Physical Education Syllabus & Grading Policy

Mr. Suarez, Mrs. Long, Ms. Bitis & Ms. Marshall

Tel: 718.803.7100

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) & Students,

We would like to welcome you and your son/daughter to Maspeth High School’s Physical Education Class! We are truly looking forward to an extremely successful and fun year. In this class, students will be provided with the tools to engage in fun, challenging, physical activities that will help them remain active throughout their adult years.

Units:Below are the major units that will be covered during the semester, subject to change.

Flag Football/Rugby
Ultimate Frisbee
Basketball / Fitness
Team Handball
Floor Hockey / Cooperative Games
Lawn Games
Recreational Games

Course Requirements:


The Physical Education Department requires that all students change daily into active wear for class:

  • Maspeth High School P.E Uniform:
  • MHS Phys. Ed. shirt or Maspeth Madness T-Shirt
  • MHS Phys. Ed. shorts or sweatpants.
  • Lace-up Sneakers of your choice (no slip on shoes allowed)

If proper attire is not worn, students will be marked as unprepared (students wearing sneakers may still participate and earn participation credit). Students who are unprepared and are not wearing sneakers will be asked to help officiate games, give constructive feedback to peers, and/or complete a writing assignment for the day.

For safety purposes jewelryisnot allowed to be worn, unless it is a religious adornment or medical alert, which must be affixed properly to reduce the chance of injury.

Combination Lock:

It is strongly encouraged that students purchase a combination lock, to bring daily for PE class. Lockers in the locker room are for use during your PE period only. A lock is the only way to ensure belongings will not be lost or stolen. Locks are available in the student store during your lunch periods. It is also highly recommended that you do not share your locker or lock with other students, to further ensure safety of your belongings.


If your child is in class prepared, actively participating, and performing with a positive attitude, they will be successful. Grades are based on the following:

  • Participation & Effort
  • Personal/ Social Responsibility
  • Assessments

For a detailed description of our grading policy andanatomy of our Physical Education class, please refer to other side of this handout.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards,
MHS Physical Education Department

Physical Education Class Anatomy

Minutes / Place / Expectation/Policy
First 7 / Locker Room / Students get changed, lock up their personal items, use the bathroom, [etc.].
5 minutes after the first 7 / Gymnasium:
Squads & Warm-Up / Students come in and sit in their assigned squad spot, hand-in medical/absent notes, express any concerns you have, [etc.].
Remaining Time / Gymnasium, Field or Fitness Center / Students will utilize this time to develop during skill-work, tournaments, visual assessments, questioning, writing assignments, [etc.].
Last 7 minutes / Locker Room / Get changed, unlock and take your personal items, use the bathroom, [etc.].

Maspeth High SchoolPhysical EducationGrading Policy

Students will have the opportunity to gain a total of 500 points within each of the 4 terms in Physical Education. The points will be distributed as follows:

Participation & Effort- 200pts
Being prepared for class and showing effort on a daily basis is extremely important in this class. That means working hard to their full ability when in class. Effort also includes following directives as described and making a positive contribution to class learning.

Personal & Social Responsibility- 200pts
Showing responsibility for oneself intrapersonally and interpersonally. We strive to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all of our students. We also expect all our students to be respectful of our environment (gymnasium, locker rooms, equipment, field, [etc.]).

Assessments- 100pts
Assessments are ways in which students are tested. Assessments vary based on the unit being studied. An assessment may be written or performance-based. For example, you may be asked to take a written exam on the basketball unit we have just finished, or you may be asked to perform a skills-based assessment (i.e. “Show me how to take a proper lay-up”).