Education Development Plan April 2002 – March 2007 Action Plan 2a: April 2003 – March 2004

Priority 1 Raise attainment in Early Years towards the Early Learning Goals, Priority Leader Senior Adviser (TF)

and in Key Stage 1, especially in literacy and numeracy.
Raise Attainment in Key Stage 2, especially in literacy
and numeracy.
Activity 1 Improve and secure the quality of teaching and impact on learning Activity Leader Senior Adviser (TF)
in line with Foundation Stage, and National Primary Strategies
Purpose of Activity
  • Improve teaching and thereby impact on attainment at Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Context for 2003-04
  • Foundation Stage curriculum is now statutory; statutory assessment will be introduced at the end of Foundation Stage in June 2003. Overall standards at Key Stage 2 are rising but not as fast as national trends. Standards at Key Stage 1 achieve broadly average national standards but still need to improve.

Intended impact for pupils
  • Pupils improved understanding, knowledge, skills and enjoyment of the Foundation Curriculum and literacy and numeracy impacts on pupil outcomes in statutory assessment
Target group
  • All schools with primary aged pupils
  • Schools with underachievement

Action / By / Start/Complete / Success criteria / Resources
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/ Sp
1.Provide a core training programme, both school based and centrally, across Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to support and embed improvements in teaching and learning in literacy and numeracy and in all six areas of learning in the Foundation Curriculum. / Consultants
Foundation Stage Advisers / S / C /
  • Course evaluations indicate high take up and high quality responses
  • Primary Strategy school reviews indicate significant improvements in teaching
  • School staff show greater consistency of practice
/ Consultants time (AM, WR, LT) (200 days)
Primary Strategy Manager (60 days)
Foundation Stage Adviser (HP)
(12 days)
Senior Adviser (JM) (5 days)
2.Provide centrally based training and consultancy for teachers of Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils on assessment for learning so that there is a shared understanding of good practice in assessment, levelling and standards of attainment / Senior Adviser (JM)
Senior Adviser (TF)
Assessment Adviser
Key Stage 1 Moderators
Leading Teachers
Foundation Stage Adviser / S / C /
  • Teachers feel confident in their judgements of pupils work.
  • Agreement between Middle and First school over validity of Year 3 assessments are secure and accepted.
/ Key Stage 2 Moderation costs
Key Stage 1 Audit Moderation
(20 days)
Foundation Stage Moderation costs Foundation Stage Adviser
(20 days)
Senior Adviser (JM) (5 days)
Action / By / Start/Complete terms / Success criteria / Resources
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/ Sp
  • Quality and consistency of marking in schools shows significant improvements
  • High numbers of teachers attend evaluation sessions
/ Assessment for Learning Shirley Clarke Project costs
  1. Provide leadership conferences for First, Primary and Middle/Combined schools to enable senior leaders, Special Education Needs Co-ordinators and literacy and numeracy leaders to establish raising achievement plans and coherent programmes of support. Provide leadership training for Foundation Stage Leaders.
/ Consultants
Primary Strategy Manager
Assigned Adviser / S /


  • Schools produce good, coherent, inclusive, raising achievement plans.
  • Senior Management Teams evaluations of support are good.
  • Senior leaders feel confident in their role and practice.
/ Primary Strategy Manager
(10 days)
Consultant (4 days each)
Assigned Advisers (15 days)
Foundation Stage Adviser
(5 days)
4.Work in partnership with schools to build local capacity by training consultant leaders, Subject Leaders, leading teachers, at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and recruit, train and support a leading Foundation Stage Team to exemplify and share good practice / Foundation Stage Adviser
Leading Teachers
Senior Advisers / S / C /
  • Greater confidence in the range of activities undertaken by Leading Teachers
  • Up take of Leading Teachers is significantly higher
  • A full programme of leading teacher activities is available to the schools
/ Primary Strategy Manager
(5 days)
Consultant (LT 10 days, WR 10 days, AM 5 days)
Foundation Stage Adviser
(10 days – 5 days from National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy; 5 days from central)
Senior Adviser (JM) (1 day)
Primary Strategy Manager
(5 days)
5.Ensure the work of Assigned Advisers is coherent with the work of the ‘Primary Strategy Team’ and is clearly focused on raising standards / Assigned Advisers / S / C /
  • More coherent planning, advice, challenge and support offered to schools
  • All Advisers establish links to the Primary Strategy
  • Assigned Adviser feels confident in promoting the literacy and numeracy strategies
/ Primary Strategy Manager
(5 days)
Assigned Advisers (3 days each)
Action / By /

Start/Complete terms


Success criteria



Su /


/ Sp
6.Establish new and maintain existing best practice networks with groups of schools who are focused on improving learning / Primary Strategy Manager
Consultants / S / C /
  • Every school in LEA involved in sharing good practice;
  • High take up of network activities
  • Increasing consistency of high quality practice demonstrated;
  • Teacher confidence and esteem is significantly raised
/ Primary Strategy Manager
(3 days)
Consultants (5 days)
Foundation Stage Adviser
(5 days)
Senior Adviser (JM) (3 days)
Who and how
  • Primary Strategy Manager to monitor quality of all literacy and numeracy courses via evaluation sheets and random attendance.
  • Senior Adviser Early Years to monitor quality of all Foundation Stage activities.

Who and how
  • Primary Strategy Manager to formally report to Chief Adviser termly.
  • Chief Adviser to report to Education Development Group termly.

Links to
  • Early Years Development and Childcare Plan

Education Development Plan April 2002 – March 2007 Action Plan 2a: April 2003 – March 2004

Priority 1 Raise attainment in Early Years towards the Early Learning Goals, Priority Leader Senior Adviser (TF)

and in Key Stage 1, especially in literacy and numeracy. Raise
attainment at Key Stage 2, especially in literacy and numeracyActivity LeaderSenior Adviser (TF)
Activity 2Develop and improve learning opportunities to increase pupil
motivation and personal development

Purpose of Activity

  • Develop the wider curriculum, by improving generic approaches to teaching and learning

Context for 2003-04

  • Developing the wider curriculum to support the achievement of targets in literacy and numeracy
  • There is inconsistency in the quality of the curriculum plans across the LEA. Only a few schools have achieved the Artsmark and Sportsmark awards

Intended impact for pupils

  • Raise pupils‘ self esteem, enjoyment of learning, independence and their desire to achieve

Target group

  • All schools Headteachers and Subject Leaders

Action / By / Start/Complete terms / Success criteria / Resources
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/ Sp
  1. Establish, support and develop a cohesive and rigorous LEA wide approach to thinking skills using brain based learning and research
  1. Promote, enhance and create opportunities for schools to broaden and enrich their curriculum and raise pupil standards and esteem through arts led, sports led and study support activities, both in and beyond the classroom
  1. Provide guidance, support and challenge schools to develop cohesively planned and assessed curriculums in line with recent DfES recommendations
/ Senior Advisers at phase level (JM, TF)
PE & Arts Adviser
Arts Education Co-ordinator
Education Officer (Study Support)
Senior Advisers at phase level / S
S / C
C /
  • Classrooms reflect strongly the thinking skills approach
  • Standards in schools promoting this approach rise significantly
  • Project evaluations indicate high take-up and quality feedback on activities
  • More schools achieve the Artsmark and Sportsmark awards
  • High quality teaching is demonstrated in committed schools
  • Pupil surveys indicate closer match between teaching and learning
  • Good quality curriculum plans are used in all schools
/ Senior Advisers (JM, TF) (5 days each)
PE & Arts Adviser (5 days)
Arts Education Co-ordinator
(15 days)
Education Officer (Study Support) (31 days) (Standards Fund 206)
Senior Adviser (JM) (10 days) for Key Stage 1
Foundation Stage Adviser
(11.5 days)
Senior Adviser Primary (5 days)
Who and how
  • Senior Adviser Primary
  • Senior Advisers to monitor through line management responsibilities

Who and how
  • Pupil focus groups/School Councils
  • Senior Adviser Primary to call on reports and updates of progress on termly basis
  • Guidance materials and meetings evaluations to be collated
  • Senior Advisers to produce activity evidence at phase level developments
  • Senior Adviser Primary to formally report to Chief Adviser and Education Development Group termly

Links to
  • Early Years Development and Childcare Plan
  • Key Stage 3 Strategy Plan

Education Development Plan April 2002 – March 2007 Action Plan 2a: April 2003 – March 2004

Priority 2 Raise achievement at Key Stage 3Priority Leader Senior Adviser (KD)

Activity 1 Improve and secure the quality of teaching and its impact on learningActivity Leader Senior Adviser (KD)
in line with the National Key Stage 3 Strategy
Purpose of Activity
  • To improve the quality of teaching and its impact on learning through secure subject leadership, good planning for interactive lessons giving a clear structure for lesson, assessment opportunities giving challenging feedback for pupils
  • All targets for pupils attaining at least level 5 from 2004 achieved
Context for 2003-04
  • Develop from five strands of a strategy to one school improvement strategy incorporating 6 strands which are embedded within each schools improvement plan

Intended impact for pupils
  • Increased range of opportunities to become immersed in learning targets for pupils attaining at least level 5 to reflect at least good added from Key Stage 2
Target group
  • Headteachers, Senior Leadership Team, Subject Leaders, Special School Leaders, Teaching Assistants, Classroom Teachers, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators, Key Stage 3 Strategy Managers

Action / By / Start/Complete terms / Success criteria / Resources
Su /


/ Sp
1. Provide a core training programme through the 6 strands of English, mathematics, science, ICT, foundation subjects, behaviour and attendance (including developing e-learning) / Strand Advisers and Consultants / S / C /
  • Consultant observations show increased teacher subject knowledge enabling teacher greater depth of pupil understanding, higher teacher expectations in 90% lessons observed
/ LEA retained element of Standards Fund 302 – total amount £409,800 for all the actions 1-6, to be undertaken by personnel indicated in the ‘By’ column
Senior Adviser (KD) (total number of days - 167)
2. Develop assessment for learning as a theme through each strand within the Strategy / Strand Advisers, Consultants and Strategy Manager, Assessment Adviser / S / C /
  • Consultants working with additional support schools report that teacher differentiation more clearly targeted as a result of good formative assessment enabling all students to attain at least in line with expectation (given prior attainment)
/ Assessment Adviser (3 days)
Action / By / Start/Complete terms / Success criteria / Resources
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/ Sp
3. Secure a whole school approach to managing the Strategy as a part of the school improvement agenda, including a training programme for school strategy managers (eg Subject Leader Development Programme). Ensure Key Stage 3 Strategy links with other initiatives / Strand Advisers and Consultants
Key Stage 3 Strategy Manager (KD) / S / C /
  • Greater percentage of lessons at Key Stage 3 deemed to be good and better in all schools (5% increase) using Ofsted criteria
  • Key Stage 3 Strategy complements other government initiatives

4. Maintain focus for supporting schools with Year 7 in developing teachers’ subject knowledge and teaching repertoires to ensure appropriate challenge for pupils in Key Stage 3 / Strand Advisers and Consultants / S / C /
  • Consultant observations indicate increased subject knowledge in 90% of lessons seen greater teacher confidence to offer more challenging learning opportunities which are matched to pupil needs

5.Support schools to improve the quality of teaching and learning through improved planning, partnership teaching, lesson observation and feedback, monitoring of progress / Strand Advisers and Consultants / S / C /
  • 80% of lessons observed by consultants reflect the spirit of the strategy

6. Develop the leading teacher and leading department programme to increase the capacity for raising standards / Strand Advisers and Consultants / S / C /
  • Six leading teachers and/or departments identified for each strand

Who and how
  • Key Stage 3 Strategy Manager through Strategy manager network; Reports from Strand Consultations; Assigned Adviser monitoring visits
  • Strand Consultants through pupil work analysis, discussion with staff and pupils, partnership teaching and subject leader monitoring process

Who and how
  • Key Stage 3 Strategy Manager through: course evaluations, end of key stage data, ofsted reports, data collected from monitoring processes.
  • Assigned Advisers through school visits and school review process.
  • Learning Overview Group through reports in relation to school targets and achievement of pupils in each school.

Links to
  • 1, 3 and 5 to Priority 6 Activity 2
  • Link action 3 to Priority 7

Education Development Plan April 2002 – March 2007 Action Plan 2a: April 2003 – March 2004

Priority 2 Raise achievement at Key Stage 3Priority Leader Senior Adviser (KD)

Activity 2 Develop and improve learning opportunities to increaseActivity Leader Senior Adviser (KD)
pupil motivation and personal development
Purpose of Activity
  • To ensure good value added for all pupils
  • To ensure immersion in learning thus maximising achievement
  • Continue to raise standards of attainment for all groups of pupils including those with English as an Additional Language, those from ethnic minorities, those with Special Educational Needs, gifted and talented, lower attainers and gender groups
Context for 2003-04
  • Groups of pupils underachieving
  • Lack of focus on assessment of pupils progress for learning, enabling teacher feedback to pupils which directs the next steps in learning
  • Some pupils disengaged from the learning process in some areas of the curriculum

Intended impact for pupils
  • Attainment of all pupils reflects at least good value added when compared with national expectations
  • Pupils enjoy learning
Target group
  • Headteachers, Senior Leadership Teams, Strategy Managers, Subject Leaders, Classroom Teachers

Action / By / Start/Complete terms / Success criteria / Resources
Su /


/ Sp
1. Consultants annually review with school Subject Leaders the provision of support using test data analysis and target setting information related to identified under- achievement / Strategy advisers and consultants / S / C /
  • Focus groups of pupils make at least expected progress against their challenging targets
/ Assigned Advisers (SASS (KD) and PPS Assigned Adviser visit) statutory monitoring
2. Contribute to developing partnerships for sharing and disseminating good practice for teachers in relation to motivating pupils / Strategy advisers and consultants / S / C /
  • Good practice identified in 4 schools and shared electronically (through the use of a portal) with key teachers/schools
/ Part of the LEA retained element - Standards Fund 302b for actions 1-4
ICT Adviser (2 days)
3. Support schools in the effective implementation of intervention programmes / Strategy Advisers and consultants / S / C /
  • Schools to increase by 5% the number of pupils attaining at least Level 5+

4. Promote a clear understanding of an effective learning climate in underachieving schools, departments, year groups and with individual teachers / Strategy advisers, consultants and Key Stage 3 Strategy Manager / S / C /
  • All pupils feel that there has been a transformation in their learning
/ Religious, Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education Adviser (RPSHCE) (5 days)
Action / By / Start/Complete terms / Success criteria / Resources
Su /


/ Sp
  1. Targeted provision for group of schools Manche link
/ Education Officer (Study Support) / S / C /
  • Establishment of project
/ £2,800 (Standards Fund 206)
6. See Priority 1 Activity 2 re Study Support Co-ordinators and regarding additional support re new out of school hours learning opportunities / Education Officer
(Study Support) /
  • Increased out of school hours learning activities against baseline April 2003
/ Education Officer (Study Support) (10 days) (Standards Fund 206)
7. Provide additional support for targeted schools in the identification and production of levelled, moderated portfolios of work / Senior Adviser (KD) / S / C /
  • Exemplification materials produced, shared electronically and used to ensure appropriately high expectations for pupils learning within the key stage and between schools
/ Senior Adviser (KD) (5 days)
Key Stage 3 Consultants
(15 days)
Assessment Adviser (2 days)
ICT Adviser (2 days)
Who and how
  • Key Stage 3 Strategy Manager reviews practice through line management, course evaluations and feedback from school strategy managers
  • Headteachers as part of school self evaluation processes.
  • Strategy Managers, advisers and consultants through analysis of data, termly review of progress and impact of support.
  • Assigned Adviser monitor progress towards target for 2004.

Who and how
  • Pupil focus groups/Secondary Pupils Forum
  • Key Stage 3 Strategy Manager through monitoring reports from consultants, Ofsted reports, self-evaluation feedback from School Strategy Managers.
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee to evaluate against reports from School Advice and Support Services team.

Links to
  • Priority 4, Activity 2

Education Development Plan April 2002 – March 2007 Action Plan 2a: April 2003 – March 2004

Priority 3 Raise attainment at KS4/14-19 phasePriority Leader Senior Adviser (MC)

Activity 1 Develop the 14-19 CurriculumActivity Leader Senior Adviser (MC)
Purpose of Activity
To develop a coherent 14-19 phase that:
  • Meets national guidance for the 14-19 phase
  • Provides students with flexible curriculum opportunities
  • Creates new opportunities for work-related education at Key Stage 4
  • Increases participation after Key Stage 4
Context for 2003-04
  • 14-19 strategic planning forum meets regularly
  • Poole now has four Specialist Schools and two applications pending
  • Leadership Incentive Grant to two schools will facilitate collaboration
  • Five schools participating in Flexible Learning Programme in September
  • Links established with Bournemouth and Poole College; training providers and Dorset and Bournemouth LEA

Intended impact for pupils
  • Students have access to a curriculum that meets their needs and aspiration
  • Disaffected students have experiences that enable them to better achieve their potential
  • More students are able to access education post 16
Target group
  • Headteachers and curriculum planners
  • Key Stage 4 teachers
  • Heads of Sixth Forms

Action / By / Start/Complete terms / Success criteria / Resources
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