Latvia University of Agriculture

Faculty of Food Technology

The report of the self-estimation committee for Catering and hotel Management study program

Professional bachelors’ Study program "Catering and Hotel Management

(Qualification code of Latvia Republic - 45811)

Jelgava, 2003


  1. Bachelor’s study programme………………………………………………….3

1.1 Aims and tasks…………………………………………………………….3

1.2 Study programme and curriculum…………………………………………3

1.3 Changes in the study programme……………………………………….….5

1.4 Conformity of the study programme……………………………………….6

1.5. Comparison with the study programs in the world and Europe…………..6

1..6. Organizing of the studies and knowledge appraisal………………………7

2. Students…………………………………………………………………………8

2.1 Enrolment of students………………………………………………………8

2.2 Graduation…………………………………………………………………..9

2.3 Financing of studies………………………………………………………..10

4.  Data on academic staff…………………………………………………………10

3.1. Number of foreign guest-lecturers in the programme……………………..11

3.2. Students having studied in the framework of exchange program for

studies abroad…………………………………………………………………..11

3.3. Number of foreign students in the programme..…………………………..11

5.  Maintenance and management of the studies…………………………………..11

6.  Quality monitoring system……………………………………………………..12

5.1 Questionnaire results……………………………………………………….12

5.2. Outlook appraisal of the Catering and hotel management programme……13

6. Perspective development model of Catering and hotel management professional study programme……………………………………………………………………13


1. Summary of the results obtained by inquiry organization commission

  1. Scientific work
  2. Authors, Supervisors and Evaluation of the Scientific Works Presented in 2001/2002 study year
  3. Authors, Supervisors and Evaluation of the Scientific Works Presented in 2002/2003 study year
  4. Catering and Hotel management professional bachelor’s study programme
  5. Subordination of subjects within curriculum
  6. Academic staff of Catering and hotel management professional bachelor’s study programme
  7. Annotation of subjects on Catering and Hotel management professional bachelor’s study programme
  8. Materially technical base
  9. Study programme costs

1.  Bachelor’s study programme

1.1. Aims and tasks

The aim of the professional bachelor`s study programme Catering and hotel management is to prepare specialists for organizing and management of catering services and hotels and thus to provide clients with the qualitative attendance.

The tasks of the programme is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed for:

1)  organizing, managing, arranging (equipment, rooms, preparation of food) of public catering establishments;

2)  organizing and managing of hotels;

3)  guest attendance.

Knowledge obtained in the study process provides graduates with the possibilities to work in following spheres:

-  various types of catering establishments (canteens, cafe, restaurants etc.);

-  guest reception and attendance (at the hotels, guest-house, farm house, where the guests are welcomed etc.);

-  tourism agency;

-  to work as a consultant in the fields mentioned above;

-  to continue studies on a higher level.

The study programme of the Catering and hotel management, qualification to be obtained and the Head of the programme Prof., Dr. habil. sc. ing. I. Skrupskis are approved according to the decision of the LUA Senate (the decision of the LUA Senate No. 156 of 12.02.2003).

For carrying out the programme, the licence on the right to accomplish professional bachelor`s dtudy programme of higher education ,,Catering and hotel management” (45811) is received in order to obtain professional bachelor`s degree in entrepreneurship and qualification of restaurant and hotel manager (licence nr. 0405-8, 28.03.2003).

1.2. Study programme and curriculum

Study programme was introduced in 1994 due to the positive changes in Latvian economy (increase of amount of tourists visiting Latvia, opening of new hotels, restaurants), acquired experience in Germany by visiting training centres for catering and hotel specialists, as well as taking into account experience of many years that the teaching staff from Faculty of Food Technology had in preparing specialists of public catering since 1958 (speciality 0032 have graduated students).

Title Catering and hotel management

Code of qualification 45811

Level of studies the first level of studies

Qualification to be obtained Restaurant and hotel manager

Volume of studies 160 CP

Duration of studies 4 years

Structure of the study programme:

-  general courses of studies:

Introduction to the studies 0,5 CP Foreign language 6,0 CP

Psychology 2,0 CP Basic Law 1,0 CP

Ethics, Aesthetics 1,5 CP Human protection 2,0 CP

Philosophy 1,5 CP Ecology,Env.prot. 2,0 CP

Sociology 1,5 CP Basics of management 2,0 CP

- theoretical basic courses of the branch and courses of the branch and courses of information technologies:

Mathematics 3,0 CP Marketing 4,5 CP

Physics 1,5 CP Microbiology, hygiene 4,0 CP

Information systems 4,0 CP Theory of economics 3,0 CP

Basics of food chemistry 5,0 CP Quality system management 2,5 CP

Applied chemistry 2,0 CP Stuff management 3,5 CP

Basics of entrepren. act. 3,5 CP Basics of research work 2,0 CP

-  professional special courses of the branch:

Consumer policy 3,5 CP Operation and service manag. 4,0 CP

Food stuffs, their processing 4,0 CP Food preparation technologies 12,0 CP

Nutrition physiology 3,0 CP Technological equipment 4,0CP

Business planning and statistics 3,0 CP Hotel services 3,0 CP

Accountancy 3,5 CP Basics of tourism org. 4,0 CP

Premises main. techn. 5,0 CP Geography of tourism 3,5 CP

Hotel and cat. man. 3,5 CP Tourism service 3,0 CP

Structure of studies:

-  general courses of studies: 20,0 CP

- theoretical basic courses of the branch and courses of the branch and courses of information technologies: 37,0 CP

-  professional special courses of the branch: 59,0 CP

-  optional choice 6,0 CP

-  training and operating practice 26,0 CP

-  state examination 2,0 CP

-  bachelor`s paper 10,0 CP

Qualification to be obtained restaurant and hotel manager graduates receive according to Register of Professions in the Republic of Latvia, the1st headgroup, the 1225th group.

There is the increase of students’ independent work due to their term papers and reports.

The aim of the training and operating practice is to join theoretical knowledge obtained during the study process with its practical use. After the first year of their studies, students are involved in training practice where they get acquainted with the specifics of catering and guest attendance services (6 weeks, 6,0 CP). After their 2nd year, students acquire knowledge on hotel organization and management (6 weeks, 6,0 CP). After their 3rd year, students acquire knowledge on restaurant and other catering establishments organization and management (6 weeks, 6,0 CP), after their 4th year – 11 weeks, 11,0 CP. At the end of their practice students write reports and afterwards there is a public discussion held. During their studies and practical training students have options to practise both in Riga and Latvian rural areas and acquaint them selves with working specifics in restaurants, cafes, hotels, guest-houses and in rural households involved in rural tourism activities. During the theoretical studies, when organizing different activities at the LUA, students obtain practical skills in the sphere of catering and guest attendance services under the teaching staff’s guidance.

The subjects over the first 4 undergraduate years are structured as follows: during the first year students mainly acquire academic subjects (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics), subjects of general education (Psychology, Ethics, Aesthetics) and there are only some specialized subjects. During the third and fourth year mainly specialised subjects are being taught. Principle of subordinate subjects is taken into account (see Annex).

Study programme contains subjects of a small volume (1,0 – 1,5 CP) and also blocks of subjects as Food preparation techologies (12.0 CP) that includes several subjects on the theme.

The titles of subjects, volume of credit points of the professional bachelor`s study programme are showed in the Annex

The sets of syllabus are available for students at the Dean’s office of the Faculty.

1.3. Changes in the study programme

According to the recommendations of the international expert commission, subject volumes of the study programme in 2000/2001 are changed for the following subjects:

·  Mathematics from 2,0 to 3,0 CP;

·  Premises maintenance technology from 9,0 to 7,0 CP, internally redividing also division between terms and leading lecturers of the subject;

·  Hotel services from 3,0 to 4,5 CP as a special subject;

·  Subject “Fine arts” is excluded from the programme as inadequate to the speciality;

·  Total volume of the theoretical course “Theory of economics” is increased from 1,5 to 3,0 CP enabling students to acquire both micro- and macroeconomics;

·  Succession of subchapters of the study subject “ Technological installations” is changed. Succession in carrying out individual tasks of the practical training is formed.

In the study programme of 2001/2002 are made changes in accordance with “Regulation on the second level professional programmes of higher education”(MK regulations Nr. 481, 20.11.2001.) and in accordance with alternation of study programme of professional higher education to the bachelor`s study programme of professional higher education not exceeding 30% of the previous study programme:

·  Volume of practical trainings is changed for every year: after theoretical part of the 1st year – 5 weeks (5,0 CP); after 2nd year - 5 weeks (5,0 CP); after 3rd year - 5 weeks (5,0 CP); after theoretical part of the 4th year – 11 weeks (11,0 CP). Total volume of practical training according to regulations is increased from 11 CP to 26 CP;

·  Planning of practical training in 2003/2004 corresponds to the division of the study year and division af the time budget in weeks;

·  Study programme is supplemented with new study subjects – “Stuff management”, “Quality management”, “Business planning and statistics”;

·  Theoretical part is transferred from the 2nd term to the 1st term of the 4th year; at the conclusion of theoretical part is State examination in speciality. Production practice is transferred to the 2nd term of the 4th year.

1.4. Conformity of the study programme

According to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers Nr. 481 on November 20, 2001, study programmes of the second level professional higher education need to have adequate profession standart. The study programme is adjusted to the profession standart “Manager of Enterprises and Institutions” with registration Nr. PS 0070 confirmed by the decree Nr. 283 of the Ministry of Education and Science on May 16, 2002 as conformable to the study programme and the grantable qualification – manager of restaurants and hotels.

When receiving the licence permitting to accomplish professional bachelors study programme, the study plan of “Catering and hotel management” is altered and supplemented, changes is not exceeding 30% of the previous programme and carrying out of the new programme is started in 2003/2004.

Changes in the accomplishement of the study programme

Proportion of lectures and practical work is changed in the subject “Theory of economics”. The proportion of these parts is 1:1. After acquiring the basic course it allows students to study for masters degree at other highschools with economical trend.

Scientific work being included as precondition for futher studies in masters course is substituted by diploma paper, as it is ststed in the regulations (Regulations of the Cabinet of ministers Nr. 481, November 20, 2001). Carrying out of the diploma paper basically does not differ from scientific work.

Time for theoretical part and practical training in the 4th year is changed: theoretical part is planned in the 1st term with taking State examination, but production practice is transferred to the 2nd term. Optional course includes subjects allowing students to acquire designing skills.

1.6. Comparison with the study programmes in the world and Europe.

Catering and hotel management programme is compared to the study programme of Hotel management school in Switzerland, Tourism study programme at the higher educational school in Munich and Hotel school study programme in Hague.

Analysis and comparison of all the study programmes shows both the common and different features.

Common features:

-  in all the study programmes hotel management is closely connected with the public catering;

-  special subjects of the study programme include nutrition, hygiene, food preparation technologies, hotel and catering organization and management, economics, accountancy, finances, information systems, entrepreneurial activities, legislation, foreign languages;

-  all the study programmes cover also scientific research methods.

Different features:

-  European professional study programmes have considerably less volume of general education and fundamental subjects;

-  after completing the first level of studies, the student obtains Bachelor’s degree – for example, at the Hotel management school in Switzerland – Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality and Tourism Management – after 3 years of studies; at the Hotel school in the Hague, the Netherlands – Bachelor of Hotel Administration – after 4 years of studies.

At the same time, for example, at the Hotel management school in Switzerland after 2 years of studies the students has an opportunity to obtain the Higher Diploma in Hotel Management and the Higher National Diploma in travelling and tourism management. After obtaining the diplomas the student can continue studies to obtain the Bachelor’s degree, including Bachelor of Science Degree in Culinary Arts. It is recommended to proceed with the further studies in Great Britain and the USA.

-  practice is more closely connected with the subjects and it fits better in the process of operating and attendance.

The advantages of the professional study programme offered by the LUA are the training programme on the specificity of catering organizations and the study programme on tourism. At the moment there are study programmes on tourism industry on all the levels carried out in Latvia. Study programme offered by the LUA will take its place among the other study programmes.

1.7. Organising studies and knowledge appraisal.

The studying process on professional study programme Hotel and catering management is organised pursuant to the LUA Regulations (the decision of Senate No. 142 of 08.02.96 “On Studying System in LUA”), in compliance with the LR Law on Higher Educational Establishments, the LUA Constitution and other regulative documents, which are in force within the Republic of Latvia.

Upon completion of the first level of the studies, one can receive a diploma of higher professional education in catering and hotel management according to the classification of professions in LR.

Study programme consists of 4 academic years with 8 terms, 133 weeks of theoretical classes, 20 weeks of individual examinations, 26 weeks of practice and 36 weeks of holidays.

Each term consists of 16 weeks of auditorium classes, 2 weeks of individual examinations.

Lectures are scheduled in streams (about 60 students in a group), practical works are performed in an academic group of students (2 groups), whereas laboratory works - in half of the academic group (4 groups).