Health Education & Promotion – 2014-15 Mental Wellness Workplan

Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Health Equity Lens / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Updates
By December 31, 2014, implement a social marketing campaign related to the topic of 20-30 minute naps. /
  1. Assess marketing materials
  2. Create complete marketing plan
  3. Assess necessary IT needs for online materials and web resources
  4. Launch campaign and online materials
  5. Evaluate campaign
  1. October
  2. September - October
  3. October
  4. November
  5. December - January
/ Jing Mai and Merril Lavezzo / Marketing efforts will include fliers, MU display poster, updates to SHCS website, FB and Twitter posts. / Revise language to include no and low cost resources. / Implementation plan, marketing materials, evaluation findings, final report, inventory of nap kit supplies, and re-order if needed. Include repeat question about message reach on the 2015 ACHA NACHA survey / 1. Completed
2. Completed
3. Completed
4. Completed
5. Completed (report on HEP server)
By October 31, 2014 complete University of St. Thomas’ College Sleep Environmental Scan /
  1. Contact appropriate campus units to gather information needed to complete scan
  2. Submit data online to the University of St. Thomas’ researchers
  1. August-September
  2. October
/ Merril Lavezzo / None / N/A / Completed scan / 6. Completed
7. Completed
By April 31, 2015, implement a social marketing campaign related to the topic healthy sleep to UC Davis students. /
  1. Assess marketing materials
  2. Create complete marketing plan
  3. Assess necessary IT needs for online materials and web resources
  4. Launch campaign and online materials
  5. Evaluate campaign
  1. December - January
  2. January
  3. January - February
  4. March
  5. March - April
/ Jing Mai and Merril Lavezzo / Marketing efforts will include fliers, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts, posters, and updates to HEP website. / Revise language to include no and low cost resources. / New promotional item: door hanger evaluation findings, summary of campaign. Addition of question in 2015 National College Health Assessment to gauge the reach of healthy sleep messages. / 8-12. Planed for late Winter Quarter
By June 30, 2015, update “Social Survival” (healthy relationships) booklet /
  1. Re-distribute booklets to partners for fall quarter
  2. Edit and update booklet
  3. Work with campus partners to help with edits
  4. Develop a distribution plan to first year students
  5. Reach out tostudent groups
  1. September- October
  2. December
  3. January - March
  4. March
  5. April
/ Jing Mai and Merril Lavezzo / None / When editing, revise language to include more inclusive, if needed. Consider new campus partners for distribution to marginalized populations / Track numbers of booklets distributed / 13. Completed
14. In process of editing booklet
15. In process
16. In process
17. In process- Campus Student Centers already contacted
By June 30, 2015, develop strategies to help to reduce stress among UC Davis students with a focus on institutional practice/policy and/or environmental management. /
  1. Review “Turn the Curve” (TTC) data from 2013-14 for any themes
  2. Plan “Turn the Curve” (TTC) meetings and include campus stakeholders, potential partners and student leaders.
  3. Hold at least two “Turn the Curve” meetings with students and/or staff
  4. Use findings from “Turn The Curve” meetings to create action plan and make recommendations for further efforts
  1. October- November
  2. November – January
  3. January- May
  4. February -May
/ Jing Mai and Merril Lavezzo / Consider facilitating a TTC at high risk populations at campus / Summary of literature review, agenda and minutes from Turn the Curve meeting. Detailed summary of findings to support further efforts. / 18. Complete-report on server
19. In process. Two presentations booked thus far.
20. In process. Two presentations booked thus far.
21. In process
By June 30, 2015, update UC Davis Nap Map on HEP website /
  1. Refine tools for volunteers to complete environmental scans regarding nap locations and parameters
  2. Use data from environmental scans to update Map
  3. Update Map on HEP website
  1. December
  2. February – March
  3. April - May
/ Jing Mai and Merril Lavezzo / Update card and Nap May with top nap spots and photos, if needed. / Updated Nap Map / 22. Completed-piloting online format for students to evaluate napping areas.
23. Winter quarter
24. Winter quarter
By June 30, 2015, collaborate with and provide technical assistance to campus partners providing direct mental health and other services to students. /
  1. Continue campus collaborations (e.g. ARC, SASC, Campus Unions, etc.) to establish needs and incorporate sleep and stress messages on campus
  2. Develop content for two SHCS health topics pages on relationships (based on relationship booklet) and positive psychology
  3. Post stress reduction materials on SHCS website for faculty and/or Teaching Assistants
  4. Continue to foster on-going partnerships with campus units and student organizations to infuse mental wellness messages, resources, materials, etc.
  1. August - June
  2. November- June
  3. September- June
  4. September-June
/ Jing Mai and Merril Lavezzo / TBD / When editing, revise language to include more inclusive, if needed / Written summary of collaborations / 25. In process
26. In process of editing “Relationships” and “Stress” Health Topics pages
27. In process
28. In process
By June 30, 2015, implement a social marketing campaign related to the topic of happiness /
  1. Research and identify benefits of promotion of happiness, gratitude and positive psychology
  2. Continue developing language and images for campaign
  3. Order promotional materials for Happiness Kits
  4. Conduct campaign
  5. Evaluate
  1. October-December
  2. October-December
  3. January
  4. May
  5. June
/ Fliers, buttons, FB images, posters, LCD screen ads / Encourage inclusive language and free and low cost resources / Promo item: Happiness Kit, track distribution, number of participants in campaign (and possible event)
Add question to the 2017 ACHA NACHA survey to assess reach of the campaign / 29. Focus groups and research completed
30-33. Planed for
By June 30, 2015, increase student access to online resources to decrease stress, increase happiness and/or sleep. /
  1. Research and identify stress management online programs
  2. Research and identify happiness resources
  3. Research and identify online sleep promotion programs.
  4. Create online resources on HEP website
  5. Collaborate with Project Happiness to host “7 Doors to Happiness”
  6. Continue formative research on topic and viability of infusing messages on campus
  1. October - June
  2. October – June
  3. January - February
  4. January - February
  5. September – October
  6. October – June
/ Jing Mai and Merril Lavezzo / Encourage inclusive language / Written summary of research findings and documentation of web resources / 34. In process
35. In process
36. In process
37. Completed-SHCS blog written on sleep and technology
38. In process
39. In process-conducted focus group on social marketing language for Happiness Campaign
By December, 31 2014, collaborate with SHCS marketing to develop 10 informational cards on mental wellness issues to hang off the Health Happens Here hammocks on the MU quad /
  1. Draft content for 10 informational cards
  2. Review content and images
  1. August-September
  2. August-September
/ Merril Lavezzo / Card formatting, images, layout and lamination / Include free and low cost resources / 10 information cards / 40. Completed
41. Completed
This activity ended because it was taken over by HHH group.
By June 30, 2015, collaborate with Counseling Services to conduct two Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention presentations /
  1. Become a certified QPR instructor by participating in one day training
  2. Collaborate with Counseling Services to plan QPR implementation on campus
  3. Prepare training materials
  4. Conduct first QPR training with HEP student staff and Counseling Services Peer Advocates
  1. October
  2. November-January
  3. December-January
  4. January
/ Merril Lavezzo / None / Include statistics and resources that include people of color / Pre and post training evaluations, / 42. Completed
43. Completed
44. In process- edited demographic info on pre and post evaluation and now creating 6 week post training follow up
45. Scheduled for Winter Quarter

Goals for Mental Wellness

Increase the amount of sleep and/or occurrence of optimal napping among students, increase students’ ability to cope with stress through increased awareness of how to foster happiness, practice gratitude and expand relationship skills.


Students report stress as the number one issue impacting academics. Promotion of mental well-being and healthy relationships are priority college health issues. NCHA-ACHA II data supports prioritizing campus health promotion efforts related to stress from academics, finances and relationships; sleep; and mental health issues i.e., suicide and mood and anxiety disorders.


1.Increase students’ strategies and skills to reduce stress.

2.Increase the number of students who optimally nap.

3.Increase proportion of students reporting a consistent amount of recommended nighttime sleep.

4.Implement environmental management strategies in student housing to create better sleep environments.

5.Increase students’ skills to improve relationships.

6.Increase students’ ability to feel happy and/or practice gratitude.