Student: / PIN
Local tutor:

1.Describe briefly the characteristics of a congregation you know.

2.Choose a Bible passage on the kingdom of God from this unit to be read in the service and to be used in the sermon.

Exegesisa.Outline its context and background.

b.Indicate its original meaning.

c.Consider its message for the congregation you have described.

3.State the aim of a sermon for this congregation.

Outline the structure of the sermon – headings and very brief notes only.

4.Write the sermon following the structure you have chosen as you would speak it

(1,200-1,500 words). Make sure that you:

a.communicate the Good News;

b.use the Bible appropriately;

c.use appropriate illustrations/stories;

d.take seriously the needs of the congregation

e.are interesting and creative.


Maximum mark / Student’s Mark
1. / Understanding / 10
2. / a. / Knowledge / 10
b. / Understanding / 10
c. / Applicationmessage for congregation / 10
3. / Applicationaim, structure / 10
4. / a. / Applicationcommunicate Good News / 10
b. / Applicationuse of Bible appropriately / 10
c. / Applicationuse of appropriate
illustrations/stories / 10
d. / Applicationneeds of congregation / 10
e. / Applicationinterest, creativity / 10

Time spent on unit and assignment:

Tutor comments on assignment


Both sides of this record sheet must be completed and contain comments by the student and tutor and attached to the front of the assignment. The tutor may wish to make more extensive comments on the copy of the assignment or on an additional sheet.

Evaluation SheetUnit 15

This sheet must be completed and forwarded to the Local Preachers’ Office as part of the Connexional assessment and moderation of the trainee preacher. Part A should be completed by the student and Part B by the tutor.

Part A – Student Evaluation

Complete the following grid by placing a ‘X’ in the appropriate box.

(1 equals little and 6 considerable).

Note: there are not correct and wrong answers to these questions.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
How much of the material was new to you?
How well has the unit helped you express qualities of the kingdom of God?
How well has the unit helped you identify features of the Church?
How far has the unit made you think further about your own local church?

In what ways have you developed as a preacher from studying this unit?

What did you find most beneficial in this unit?

What did you find difficult about this unit?

Part B – Tutor Evaluation

As the tutor please complete the following grid and discuss it and Part A with your student as part of the feedback on the assignment you have marked.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
What demands did this unit make on your student?
How much previous knowledge of the material covered in this unit did your student have?
In the light of the answer to the above question, to what extent has your student developed as a result of studying this unit?

What have been the significant things learnt from this unit?



March 2004