Site Council Minutes
Tucson Unified School District
Catalina High School
December 8, 2015
3:35 pm
Catalina High School Library
Attendance: Kate Gallion, Al Azat, Trinidad Tester, Kathi Shaw, Jama Dluehosh, Connie Singleton, Chaudette Gullen, Brian Moore, Ann Woods, Amy Schull, Kimberly Wilson, Jack Schull
I. Meeting called to order by Kate Gallion
II. Reviewed the Minutes from the previous meeting, 10/27
Moved to approve by Connie Singleton, seconded by Ann Woods
III. Call to the Audience –
Nothing to present
IV. Reports:
a. Principal’s Report – Kathi Shaw
1st Quarter Benchmarks were in and Catalina falls within a good range in most areas. Initial looks at the charts are misleading, however, Catalina is within reach/range of other schools. Catalina does fall far below in ELA 10. The second set of benchmarks is being taken this week, and we expect to see growth.
Teachers are now using School City (an online program) for Common Formative Assessments every 3 weeks. It helps them set goals to focus and teach on. All departments teach reading and writing in their classes.
Catalina’s Instructional Council presented at the District’s ILA meetings and to the teachers at Tucson High, how to run effective PLCs.
Trinidad shared that our ExEd department came up with their own standards and set goals to align with the PLC. The level of collaboration between departments has increased.
Future Dates: Future Trojan Night is 1/7/16 (has been changed now to 1/21/16). Honor Roll Dinner is 1/28/16 where the teachers serve dinner to the students and their families.
We started the school year with 4 long-term subs that have all stayed, plan to stay, and all participate in the PLC meetings and plans.
b. Jack Schull- Elements City Church
Will be hosting the staff Holiday/Semester Lunch in the library on 12/17
c. Ann Woods - PVNA
They are collecting food for Catalina and plan to deliver it before break. Also printed out information which helps show High School scholarship availability.
d. Connie Singleton -
ExEd department is having a problem that when they go to take the vans out with students, the gas tanks are on empty. A new fill-up protocol needs to be established. Also, would like the principal to come in and speak with the TAs sometime.
e. Brian Moore – Alumni Association
They would like to know how they can recruit new members and if they can follow-up with students in the spring.
f. Chaudette Gullen -
Asked if there is PD available for TAs and is there anything coming up they would be interested in. The garden she oversees had a sprinkler system installed by the Food Bank, and donated tools and plants.
AmeriCorps will be coming in the spring to help establish spring crops. She would like to have a potting table made for students in wheelchairs.
Elements is very committed to partnering with Catalina in providing for the needs of the students and teachers.
g. Trinidad Tester – School Partnership Committee
Looking to bring the community in to better all of our schools – this is part of the strategic plan. They want to gather site priorities for Catalina and need a couple of parents to help represent the school. They meet the 3rd Monday of each month.
h. Shared on behalf of Jennie Lebreton – Math
Algebra I students have a 50% passing rate, and there is a very high absence rate among the freshman students.
i. Jama Dluehosh – English
Students and teachers are all feeling over-assessed. Finding that many 9th graders are struggling to understand the process of how high school works.
j. Amy Schull –
Collecting gift cards for needy school families. Also participating in the Homeless Youth Committee Resource Fair on 12/9/15 down at Goodwill Metro.
k. Al Azat – student
Mentioned that there was a concern amongst some of the students and teachers that the school’s bells were ringing early and needed to be reset.
Would also like to see a food-sharing table reinstated at lunches. Going to miss being here when he graduates.
V. Action: Catalina has undesignated tax credit money that site council is responsible for approving the distribution of. There is approximately $27,000 to spend. We need to check on how long it is available for. We require the requestors to come and present their need and they must follow a process, and find out what the money can be used for.
a. Kimberly Wilson – College and Career Counselor
Requesting $150 for transportation to a College Exposure Event at the U of A in January or February (Road Trip Tour). Will help the students build their comfort level with the U of A and will be offered mainly to Seniors. She has not raised other funds. Approved unanimously (8-0)
VI. Vision for Site Council: discussion postponed until next meeting.
VII. Next Meeting: January 19, 2016
We will discuss site priorities, our strategic plan, and the leadership’s meetings in Albuquerque, NM
VIII. Adjournment: Connie Singleton moved that the meeting be adjourned and Ann Woods seconded it. The meeting dismissed at 5:40pm