Appendix 2


Attendees questions:

  • I would like evidence of how this plan will reduce A & E admissions
  • What data has the Health andWellbeing Board been given?
  • I’m un-reassured by the timescale of all this happening. Its difficult to vote against the plans but there’s no evidence to help me make a decision. I want to know how you know that this plan will reduce traffic into A & E.
  • Aren’t you just going to pass this off as consultation with the public?
  • Will the NHS receive funding in line with inflation?
  • Recruitment and training remains a big issue. How are we going to get the right level of staff?
  • How many organisations created this STP?
  • I want a statement from the CCG about how the process and findings inform the Staffordshire report. Old one said person’s care is responsibility of NHS new one says persons care is THEIR responsibility. Who wrote this? Where did it come from? Who agreed it?
  • How can you sign procurement contracts on 23rd December when all this isn’t sorted out?
  • What is happening to the outcomes of these sessions? What’s the point of us? We should be your critical friends
  • How can you provide 7 day services when you are cutting funding?
  • If you close down Darlington A& E and North Tees – how will A&E in Durham cope? A&E admittances are rising by 4% how can that be reduced?
  • This is a suggestion to all the CCGs – Why don’t more of you turn around and say that this is not do-able???

Attendees comments:

  • We need more beds in A & E -120% occupied at presentNHS grosslyoversubscribed. The wheelchair service’s a joke, a neighbour just received wheelchair after losing a leg last December. NHS getting worse not better.
  • Doesn’t take into account the latest NI increase - £450 per adult and child – per person. Please just be honest with us it’s a financial model of carelessness. I’ve never seen a document with so many cloaks and mirrors
  • Concerned you are throwing more work the way of GPs and that’s why they are retiring or going somewhere
  • Increasingly concerned that this STP arrived fully formed. You ask what do you think of the decision? The decision has already been made. We have to have all this sewn up by Feb? That’s a short window.
  • The NHS is being privatised – I’m getting leaflets from private health companies using the NHS logo. Money goes out of the NHS to private companies.
  • Vanguards will tells us they are breaking even. We are hearing that you will make a 50% saving. I don’t see how that is possible when you will need to double the social side for people if services are moving out of hospital.
  • I get what you are trying to do. Self care, go to your pharmacy – the pharmacies are all closing down, VCS is crumbling. We are a very needy area – there’s just no funding
  • Biggest health issue is recruitment. Morale low on every level.& day NHS is terrible. & day NHS - Jeremy Hunt just wants it as a stick to beat the junior doctors with
  • The Q & A document gave no reference to DCC. Its an abridged version. It says that there are 6 LA affected – its actually 7. This needs amending. It’s a statutory requirement that this is amended before consultation. Only then will the Health and scrutiny committees see this. We will be looking at *finance*workforce modelling*impact on social care. These need to be thouroughly reported on .If they are not and we are not satisfied than we can refer this to the secretary of state.