordinate closely with the Danish Embassy, CIEM (Hoai, Hong and Giang), ILSSA (Huong and colleagues) and IPSARD (Tuan, Que and Minh).

So, the TOR for our visit is:

1.  Follow up on project implementation of the BSPS, PRG and ASPS projects, and report to Danish Embassy (also dealing with various admin issues). I will contact the Embassy upon arrival to agree on meeting time and follow up on this, but Henrik and Cathrine if you wish this to be agreed already now please do not hesitate to let me know.

2.  Present the results of the BSPS provincial profiles, BSPS/ASPS SME survey and BSPS/ASPS household survey in the provinces. Field trips to Khanh Hoa (Katleen van den Broeck and Mikkel Barlsund will go there) and Nghe An (John Rand and Patricia Silva will go there). Khai and Su from CIEM are following up on these briefing trips.

3.  Present the ASPS/BSPS household survey in a seminar on Hanoi, preferably on 14 May. IPSARD (Minh, Tuan and Que) is following up on this. Katleen van den Broeck, Mikkel Barslund and I can present but also the four Vietnamese who went to Copenhagen should be encouraged to present. The draft report has been sent last week, and is also attached herewith.

4.  Planning of next SME survey round in 2007. John Rand and I will meet with ILSSA (we still need to agree on exact timing but need to work over the weekend) on 5 and 6 May and also follow up with CIEM, Dr Cuong and Su.

5.  PRG research project 1. Henning Tarp Jensen, Patricia Silva and I will follow up with CIEM (Hong and Hai) on the two environmental studies. And the data situation will also be followed up with all involved. In addition, Henning will discuss with Ha (CIEM) next steps, and also we will discuss the training in July with Thanh (CIEM).

6.  PRD research project 2. Phil Abbott, Henning Tarp Jensen and I will follow up with CIEM (Huong) on a variety of topics, including new prototype model /trade liberalization model, SAM, and cashew study. A seminar on the new model with Phil Abbott should be planned, preferably on 7, 8 or 9 May, and no later than 10 May in the morning. It could be a two hour seminar. The prototype model seminar is in the work plan and I will send a separate mail to Huong and Hoai about this also.

7.  Other meetings, ad hoc issues and work as required.

I hope the above is clear and can do for now, but please feel completely free to let me know in case of any comments and/or questions.

I look forward to being with you all again in Vietnam.

Warmest regards,
