Comprehension Instruction


Reading Endorsement

Fall 2012

Brad Wilcox

Description of Course:

This course explores the comprehension and retention of expository and narrative text. Methods and strategies that encourage, measure, and teach comprehension will be examined. A strength of this course is the opportunity it provides students to participate in the presentation of ideas and material. In addition, the course will address vocabulary, fluency, and motivation in reading.

Required Text:

Morrison, T. G.,& Wilcox, B.(2013). Developing literacy: Reading and writing to, with, and by children. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Course Assignments:

Personal Journal (notebook). You will be expected to write regularly about your life.

Learning Log. As you come into class a learning log topic will be posted. Just take a few moments to write some ideas on the topic to help yourself warm up and focus.

Chapter Sharing. You are expected to read the text. In turn, you will share a summary of one of the chapters. You should also make connections with your own experience as a reader and teacher.

Teaching Idea. Share an idea that you have seen or used that has been effective in teaching reading comprehension.

Implement a Strategy. Use an idea from another teacher or from the book as you help students create meaning in your classroom.

Reflection Paper. Reflect on the implementation of a new comprehension strategy in your classroom. What happened? What went well? What didn’t go so well? What will you do next time?


Final. The final examination will be comprehensive covering all academic material taught during the semester.


Participation in seminars along with completion of assignments and readings will be combined with your score on the final to determine your grade.

Contacting the Professor:

Most concerns or questions should be brought up during seminar or directly after. You may also make contact at home or by email.

Home: 1931 N. 1160 W.

Provo, UT 84604


Office: 801-422-4358


Wednesday, 4:30 pm, NUES


Oct 24Comprehension Processes: An Overview

Foundational Meaning Making Abilities (151-152)

David Bryson

Schema Theory and Comprehension Problems

Schema Theory (67-69)

Jill Tatton

Explicit and Implicit Comprehension Instruction

31Halloween—No Class

Nov 7Elements of Reading

Elements of Reading (36-38)

Tara Hammer

The Reading Process

The Reading Process (44-46)

Britt McFarlane

Motivating Reading: To, With, and By

Importance of Reading to Children (245-248)


Read Aloud Techniques (248-249)

Sherry Barski

Book Selection (250-252)

Ellen Smith

Shared Reading within Various Instructional Approaches (262-264)

Syndee Fishe

Reading Process (265-266)

Coleen Nielsen

Before Reading (266-268)

Anna Jim

During Reading (268-271)

Ina Miles

After Reading (271-276)

Justin Moon

Small Groups in Core Literacy Programs (291-296)

Christy Parrish (1st half) and Linda Smith (2nd half)

Small Groups in Reading Workshop (297-299)

Linda Warren (1st half) and Suzanne Marchant (2nd half)

Literature Discussion Groups (299-302)

Kasia Vernon (1st half) and Debbie Wagstaff (2nd half)

14Share Teaching Ideas

21Thanksgiving—No Class


Components of Fluency (109)

Brooke Allen

Skills and Strategies (110)

Jessica Heimburger

Rate and Accuracy (110-112)

Carolann Caylor

Expression (112-113)

Ashley Quick

Oral Reading (116-117)

Melissa Brinkerhoff


Size (128)

Shelly Kanzee

Word Collections (129-130)

Becky Lefler

Guiding Principles—Four Es (131-132)

Lori Christensen

Types of Words (133-135)

Carla McGee

Key Word Prediction (136)

Robin Knight

Five-Step Approach (137)

Kari Alton

Semantic Mapping (140)

Rosanne Dawes

Dec 5Teaching Organizational Strategies

Teaching Metacognitive Strategies

12Teaching InferentialStrategies

Teaching Multiple Strategies

19Reading in Content Areas

Expository Text Structure (188)


Description and Sequence (189-190)

Keith Lowther

Comparison, Cause & Effect, Problem & Solution (190)

Melissa Esplin

Print Features (190)

Carli O’Neil

Organizational Aids (191)


Graphic Aids (192)

Katie Jorgensen

Study Strategies and Guides


Name ______

Brad Wilcox

Comprehension Instruction

Final Grade

AssignmentPoints Possible Points Earned



Self-sponsored Writing:

Personal Journal



Instructional Writing:

Learning Log




Implement Strategy30

Reflection Paper30


Chapter Discussion50

Teaching Idea50



Review and Final 100


TOTAL: 400




