APUSH – Chapter 14: Forging the National Economy 1790-1860

  1. The Westward Movement/Shaping the Western Movement/The March of the Millions
  1. In your own words, describe the hardships pioneers faced living along the western frontier.
  2. What was the population like in the U.S. by 1860? How many territories had become states?
  3. List three major American cities by 1860.
  4. List the two largestimmigrant groups to arrive in the United States between 1840-1850.
  5. Why did German and Irish Immigrants move to the United States during the 1800’s?
  1. The Emerald Isle Moves West/ The German Forty-Eighters /Flare-ups of Anti-foreignism (292-296)
  1. Why did Irish immigrants leave Ireland in the 1840’s? What kind of hardships did they face in the United States?
  2. How many German immigrants arrived in the U.S between 1830-1860? Where did they settle? What influence did German immigrants on American culture?
  3. What did “Nativists” believe?
  1. Creeping Mechanization/Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine/Marvels in Manufacturing
  1. Who is considered the “father of the factory system” in the U.S?
  2. What machine did Eli Whitney invent and what impact did it have on American society?
  3. Who invented the sewing machine and what impact did it have on American society?
  1. Workers and “Wage Slaves”
  1. What were conditions like for factory workers during the 1800’s?
  2. Discuss the plight of child workers during the 1800’s.
  1. Women and the Economy/ Highways and Steamboats/The Iron Horse
  1. What was life like for “factory girls”?
  2. Discuss the “ cult of domesticity” and expectations for women.
  3. What impact did Robert Fulton’s steamboat have on American society?
  4. What was the “most significant contribution to the development the economy”?
  5. Why were railroads more efficient than canals ?
  1. The Transport Web Binds the Union/ The Market Revolution
  1. “By the end of the eve of the Civil War, a truly continental economy had emerged” (316). What does this statement mean? Do you agree, or disagree?
  2. What impact did the “market revolution “ have on American society and economy?

Chapter 15: The Ferment of Reform & Culture, 1790-1860 (pages 320-337)

  1. Reviving Religion/Denominational Diversity/ A desert Zion in Utah
  1. What did Deists believe?
  2. What did Unitarians believe?
  3. How did the Second Great Awakening spread? Discuss a key feature of the Second Great Awakening.
  4. What did “Millerites” believe?
  5. Who founded the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)? Who took over as leader of the Mormon Church in 1844? Where did he take his church congregation?
  1. Free Schools for a Free People/Higher Goals for Higher Learning
  1. Who is considered the “Father” of Public Education? (hint : he reformed the public school system in the U.S.)
  2. Discuss the state of Higher education during the 1800’s
  1. An Age of Reform/ Demon Rum- the “Old Deluder”/Women in Revolt
  1. Identify: Dorothea Dix
  2. What was the purpose of the American Temperance Movement?
  3. What is your opinion regarding the social expectations of women during the 1800’s?