U.S. Department of Education
Grant Performance Report Cover Sheet (ED 524B)
Check only one box per Program Office instruction.
[ ] Annual Performance Report [ ] Final Performance Report
General Information
1. PR/ Number #: ______2. NCES ID#: ______
(Block 5 of the Grant Award Notification - 11 Characters.) (See Instructions - Up to 12 Characters.)
3 Project Title: ______
(Enter the same title as on the approved application.)
4. Grantee Name (Block 1 of the Grant Award Notification): ______
5. Grantee Address (See Instructions.)
6. Project Director Name: ______Title: ______
Ph #: ( ) ____ - _____ Ext: ( ) Fax # : ( ) _____ - _____
Email Address: ______
Reporting Period Information (See Instructions.)
7. Reporting Period: From: ___/___/___ To: ___/___/___ (mm/dd/yyyy)
Budget Expenditures (To be completed by your Business Office. See instructions. Also see Section B.)
8. Budget Expenditures
Federal Grant Funds / Non-Federal Funds (Match/Cost Share)a. Previous Budget Period
b. Current Budget Period
c. Entire Project Period
(For Final Performance Reports only)
Indirect Cost Information (To be completed by your Business Office. See instructions.)
9. Indirect Costs
a. Are you claiming indirect costs under this grant? ___Yes ___No
b. If yes, do you have an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement approved by the Federal Government? ___Yes ___No
c. If yes, provide the following information:
Period Covered by the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement: From: ___/ ___/___ To: ___/___/___ (mm/dd/yyyy)
Approving Federal agency: ___ED ___Other (Please specify): ______
Type of Rate (For Final Performance Reports Only): ___ Provisional ___ Final ___ Other (Please specify) ____
d. For Restricted Rate Programs (check one) -- Are you using a restricted indirect cost rate that:
___ Is included in your approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement?
___ Complies with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2)?
Human Subjects (See Instructions.)
10. Annual Certification of Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval? ___Yes ___No ___N/A
Performance Measures Status and Certification (See Instructions.)
11. Performance Measures Status
a. Are complete data on performance measures for the current budget period included in the Project Status Chart? ___Yes _X__No
b. If no, when will the data be available and submitted to the Department? ___/___/____ (mm/dd/yyyy) (90 days after the end of the grant)
12. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this performance report are true and correct and the report fully discloses all known weaknesses concerning the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data.
______Title: ______
Name of Authorized Representative:
______Date: ___/___/____
ED 524B Page 2 of 11
U.S. Department of Education
Grant Performance Report (ED 524B)
Executive Summary
PR/ Number # (11 characters)______
(See Instructions)
*** Provide highlights of the project's activities and the extent to which the expected outcomes and performance measures were achieved during the reporting period. Do NOT include the project abstract.
ED 524B Page 2 of 11
U.S. Department of Education
Grant Performance Report (ED 524B)
Project Status Chart
PR/Award # (11 characters): ______
SECTION A - Performance Objectives Information and Related Performance Measures Data (See Instructions. Use as many pages as necessary.)
1. Project Objective [ ] Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period. (Check box for grants in years 2 through 4)
Recruit and retain high quality students, including those who represent diverse backgrounds.
1.a. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative DataProject staff will implement 4 targeted recruitment activities during the each of the first and third years of the grant. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
4 / / / 5 / /
1.b. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
Inquiries from potential candidates about the program will increase by 20% from previous recruitment efforts during the first and third years of the grant. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 20 / / / 12
1.c. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
The project will admit 30 scholars over the course of the project. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
30 / / / 15 / /
1.d. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
The percentage of scholars who exit training programs prior to completion due to poor academic performance. (Measure #2) / PROG / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 0 / / / 0
1 e. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
The percentage of funds expended on scholars who drop out of programs because of: 1) poor academic performance; or 2) scholarship support being terminated when the Federal grant to their institution ends. (Measure #6) / PROG / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 0 / / / 0
Explanation of Progress (Include Qualitative Data and Data Collection Information)
(1a) To date, project brochures and a web site have been developed and a total of five targeted recruitment strategies have been implemented. An information table was at a college-sponsored recruitment fair; project staff met with undergraduates within the university to describe the program; informational material was sent to local Head Start, public preschool, Part C, and Part B 619 programs; information on the program was distributed through the state Institutions of Higher Education listserve; and faculty at HCBUs were sent information on the program to distribute to undergraduates.
(1b) The Department tracks the number of inquiries they receive for information on the early childhood program. The average number of inquires received over the past 4 years was used as a baseline measure. Inquires in the program increased this year by 12% from the baseline. Those requesting information reported that they had heard about the project through online searching and through materials distributed by administrators in their current positions (Head Start, public preschool, Part C and Part B 619). None of the people requesting information reported that they had heard about the program through faculty at their IHE.
(1c) The project met its first year target of admitting 15 students toward a total project target of 30.
(1d & 1e) No students have exited the program. Data on students will be entered annually for OSEP’s Student Data Report and the National Center on Service Obligations will be contacted if any student exits the program so that they can track students’ payback requirement or service obligation fulfillment.
U.S. Department of Education
Grant Performance Report (ED 524B)
Project Status Chart
PR/Award # (11 characters): ______
SECTION A - Performance Objectives Information and Related Performance Measures Data (See Instructions. Use as many pages as necessary.)
2. Project Objective [ ] Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Implement a high quality personnel development program that is aligned to State and national professional organization standards.
2.a. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative DataPercentage of projects that incorporate evidence-based practices in the curriculum. (Measure #1) / PROG / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / NA / / / NA
2.b. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
Upon completion of a seminar on family partnerships, each cohort of scholars will rate the quality and usefulness of the seminar as 4.5 or greater on a 5-point scale. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
4.5 / / / 4.0 / /
2.c. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
At the midpoint of scholars’ programs, 85% of scholars will demonstrate at least satisfactory knowledge of working with young children with disabilities and their families by scoring a minimum of 75 (out of 100) on a program designed assessment. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 85 / / / 0
2.d. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
At the end of their program, 90% of scholars will demonstrate advanced critical reflection skills as evidenced by achieving a proficiency score of at least 3 on a 4-point rubric / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 90 / / / 0
Explanation of Progress (Include Qualitative Data and Data Collection Information)
(2a) The project curriculum is based on the State’s personnel standards which are consistent with those of the Division for Early Childhood and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. All courses were approved by the Curriculum Committee in the Graduate School of Education for our NCATE accreditation process. Project staff and the Advisory Committee will review the courses annually to ensure that they contain current evidence-based practices. In addition, the project staff is working on a process to select and evaluate field placements. The Advisory Committee will review this process.
(2b) Since this grant is designed with a focus on strengthening family partnerships, a required seminar on family partnerships was identified for more in-depth evaluation. The seminar was offered during the Fall 2008 semester. Project staff recruited families through the State PTI as well as PTI staff to present on their experiences. Data from the survey will be used to inform the content of other courses as well as future seminars.
(2c) Project staff will design an assessment to measure students’ progress in meeting personnel standards aligned to the courses offered in the first year of their program. This data will be used to inform the content of other courses in the program as well as practicum experiences to ensure that students are receiving a high quality personnel development program. Results of the data will also be used to make adjustment to the first year program for the second cohort of students.
(2d) On a bi-weekly basis scholars will describe real-life practice dilemmas. These will be collected and analyzed by faculty using a four-point rubric related to critical reflection. The ability of students to recognize, process, and solve dilemmas will prepare more reflective practitioners as well as leaders in their programs. Data collection on dilemmas will begin after students begin their practicums in Fall 2009.
U.S. Department of Education
Grant Performance Report (ED 524B)
Project Status Chart
PR/Award # (11 characters): ______
SECTION A - Performance Objectives Information and Related Performance Measures Data (See Instructions. Use as many pages as necessary.)
3. Project Objective [ ] Check if this is a status update for the previous budget period.
Prepare highly qualified personnel to serve young children with disabilities and their families
3.a. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative DataAt the end of their practicum, 90% of scholars will be rated by their practicum supervisor on a survey as “well prepared” or “very well prepared” to meet the needs of young children with disabilities and their families. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 90 / / / 0
3.b. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
At the end of their program, 100% of scholars will achieve a minimum of 3 on a 4 point rubric of a portfolio that provides evidence of their knowledge, skills, and competencies in working with young children with disabilities and their families. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 100 / / / 0
3.c. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
100% of graduates will pass the state Birth-5 test for State teacher certification within 1 year of graduation. / PROJ / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 100 / / / 0
3.d. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
The percentage of degree/certification recipients employed upon program completion who are working in the area(s) for which they were trained. (Measure #3) / PROG / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 100 / / / 0
3.e. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
The percentage of degree/certification recipients employed upon program completion who are working in the area(s) in which they were trained and who are fully qualified under IDEA and meet any additional State requirements that may exist. (Measure #4) / PROG / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 100 / / / 0
3.f. Performance Measure / Measure Type / Quantitative Data
The percentage of degree/certification recipients who maintain employment for three or more years in the area(s) for which they were trained and who are fully qualified under IDEA. (Measure #5) / PROG / Target / Actual Performance Data
Raw Number / Ratio / % / Raw Number / Ratio / %
/ / 100 / / / 0
Explanation of Progress (Include Qualitative Data and Data Collection Information)
(3a) All students are in the first year of their program. At the end of their practicum, practicum supervisors will be asked to complete a survey on a scholar’s knowledge, skills, and competencies in meeting the needs of young children with disabilities and their families