
Honors Biology Milestone REVIEW


  1. What does the term biology mean?
  1. List the 8 characteristics of life:
  2. ______e. ______
  3. ______f. ______
  4. ______g. ______
  5. ______h. ______
  6. What is homeostasis and why is it important to living things?
  1. Rewrite the steps of the scientific method in the correct order:

PredictionConclusionExperimentObservationHypothesisData Collection

  1. What areindependent and dependent variables in an experiment?
  1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?
  1. Complete the following chart below with the statements below:

Summarizes data in rows/columns

Shows order of steps

Compares different data (magnitude)

Shows how data changes over time

Shows how parts relate to the whole

Bar Graph
Line Graph
Circle graph
  1. The following branches of biology study:

Biochemistry –processes, chemicals, DNAGenetics - heredity

Botany– plantsMicrobiology–microscopic organismsCytology –cells

Paleontology - fossils Ecology – interactions between living things and environment

Taxonomy – classification of living things

Content Domain I: Cells

  1. What are the three main ideas of the cell theory?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. List 2 differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
  1. What molecules make up the cell/plasma membrane? Draw a picture of this molecule.
  1. The cell/plasma membrane is selectively permeable – what does this mean?
  1. Describe the function of the following cell membrane proteins:
  2. receptor: ______
  3. marker: ______
  4. channel: ______
  1. Fill in the following chart of cell organelles:

Organelle /


/ Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes or Both? / Animal cells or Plant cells or Both?
Nuclear envelope
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
Cell (plasma) membrane
Cell Wall
  1. How are active transport and passive transport different?
  1. Define each of the following:

Diffusion –

Facilitated diffusion

Osmosis –

Endocytosis –

Exocytosis –

  1. Match the pictures below with the correct type of solution (hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic):


  1. How are chemical and physical reactions different?
  1. In a chemical equation, where are the reactants? Where are the products?(left or right side?)
  1. Differentiate between endothermic and exothermic reactions.
  1. What are enzymes? How do they impact the rate of reactions?
  1. What is a substrate?
  1. A substrate binds to an enzyme at the ______.
  1. Label the diagram below with the threeterms below:

enzymesubstrateactive site

  1. Explain how the following factors that affect enzymes:
  2. pH:
  3. temperature
  1. Water is a polar molecule – what does that mean?
  1. Why is water important in biology?
  1. How are homogeneous and heterogeneous solutions different?
  1. Solutions can range in pH from 0-14.
  2. What is the pH range of acids? ______
  3. What is the pH range of bases? ______
  1. Fill in the chart for the 4 macromolecules:

Macromolecule / Function / Monomer / Example
Nucleic Acid

Content Domain II: Organisms

  1. What is ATP? What is it used for?
  1. How does ATP release energy in the cell?
  1. What do cells use energy for in the cell?
  1. Fill in the following chart to compare photosynthesis and cellular respiration:

Process / Organelle where it occurs / What is needed? / What is produced?
Cellular Respiration


  1. Which Kingdoms perform photosynthesis for their energy?
  1. Which kingdoms perform respiration for their energy?
  1. If an organism produces its own food through photosynthesis, it is known as a ______or ______.
  1. If an organism consumes its food and gets energy through respiration, it is known as a ______or ______.
  1. What is fermentation? Why and how does it occur?
  1. Briefly describe where and when lactic acid fermentation occurs.
  1. Define taxonomy.
  1. Correctly write the scientific name for humans. Which word is the Genus name? species name?
  1. List the 7 levels of biological classification in order from largest to smallest.
  1. What is a taxon?
  1. What criteria are used to place organisms into the different taxa?
  1. Why is a system of classification important in Biology?
  1. How are evolutionary relationships used in classification?
  1. Explain why the kingdoms Eubacteria and Archeabacteria were split from Kingdom Monera.
  1. What is a dichotomous key?

  1. Use the dichotomous key to identify the following insects:

A.B. C. D.

1. a. wings covered by an exoskeleton ………go to step 2

b. wings not covered by an exoskeleton ……….go to step 3

2. a. body has a round shape ……….ladybug

b. body has an elongated shape ……….grasshopper

3. a. wings point out from the side of the body ……….dragonfly

b. wings point to the posterior of the body ……….housefly


  1. What is a cladogram?
  1. Use the following cladogram to answer the questions after the diagram.

19. Complete the table below for the 6 Kingdoms:

Characteristics / Archaea / Bacteria / Protista / Fungi / Plantae / Animalia
Cell Type
(prokaryote or eukaryote)
# of Cells (single-celled or multicellular)
Cell Nucleus (present or absent)
How do get food? (autotroph, heterotroph, or decomposer)
Cell Wall (present or absent)
Photosynthetic (yes or no)
(at least 2)
  1. Bacteria reproduce through binary fission. What is binary fission?
  1. What do decomposers do for the environment?
  1. Why are viruses considered non-living?
  1. Draw a label a picture of a virus. Include the protein coat and genetic material (DNA or RNA).
  1. How are the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle different?
  1. Describe how a virus reproduces itself.

Content Domain III: Genetics

  1. List the steps of the cell cycle (NOT the steps of mitosis!):
  1. What happens during the 3 phases of Interphase?
  1. What happens during Mitosis?
  1. What happens during Cytokinesis?
  1. Label the pictures below using the following terms:

Interphase Prophase(use 2 times) Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  1. Describe what is happening in the stages of mitosis:

Stage / Description
  1. What is the purpose of mitosis? What is the purpose of meiosis?
  1. Define haploid and diploid. What is the human haploid #?______Diploid #?______
  1. Compare and contrast sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.
  2. similarities:
  3. differences:
  1. Is mitosis considered sexual or asexual reproduction? Why?
  1. Is meiosis considered sexual or asexual reproduction? Why?
  1. Fill in the chart to compare mitosis and meiosis.

Body cells or sex cells / # of divisions / # of stages (total) / # of cells produced / # of chromosomes in cells produced
  1. What is a gamete? Is it haploid or diploid? How are sperm and egg formation different?
  1. What is crossing-over? When does it happen?
  1. Where is DNA located in the cell? Where is RNA located in the cell?
  1. DNA and RNA are made up of nucleotides. What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide?

Label the nucleotide below:

  1. List the 4 DNA bases (full names):
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. Chargaff’s rule tells us that the bases pair ______with T and ______with G.
  1. If one side of the DNA molecule reads ATGCCGT, the other side would read ______.
  1. Describe and draw the shape of a DNA molecule.
  1. ______and ______built a model of DNA based on others’ research.
  1. What is made during DNA replication? Where does it happen in the cell?
  1. Describe how DNA is replicated (steps).
  1. Compare and contrast DNA replication in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
  1. List the 4 RNA bases:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. If the original DNA strand reads ATGGTCA, the complementary mRNA strand would read ______.
  1. Match the 3 different types of RNA with their jobs:
  2. messenger RNA______A. transfers amino acids to ribosome to make proteins
  3. transfer RNA______B. assembles proteins on ribosome
  4. ribosomal RNA______C. carries instructions for proteins from DNA
  1. What is made during transcription? Where does it happen in the cell?
  1. What is made during translation? Where does it happen in the cell?
  1. Each 3 letter “word” in RNA is called a ______.
  1. There are ______different amino acids produced from mRNA.
  1. Amino acids are the building blocks (monomers) of proteins. List 3 things that proteins do for living things.
  1. Describe of each of the following chromosomal mutations:
  2. missense:______
  3. nonsense:______
  4. insertion:______
  5. deletion:______
  6. duplication:______
  1. How are point mutations different than frameshift mutations?
  1. Who is Gregor Mendel?
  1. What organism did Mendel study? List 2 reasons for using this organism.
  2. ______
  3. ______
  1. ______means that an organism has 2 same alleles for a trait.
  2. ______means that an organism has 2 different alleles for a trait.
  3. ______traits are shown using a capital letter.
  4. ______traits are shown using a lowercase letter.
  5. Define genotype: ______
  6. Define phenotype: ______
  7. Which generation – P, F1, or F2 – is each of the following?
  8. Your parents: ______
  9. You: ______
  10. Your (future) children: ______
  1. Using B=black and b=brown, write the following genotypes:
  2. homo black: ______
  3. homo brown: ______
  4. hetero black: ______
  1. Complete the following cross using a Punnett Square and give the genotypic and phenotypic ratios:

Tt x Tt T tT=tallt=short

genotype ratio:

phenotype ratio:

  1. Define the following laws of Mendel:

Law of Segregation:

Law of Independent Assortment:

  1. What are the sex chromosomes for human females? For human males?
  1. Define incomplete dominance. List an example of incomplete dominance.
  1. Define codominance. List an example of codominance.
  1. Define sex-linked trait. List an example of a sex-linked trait.
  1. Define polygenic trait. List an example of a polygenic trait.
  1. What is a mutation? List 3 causes of mutations.
  1. Define karyotype. Why/when would you use a karyotype?
  1. Define nondisjunction.
  1. List 2 genetic disorders caused by nondisjunction:
  2. extra 21 chromosome causes ______
  3. missing X chromosome causes ______

Content Domain IV: Ecology

  1. Define ecology.
  1. What is the biosphere?
  1. How are biotic factors and abiotic factors different?
  1. List 3 biotic factors and 3 abiotic factors.
  2. biotic:______
  3. abiotic:______
  1. List the 6 levels of organization from smallest (organism) to largest (biosphere).
  1. Define the following terms:
  2. Population:
  3. Community:
  4. Ecosystem:
  5. Biome:
  1. How are habitat and niche different?
  1. Define competition and predation.
  1. Describe each of the following symbiotic relationships:
  2. mutualism:______
  3. commensalism:______
  4. parasitism:______
  1. Complete the table below:

Organism / Energy Source / Example
  1. What does a food chain represent? Draw a simple food chain (4 items). Label the producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and tertiary consumer.
  1. Which 2 things are missing from your food chain?
  1. How is a food web different from a food chain?
  1. What is the ultimate source of energy in our biosphere?
  1. In an energy pyramid, list which organisms are present at each level:
  2. Level 1:______
  3. Level 2:______
  4. Level 3:______
  5. Level 4:______
  6. Level 5:______
  1. How much energy is passed from one level to the next? _____% How much is lost?______%
  1. Draw an energy pyramid for the food chain you drew for question #11.
  1. List the steps of the following nutrient cycles:
  2. Carbon:
  1. Nitrogen:
  1. Phosphorus:
  1. Water:
  1. Why are these nutrient cycles important?
  1. What is ecological succession?
  1. Compare and contrast primary and secondary succession.
  1. What are some conditions that occur before secondary succession?
  1. What is a pioneer species and how do they prepare the area for the next species to arrive?
  1. What is a climax community (p.63)?
  1. Define density-dependent factors.
  1. List 3 density-dependent factors:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. Define density-independent factors.
  1. List 3 density-independent factors:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. Draw a sample graph for exponential growth and logistic growth in the boxes below. Label the lag phase, exponential growth phase, and carrying capacity (if they are present).
  1. Differentiate between exponential growth and logistic growth.
  1. What is the carrying capacity of a population?
  1. Draw the age structure for a population that is in rapid growth, slow growth, and negative growth in the boxes below (see page 104):
  1. Complete the table below:

Threat / Cause / Possible Result
Greenhouse Effect
Acid rain
Ozone Depletion
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Soil Degradation/Depletion
Habitat Destruction
  1. Complete the table below:

Non-renewable Resource / Renewable Resource
Definition: / Definition:
3 Examples: / 3 Examples:
  1. Describe the 4 plant tropisms:
  2. Phototropism:______
  3. Thigmotropism:______
  4. Gravitropism: ______
  5. Hydrotropism:______
  6. Explain what each plant hormone does for plants:
  7. auxin:______
  8. gibberellins:______
  9. ethylene:______
  10. cytokinins:______
  11. List and describe the 4 types of plant tissues:
  12. ______
  13. ______
  14. ______
  15. ______
  16. Describe how the animal adaptations below are used:
  17. carnivores’ large teeth:______
  18. herbivores’ rotating ears:______
  19. ducks’ webbed feet:______
  20. arctic foxes’ fur color (white in winter/dark in summer):______
  21. herbivores’ flat, grinding teeth:______
  22. meerkats’ excellent vision:______
  23. Describe the characteristics of each of the following biomes:


TropicalRain Forest –

Desert –

Temperate Grassland –

Temperate Deciduous Forest –

Taiga/Boreal Forest –

Tundra –


Open ocean –

Rocky intertidal zones-


Fresh Water: (Only 3% of Earth’s water is fresh and of that 3%, 98% is frozen in icecap!)

lakes , rivers, streams & ponds -

Content Domain V: Evolution

  1. How long ago was Earth formed?
  1. Define fossil.
  1. List 4 examples of fossils:
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. How are most fossils formed?
  1. Define evolution.
  1. Define the following:

population genetics –

adaptations –

speciation –

fitness –


  1. Explain the contributions of the following people:
  2. Charles Lyell:
  3. Thomas Malthus:
  4. Alfred Russell Wallace:
  1. Describe Lamarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics.
  1. Was Lamarck correct? Why or why not?
  1. Describe Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection.
  1. Where did Darwin go as the naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle and what observations did he make?
  1. What evidence did he collect to supporthis theory of evolution?
  1. Speciation is the creation of a new species. What is required for speciation to occur? (p.436)
  1. Define the following types of evolution (p. 439-440):
  2. adaptive radiation (divergent evolution):______
  3. convergent evolution:______
  4. coevolution:______
  1. Explain the five types of evidence that are used to show evolutionary relationships:
  2. fossil record:
  1. homologous structures:
  1. vestigial structures:
  1. analogous structures:
  1. comparative biochemistry (DNA and proteins):
  1. geographical distribution:
  1. What is fitness?
  1. How do organisms use camouflage and mimicry?
  1. How do antibiotics and pesticides affect the evolution of bacteria and insects?
  1. Which mechanism of evolution adds new genes to the gene pool?
  1. Briefly describe the 4 types of natural selection:
  2. stabilizing:
  3. directional:
  4. disruptive:
  1. Compare gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.