National Reassessment Process EEO Class Action Lawsuit Website

July 7, 2010

The EEO class action charges:

·  The NRP fails to provide class members with reasonable accommodations

·  The NRP wrongfully discloses the medical information of class members

·  The NRP creates a hostile workplace environment for class members

·  The NRP has an adverse impact on class members.

The attorneys for Sandra McConnell created a website to answer all questions postal employees may have regarding this case. At this website you can find the following:

NRP Class Action: Representing Workers Affected by the USPS National Reassessment Process

McConnell v. U.S. Postal Service, EEOC Case No. 520-2008-00053X

Fill Out the NRP Class Action Questionnaire

The U.S. Postal Service is rolling out the National Reassessment Process (NRP) in USPS districts across nation. The NRP reviews all injured-on-duty employees serving in limited duty and/or rehabilitation positions.

In 2006, Sandra McConnell was reviewed under the NRP in the USPS Western New York District. Ms. McConnell had been working in a rehabilitation modified carrier position for over eight years. However, after the NRP review, Ms. McConnell was stripped of her modified position and ordered to go home with “no work available.”

Ms. McConnell filed a class action discrimination complaint under the Rehabilitation Act on behalf of all USPS workers affected by the NRP. The disability discrimination class action was certified by the EEOC Administrative Judge in 2008. After the USPS appealed that decision, the EEOC again granted certification of the class action in 2010.

What You Should Do

If you are affected by the NRP, you should do the following:
Fill out the NRP Class Action Questionnaire by going to The page should open up with the Class Action Suit on the home page. You can also click on FAQ if there are any questions regarding this suit. With respect to the claims covered in the class definition, you do not need to do anything now to preserve your right to make a claim later. If you have any claims that may not be covered by the class definition, these claims must be processed by you with an EEO Counselor within 45 days of the action complained of.

Current Status of the Case
The class action was remanded to the EEOC Administrative Judge. The parties are engaging in discovery. After the discovery process is completed, the Administrative Judge will set a date for trial.
Check for updates on the case status here.
Fill Out the NRP Class Action Questionnaire