SPPA 2050

Speech Anatomy and Physiology


Unit 2: The Skeletal System

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the main skeletal components of the human body
  • Know meaning of the following general terms: joint, suture, foramen, meatus, process, tubercle, fossa, facet.
  • Be able to distinguish between the cranial and facial skeleton
  • Identify by name and location all bones of the cranial skeleton.
  • Identify by name and location all bones of the facial skeleton.
  • Identify which bones of the skull are paired or unpaired.
  • Identify the key sutures of the cranial skeleton.
  • Identify the main fontanelles in the fetal skull.
  • Identify the following landmarks on the frontal bone: glabella and supraorbital margin
  • Identify the following landmarks on the occipital bone: squamous portion, basioccipital portion, foramen magnum, occipital condyles, hypoglossal canal
  • Identify the following landmarks on the temporal bone: external and internal auditory meatus, styloid process, mastoid process, zygomatic process, mandibular fossa, carotid canal, stylomastoid foramen
  • Identify the following landmarks on the sphenoid bone: body, greater and lesser wings, sella turcica, medial pterygoid plate, hamulus, lateral pterygoid plate, superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum
  • Identify the following landmarks on the ethmoid bone: cribiform plate, crista galli, perpendicular plate
  • Identify the following landmarks on the maxillary bone: alveolar process, palatine process, infraorbital groove, incisive fossa
  • Identify the following landmarks on the zygomatic bone: frontal, temporal and maxillary processes
  • Identify the following landmarks on the mandible: condylar process including head and neck, alveolar process, mental protuberance, mental foramen, mandibular foramen, coronoid process, ramus, angle, body
  • Identify the following additional bony landmarks of the skull:jugular foramen, hard palate, zygomatic arch, temporomandibular joint,
  • Name the foramina through which cranial nerves V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII pass.
  • Identify the main types of vertebrae and the number of each type.
  • Identify the location of the atlas and axis.
  • Identify the following landmarks on a thoracic vertebra: vertebral foramen, spinous process, transverse process, corpus/body, pedicle, superior and inferior articular processes and facets, costal facets
  • Describe the three parts of the sternum.
  • Identify the following landmarks on the sternum: suprasternal/jugular notch, clavicular notches, sternal angle, costal notches, manubiosternal joint, xiphisternal joint
  • Know the number of true ribs, false ribs and floating ribs.
  • Identify the following bony landmarks on the ribs: tubercle, head, neck, shaft, angle, costal groove
  • Identify the bones that are part of the pelvic girdle.
  • Identify the key landmarks of the pelvic girdle including the iliac crest, the acetabulum, where the inguinal ligament is located.
  • Identify the bones that are part of the pectoral girdle.
  • Identify the key landmarks of the scapula (spine, acromion, coracoid process, glenoid cavity) and clavicle (sternal end, shaft, clavicular end).
  • Know by name and general location the key bones of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Be able to identify and label all structures of the skeletal system discussed in class, in the lab and in notes and other course materials in a variety of different views. There are many images in your atlas that are not contained in the course slides. Use those images for review and study.