The information provided in this application will help SCS to determine eligibility and scope of service. No charges will be incurred or work conducted until a Work Order is executed. All information contained herein is considered confidential.

Section 1: Company / Organization Information
Company Legal Name (as it would appear on a contract):
City: / State/Province: / Postal Code:
Main Phone: / Website:
Brief Company Description:
First Name: / Last Name: / Title:
Direct Phone: / Email:
3. Company affiliations with other legal entities (parent company, subsidiaries)
Company Name: / Corporate Relationship:
Has the company worked with SCS previously?
Yes No
Which service(s) did you use?
What is the legal status of your company (e.g. Inc., LLC, GmbH., Sdn. Bhd., etc.)?
Section 2: Certification Information
FSC®: Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC-A000521) / PEFC: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
SFI: Sustainable Forestry Initiative
(offered with FSC COC only) / LHV: Legal Harvest Verification
Section 3: Site Information
1. BUSINESS CATEGORY (please check all that apply)
Trader / Manufacturer
(does not take physical possession of product) / Primary manufacturer
(uses round wood (logs) as input)
(takes physical possession of product) / Secondary manufacturer
(all other manufacturing)
(sale of finished goods) / Printer
(manufacturer of printed matter)
Will you make any changes to FSC traded products, either directly or through outsourcing?
Yes No
This information is used to calculate the FSC Annual Administration Fee and is considered confidential. Please indicate the size class of the site to be certified based on the total annual sales (in US dollars) of products containing wood/fiber/paper components (both certified and non-certified). If multiple sites are covered under a single certification, combine the total annual sales of all sites to determine class size.
Class 1
(Less than US $200,000 in sales) / Class 7
(>US $500,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 in sales)
Class 2
(US $200,000 to $1,000,000 in sales) / Class 8
(>US $1,000,000,000 to US $2,000,000,000 in sales)
Class 3
(>US $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 in sales) / Class 9
(>US $2,000,000,000 to US $3,000,000,000 in sales)
Class 4
(>US $5,000,000 to $25,000,000 in sales) / Class 10
(>US $3,000,000,000 to US $5,000,000,000 in sales)
Class 5
(>US $25,000,000 to $100,000,000 in sales) / Class 10+
(Greater than US $5,000,000,000 in sales)
Class 6
(>US $100,000,000 to $500,000,000 in sales)
Each company-owned or operated site that physically handles and/or sells FSC-certified material must be included on the certificate.
Name / Address / Type of Activity (e.g. manufacturing, distribution, repacking, etc)
The process of contracting a business function (i.e. warehousing) or process (i.e. manufacturing) of a company to an independent company.
Company Name / Outsourcing Activities / FSC Certified? (Yes/No)
Yes No CoC #
Yes No CoC #
Yes No CoC #
Section 4: Product Information
Materials Purchased (Input Materials – e.g. logs, lumber, paperboard, etc.)
Finished Products to be Certified:
For brokers/wholesalers/traders (i.e., companies who do not manufacture products), write "same as purchased".
Section 5: Additional Standards and Certifications
1. For FSC, Controlled Wood Certification (FSC-STD-40-005)
Will the company seek "Controlled Wood" certification at the time of the initial evaluation? If yes, please indicate your current level of preparedness.
2. For FSC, Recycled / Reclaimed Material Certification (FSC-STD-40-007)
Will the company use recycled/reclaimed material that is not FSC-certified as an input in certified products?
3. Other Environmental Claims
Are there other environmental claims your company may wish to have certified?
Recycled Material Content / Environmental Product Declarations
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) / Legal Harvest/EUTR/Lacey Act Compliance
Forest Management / Other
Section 6: Additional Information
Desired date / time frame of certification:
Has your company previously held a Chain of Custody Certificate?
Yes No
If your company previously held a Chain of Custody Certificate, what was the name of the certification body? What was the certificate code?
If there are companies in your supply chain that may want to obtain certification, Please list company names here:
General Information
1. What factors contributed to your interest in SCS Global Services?
Compliance / Strategy
Customer Interest / Buyer Requirement
Supplier Programs / Other
2. Would you like information on any of our other services?
(Carbon offset, Carbon Footprint, etc.) / Responsible Forestry
(FSC, PEFC, Chain of Custody, Timber Legality, etc.)
Environmental Claims
(Product Certification, Life Cycle Assessment, etc.) / Sustainable Seafood
(MSC, ASC, Chain of Custody, Seafood Safety, etc.)
Food and Agriculture
(Safety, testing, Sustainability, etc.) / Sustainability Services
(Consulting, Supply Chain Sustainability Metrics, etc.)
3. How did you learn about SCS Global Services? Who referred you to SCS Global Services?
I affirm that the information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I am duly authorized to sign this application. Should our company decide to pursue certification, I agree to supply any information that is deemed necessary for the audit of the operation and/or products to be certified.
Print Name:
Signature (electronic or typed accepted):

Please save this application and email to:

Adam Wiskind — Program Director, Chain of Custody

2000 Powell Street, Ste. 600 Emeryville, CA 94608

Phone: 510-452-6391 | Fax: 510-452-6882

We will be in touch as soon as possible.

Thank you for choosing SCS.

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