East Midlands Councils low-cost CPD programme for PLANNERS 2014/15

The Baptist Church, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 0FA

Thursday 9thOctober 2014

Chair:Simon Bovey, Chairman of Northamptonshire Chief Planning Officers Group

09:30 / Registration and refreshments
09:55 – 10:00 / Welcome and Introduction –Simon Bovey
10:00 – 10:35 / Eye-opening Cases!–Anthony Crean QC, Kings Chambers
10:35 – 11:10 / Development Consent Orders–Justin Gartland, Chairman, Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners
11:10 – 11:30 / Questions to the speakers
11:30 – 11:50 / Refreshment Break
11:50 – 12:25
12:25 – 13:00 / Garden Cities of (Yesterday or) Tomorrow?
Paul Swinney, Senior Economist, Centre For Cities
David Rudlin, Urbanism, Environment and Design, winner of the 2014 Wolfson Economics Prize
13:00 – 13:20 / Questions to the speaker
13:20 – 14:00 / Lunch Break (lunch is provided)
14:00 – 14:35 / Case Study: Local Development Orders as a Proactive Planning Tool–David Dewart, Service Manager, Swindon Borough Council
14:35 – 15:10 / ‘Permission Impossible’: Lessons for PR? –James White, Managing Director, Media First
15:10 – 15:45 / Open-minded Government –Chris Shepley, Chris Shepley Associates
15:45 – 16:00 / Questions to the speakers
16:00 / Summary of the day and Close–Simon Bovey


Each seminar of the East Midlands Programme will recognise the completion of 5½ hours CPD. Certificates will be distributed at the end of the seminar.


In the interest of considering the environment, the presentations on the day will not be printed in hard copy, however, where permission has been granted, they will be downloadable after the seminar from:

FOR YOUR INFORMATION - THE 2014/15 Programme

2014/15 Seminar Topics / Date / Lead CPO Group
Neighbourhood Planning / 3rd April 2014 / Derbyshire
The Future of Town Centres / 5th June 2014 / Nottinghamshire
Appeals & Inquiries / 11th September 2014 / Lincolnshire
Open minded Planning / 9th October 2014 / Northamptonshire
Delivering Infrastructure & Community Infrastructure Levy / 25th November 2014** / Leicestershire
Manifesto for Planning / 26th February 2015 / East Midlands Councils

All the seminars will be held in the Baptist Church, Melton Mowbray, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 0FA

Melton Mowbray is accessible by train - National Rail Enquiry Line: 08457 48 49 50 Rail Information:

To help make the region greener, wherever possible, please ‘car share’ when travelling to the seminars.
