Wichita Falls High School

Principles of Human Services

Course Syllabus

Course Name:Principles of Human Services

Instructor: Mrs. Gwen Hilliard

Email: Phone: 940-235-1084

Room: 251 Webpage:

Course Description: This course is designed for students to investigate careers in Human Services field. These careers include: Counseling and Mental Health, Early Childhood Development, Family and Community, Consumer Services and Personal Care Services. Each student will have the opportunity to explore skills that are required in each of these high-skill, high demand, and high-wage earning career fields.

Units of Study:


  • Family functioning
  • Community involvement
  • Nutrition of the life span
  • Food preparation and services
  • Food labels and consumer purchasing
  • Careers in family and community services


  • Decision-making process
  • Characteristics of maturity
  • Long-term and short-term go
  • Effects of Wellness
  • Grooming Habits
  • Factors that affect clothing choices


  • Basics of budgeting
  • Impact of technology on consumer
  • Consumer rights and responsibilities


  • Basics needs of children
  • Responsibility of care giving
  • Parenting styles
  • Development appropriate guidance techniques
  • Child abuse
  • Careers in early childhood


  • Life skills needed for success
  • TDLR laws, rules and regulations
  • Cosmetology career effectiveness
  • Marketing and public relations
  • Salon fundamentals
  • Employment opportunities in personal care services
  • Future trends in personal care services

Class Supplies:

  • Technology Device- it highly encouraged that you have computer (other than cell phone)access for this course
  • Pencil/Pen/Notebook or folder

Course Evaluation:

Daily Assignments (quizzes, journal, formative assignments, class participation) 40%

Major Projects and Tests (Summative) 60%

Absences- When you are absent, including ISS, it is your responsibility to make arrangements to obtain missed assignments. Check Moodle and feel free to email me as well. If you are present when an assignment is given, it is your responsibility to bring the completed assignment upon your return unless other arrangements have been made.

The WFISD Late Policy will be followed. (pleasesee Student Handbook)

Cell Phones and Personal Listening Devices:

Cell phones, headphones, iPods, etc. should be put away during class, unless teacher requests them out for an assignment. Talking on the phone, texting, gaming, or social networking, etc during class is strictly prohibited unless instructed by me. IF you have an emergency that needs to be taken care of, please let me know so that arrangements can be made.

**Violation will result in office referral**

Classroom Discipline Plan

1st Offense- Warning/Student conference,

2nd Offense- Parent Contact,

3rd Offense- Office Referral

*Classroom Discipline Plan and Tardy Policy will follow NISD’s District Policy.

Dress Code: It is the expectation that students will be dressed appropriately for the school day. The WFISD dress code will be followed, please see Student Handbook for details. Students wearing questionable attire will be sent to Assistant Principal with an office referral.

Food and Drinks- Please do not bring food or drinks (except water) to class. All water should be kept on floor away from computers and projects.

Late work- Do not be late! Always let me know if you are having trouble with an assignment or need additional time to complete an assignment. I am here to help you and I want you to be successful. However, if you do not make PRIOR arrangements with me, your assignment is due on the designated due date. Assignments turned in after thatdate will be considered late and the WFISD Late Policy will be followed. (seeStudent Handbook).

Class Expectations

Be on time Be Polite Be Prepared Be Inspired Be Motivated

It is the policy of Wichita Falls ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in its vocational programs, services or activities as required be Title VI of the Civil rights Act of 1964, as amended; Titles IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; as amended; and Title II of the American Disabilities Act.