A protocol for members representing CCPS on advisory groups, committees etc. set up by the Scottish Government, the SSSC and others


CCPS is increasingly being invited by the Scottish Government, regulatory bodies and others, to put forward representatives to sit on various working groups and advisory committees looking at specific policy issues or taking forward particular initiatives. In some cases CCPS itself actively seeks such representation, particularly where a group may have a strategic or policy-shaping agenda. Examples of current groups include:

·  The Self-directed Support Strategy Implementation Group

·  The Social Care Procurement Development Group

·  The National Social Work Services Forum

This short paper sets out a protocol relating to the selection of representatives to sit on such groups; and the procedures for reporting back to the membership.

Types of representation

CCPS is able to play a role in identifying suitable candidates to serve on groups and committees in one of the following two ways.

1. CCPS representatives

Where the work of the group or committee relates to CCPS’s own strategic priorities, CCPS will either (a) allocate staff time to serving on that group, or (b) identify a member organization to serve on that group who agrees to act solely as a CCPS representative (ie. not on behalf of their own organization). The CCPS protocol on consultation and reporting back, which is set out below, will apply in these circumstances.

2. Provider voices

Where the work of the group or committee does not relate to CCPS’s own strategic priorities, CCPS is nevertheless willing to assist groups and committees by using its networks to help identify an individual from a member organization to serve on the group: however they will do so as a provider voice, entirely on behalf of their own organization, and not as a representative of CCPS. In these circumstances, the protocol on consultation and reporting back, set out below, will not apply, and following identification of the individual, CCPS will be unable to play any further role in relation to the group or committee.

Selection of CCPS representatives

Once an invitation to serve on a group or committee is received by CCPS, we will first consider whether it is of strategic relevance to CCPS. If it is, then we will further consider whether it is appropriate to allocate staff time to serving on the group. If for some reason it is not appropriate, then the Information and Communications Officer will circulate the membership of CCPS with details of the invitation, asking interested persons to come forward. In some cases, the full membership will be informed, but where a relevant email group (eg. the email group on older people, or or learning disability) has already been established, only members of this group will be asked.

Where more than one person come forward following such an invitation, all those expressing an interest will be informed of the ‘shortlist’, and if they wish to pursue the matter, will be asked to make a ‘case’ for their appointment as the CCPS representative. CCPS staff will seek to negotiate agreement between the various parties as to who should go forward.

Where, in the view of the Director and in consultation with the Convener (or the full CCPS Board, depending on time constraints) it is clear that a particular individual or number of individuals are clearly suitable candidate representatives, then those individuals will be approached direct. In the interests of openness however, direct approaches will be the exception rather than the rule.

CCPS will keep a register of representation on strategic groups for periodic review by the Board.

Consultation and reporting back

Once confirmed as the CCPS representative on a group, the individual will undertake:

·  to provide written reports to the membership, via the Information and Communications Officer/members area of the CCPS website, within 2 weeks of each meeting

·  to seek the views of the membership, through the Information and Communications Officer/members area of the CCPS website/relevant email group, on any specific issues for consultation that require to be fed back to the group.

·  to provide the Information and Communications Officer with dates of meetings as far in advance as possible

The Information and Communications Officer will facilitate circulation of reports, consultation material and other relevant information around the membership; the representative need only correspond with the Information and Communications Officer. Relevant reports and papers will be posted on the members’ section of the CCPS website.

The Information and Communications Officer will undertake:

·  to contact representatives not less than 1 week before each meeting (where advance dates have been provided by representatives) to check if there are issues on which the representative would like feedback from interested members

·  to contact representatives not more than 2 weeks after each meeting to be updated on issues raised/future areas of work.

Selection of provider voices

If the work of the group or committee is not of strategic relevance to CCPS, but the group itself wishes to have a provider voice involved, then the selection procedure will be the same as above.

As noted above, once a suitable individual has been identified to serve on the group, the involvement of CCPS will cease, and there will be no further consultation or reporting requirements. CCPS will, however, advise members of the name and contact details of the person who has been put forward to serve on the group: provider voices should therefore anticipate that occasionally, other members may wish to make enquiries about the work of the group.


March 2011