Admissions Application

2018/2019 School Year

Please complete and email back to

Mail Admissions Fee ($50 for first child; $25 for each additional child) to:

Ingleside Tutorial

PO Box 8431

Chattanooga, TN 37414

Please note the name of your student(s) in the memo line on the check.

First & Last Name of Primary Contact / Click here to enter name /
Mailing Address / Click to enter street address /
Click to enter City/State/Zip /
Primary Contact Email / Click to enter email address /
Primary Contact’s Phone Number / Click to enter phone number /


Relationship to Child:


☐Father☐Grandparent☐Legal Guardian

First & Last Name of Secondary Contact / Click here to enter name /
Primary Contact’s Phone Number / Click to enter phone number /


Child #1

Name / Click here to enter name /
Date of Birth / 00/00/00 /


Grade for 2018/2019 School Year: ☐1st☐2nd☐3rd☐4th☐5th☐6th

Tell us about your child’s previous education/schooling. Describe the aspects of your child’s previous educational experience which aligned (or not) with your philosophy/desire for his/her education.
Click here to answer. /
Please tell us about your child (temperament, interests, outdoor activity level, special needs, health concerns, etc.).
Click here to answer. /

1|PageAdmissions Continued

Child #2

Name / Click here to enter name /
Date of Birth / 00/00/00 /


Grade for 2018/2019School Year: ☐1st☐2nd☐3rd☐4th☐5th☐6th

Tell us about your child’s previous education/schooling. Describe the aspects of your child’s previous educational experience which aligned (or not) with your philosophy/desire for his/her education.
Click here to answer. /
Please tell us about your child (temperament, interests, outdoor activity level, special needs, health concerns, etc.).
Click here to answer. /

Child #3

Name / Click here to enter name /
Date of Birth / 00/00/00 /


Grade for 2018/2019School Year: ☐1st☐2nd☐3rd☐4th☐5th☐6th

Tell us about your child’s previous education/schooling. Describe the aspects of your child’s previous educational experience which aligned (or not) with your philosophy/desire for his/her education.
Click here to answer. /
Please tell us about your child (temperament, interests, outdoor activity level, special needs, health concerns, etc.).
Click here to answer. /

Overall Questions

Imagine your child is 18 and everything in his/her development and education turned out as you hoped. Try to describe him/her as a young adult. What characteristics and values would he/she have developed?
Click here to answer. /
What is it about Ingleside Tutorial that appeals to you? Why do you think it will make a good choice for your son or daughter?
Click here to answer. /
How much of For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay have you read? What other Charlotte Mason resources do you use/have you read? What are your thoughts on this approach to education and parenting?
Click here to answer. /
Please view the recommendedASI educational videos 1-18? What are your thoughts on these/ what captured your interest?
Click here to answer. /
Do you regularly attend a church or other faith-based organization? And if so, for how long and which one?
Click here to answer. /

Please check any area in which you’d be willing to serve and/or indicate ways you would like to contribute to the community.

☐Accounting☐Event Organization☐Legal

☐Administrative☐Fundraising☐Tutor Recruitment

☐Catering☐Facilities Management☐Tutoring

☐Communications☐Family Recruitment

Other: Click here to explain

Thank you for your application. We will notify you of availability and next steps shortly.
