Unit 202 Maintain and develop personal performance

Understanding you own limits of responsibility in relation to specific tasks and activities.

It is important that you understand you own limits of responsibility in relation to specific tasks and activities. If you are over confident you are likely to get into trouble and end up been injured. You should not attempt to carry out tasks you have not been trained to do or use equipment that you have not been shown how to use. You should have a job description that sets out your expected work role (this is a legal requirement) and you operate within the confines set out in the description

The correct procedures for obtaining advice

Employees should seek advice via their line manager or person qualified to give advice e.g. the workplace mechanic if the question is about a machine. Before you go to your manager establish with yourself what the issue is and the advice you need to ask as this will save your managers valuable time. If possible wait until a suitable time in the working day such as a tea break when you can ask the advice without interruption to work.

The risks involved in not obtaining advice where specific tasks and activities are unclear.

If an employee fails to ensure they have understood instructions or training they should check with their employer. Failing to do this might results in serious injury to themselves or other or might result in serious damage to equipment they are using.

Why personal performance should be reviewed- the importance of self development

As new challenges and working conditions occur the good worker will recognise that he/she needs to adapt/update their skills to ensure they remain up to date and able to cope with the demands of their work.

Why is important to review personal performance.


  1. Allow you and the employer to assess your ability and identify any training needs.
  2. Allow you both to set and monitor performance targets
  3. Allow you to ensure that you are working effectively
  4. Allow you to discuss any problems

How and why you determine and agree development needs and personal targets at your place of work

This can be done by comparing your own skills with those in similar positions and by looking at the tasks you are required to do now and in the future and how competent you are at them. This is most often done using an “appraisal system”

Very few people can assess themselves accurately, some have much higher opinions of their skill and some have much lower opinions of their own skill. Asking others will help ensure that you get a balanced view.

Below is an example of a simple Appraisal with self-development plan

Staff Performance Appraisal Form

Appraisee Name: / Position: / Year or period covered by this appraisal
Appraisal venue: / Appraisal date: / Name of Appraiser:

Part A1 Appraisee to complete Parts A1 to A4 before the interview

State your understanding of the main duties and responsibilities of your current job.

A2. Discussion points: (you should complete these before you meet with the person who will appraise you

1. What do you think were your most important achievements this year or since the lastappraisal?
2. What do you like most about your job?
I like-
3. What elements of your job do you find most difficult or dislike?
List any areas of concern so they can be discussed
What do you think might be done to resolve these issues?
4. Evaluate your experiences and learning to inform future progress in your job (what new skills/knowledge have you gained this year).
Which of these do you think best applies to the way in which you like to learn best, this might be any or all 3 of the learning styles below (tick those that suit you best).
Visual -I learn best by watching things been done, reading instructions etc.
Auditory - I learn best by listening to and discussing instructions/information etc.
Kinaesthetic - I learn best by trying things out/doing, practical hands-on experiences
Technical understanding
Give an overview of one subject (e.g. the reasons for aeration of turf) that you have learned at work or via your college studies (note to appraiser- investigate the appraisees understanding of this subject).
A3. In light of your current capabilities and your future job aspirations, what gaps in your knowledge and skills would you like to cover between now and your next appraisal (e.g. learn how to use a new machine, programme the irrigation system etc.)
New skill or knowledge I would like to gain is* / Reason I would like this development

*Agree with your appraiser 4 of the most important development needs above and put these on yourself development plan at the end of this appraisal.

A4 Score your own capability or knowledge in the following areas in terms of your current role requirements (1-3 = poor, 4-6 = satisfactory, 7-9 = good, 10 = excellent). If appropriate bring evidence with you to the appraisal to support your assessment.
1. Technical knowledge / 7. Attendance and punctuality
2. Quality of work / 8. Time management /meeting deadlines
3. Energy, determination and work-rate / 9. Problem-solving/decision-making skills
4. Communication skills / 10. Adaptability and flexibility
5. IT skills / 11. Team-working and developing others
6. Reporting and administration skills / 12. Personal appearance and image

Part B To be completed during the appraisal by the appraiser

Where appropriate and safe to do so, certain items can be completed by the appraiser before the appraisal, and then discussed and validated or amended in discussion with the appraisee during the appraisal.

B1. Describe the purpose of the appraisee’s job. Discuss and compare with the apppraisee’s self-appraisal entry in A1. Clarify job purpose and priorities where necessary (i.e. do you agree with his/her description of their duties as they see them?).
B2. Review the completed discussion points in A2, and note any points in need of action.
Look at the skills gaps and development/training needs that the appraisee set out to achieve in section A3 and agree targets for the self-development plan at the end of this appraisal.
Discuss these and agree a self-development plan on the last page/s of this appraisal.
B4. Score the appraisee's capability or knowledge in the following areas in terms of their current (and if applicable, next) role requirements (1-3 = poor, 4-6 = satisfactory, 7-9 = good, 10 = excellent). If appropriate provide evidence to support your assessment. Compare scores with the self-appraisal in A3. Discuss and note agreed points training/development needs on the self-development plan at the end of this appraisal.
1. Technical knowledge / 7. Attendance and punctuality
2. Quality of work / 8. Time management /meeting deadlines
3. Energy, determination and work-rate / 9. Problem-solving/decision-making skills
4. Communication skills / 10. Adaptability and flexibility
5. IT skills / 11. Team-working and developing others
6. Reporting and administration skills / 12. Personal appearance and image
Signed and dated by appraisee: / Signed and dated by appraiser:
Development plan for the period from now to the next appraisal (ensure SMARTER targets are used)
This personal development plan will be created from the results of the development needs identified in the appraisal (see section A3). These should be SMARTER targets (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time bound ethical and recorded targets) / Changes to planned targets
Completion date or review
Proposed completion date for target
Proposed method on meeting target (i.e. training course, internal development etc.).
Agreed personal development targets (these could be new skills and or knowledge) / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4.