Criteria / How the granary meets the criteria
1 / access to public transport / A large part of the garment centre market is likely to be dependent on public transport. It is thus vital that the centre is located at the nexus of metropolitan wide transport facilities / It is within 5 minutes walking distance of the major metropolitan movement centre, comprising the railway station, bus and taxi ranks.
2 / Proximity to large scale parking facilities / School groups, most frequently in bus transport, may patronize the centre. A substantial parking area within easy walking distance of the centre is thus a prerequisite / It is immediately adjacent to the Parade which provides a substantial parking pool and convenient location for the parking of busses.
3 / Integration with the pedestrian network / The centre is likely to be used most intensively when located within easy, convenient and safe pedestrian access to major concentrations of office workers, shoppers and residents who can visit the centre on an 18 hour basis / It is immediately adjacent to a proposed pedestrian system which links existing pedestrian portions of Longmarket Street with the proposed Hanover Walk which forms part of the CAPUT campus. It is envisaged that a substantial portion of the future District 6 residential population as well as the CAPUT students will use this system as the main pedestrian link to the central city.
4 / Proximity to allied educational institutions / The centre is likely to be most successful when they are located adjacent to allied educational facilities and when they can supplement the range of experiences offered at basic teaching facilities / ?
5 / Proximity to metropolitan based cultural institutions / The centre aims to serve an educational function. It is ideally located within convenient walking distance of a range of cultural and tourist destinations / It is in close proximity to a wide range of cultural facilities which are regarded as major tourist destinations. The Castle is within 5 minutes walking distance as is the municipal library, both in its current location at the City Hall and its future location at the Drill Hall. The cultural HistoryMuseum, the South African Library and the Houses of Parliament are within 5 minutes walking distance. The National Gallery and the SouthAfricanMuseum are within 10 minutes walking distance from the site.
6 / Proximity to high density residential population / Proximity to residential areas allows increased hours of activity and community based educational activities. Such integration can also contribute to the range of activities necessary for inner city residential precincts and thus help revitalise moribund parts of the city / Some 20000 people are likely to be living in district 6 in the near future. They will all be living within easy walking distance of the proposed centre and will contribute to the extended use of the facility. There are also some 4500 hotel beds in the city bowl, most of which are within walking distance of the centre.
7 / Proximity to high density daytime office and retail worker population / The close proximity of a large pool of office workers and shoppers can contribute substantially to the variety and mix of people utilizing the centre / More than 100 000 people are employed in the central area. The city bowl is also a major metropolitan retail centre.