Curriculum Vitae

Name and surnameJosé Miguel Palacios-Jaraquemada.

Date of birthOctober 29, 1959.


Identification documentsDNI 18.028.393 CI 6.550.531.

Passport: 18.028.393 N

AddressAv. Corrientes 5087Piso 4 Dto. "A" (C1414AJD)

Phone/FAX: 54-11-4857-1331.

Cellular: 549-11-410-0623.

E mail:

University titles1) Medical Doctor.

School of Medicine.

University de Buenos Aires.

MN 66199 MP 49806.

Graduate dateDecember 22, 1982.

Average6,78 six with 78/100.

2) PhD

School of Medicine.

Department of Bioestructural Sciences. Anatomy.

December 28,1998.

Specialist Titles

1.-Surgical Clinic Specialist

Granted by MedicalCollege of Province of Buenos Aires District IV, October 24, 1986.

2.-Surgeon Specialist

Granted by Argentina Association of Surgery, September 6, 1989.


1.-Professional Certification. Granted by NationalAcademy of Medicine, August 1993.

Educational Career

BeginJuly 1988.

TerminationJune 29, 1992.

At the University of Buenos Aires, School of Medicine, Argentina.

Doctorate Thesis

“Anatomy study of arterial circulation of the pelvis: Surgical considerations”

Approved, December 2, 1997.

Educational Antecedents

Educational positions (All of them in Anatomy Chair, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires).

1.- March 1978 to March 1983 Educational Assistant (Second degree).

2.- March 1983 to March 1989 Educational Assistant (First degree).

3.- March 1989 to March 1998 Educational Assistant (Chief).

4.- March 1998 to February 2006Assistant Professor.

5.- March 206 to present timeProfessor

Hospitalary Antecedents

1.- Pregraduate practitioner

September 1981 to August 1982. SanMiguelHospital, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2.- Residence in surgery.

May 1983 to May 1986. BernardoHoussayHospital, Vicente López, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

3.- Resident in Chief.

May 1986 to May 1987 . Bernardo Houssay Hospital, Vicente López, Province de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

4.- Member of hospital infection Committee.

September 1985 to May 1987. Bernardo Houssay Hospital, Vicente López, Province de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

5.- Medical scholarship holder (General surgery)

June 1988 to October 1989. ErillHospital, Escobar, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

6.- Internal Doctor and Chief (Surgeon)

May 1987 to November 1995 Otamendi y MiroliHospital, Capital Federal, Argentina.

July 1987 to February 1992 MuñizHospital, Capital Federal, Argentina.

7.- Emergency Surgeon.

June 1992 to August 1999 FernandezHospital, Capital Federal, Argentina.

8.- Obstetric Surgeon. (Uterine conservative procedures in Obstetric Hemorrhage)

July 1999 to 2004.DurandHospital, Capital Federal, Argentina.

9.- Medical Consultant.

In obstetric resonance imaging. Lomas Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Lomas de Zamora, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

10.- Insurance Companies of Health. (Private Medicine)

Uterine conservative procedures- Placenta accreta, percreta and obstetric hemorrhage-(Only lender in a country) OSDE, SWISS MEDICAL, TIM GALENO LIFE, QUALITAS, OMINT, CEMIC, DOCTHOS,MEDICIEN,APSOT.

June 1997 to the present time.

11) Associated Doctor. Obgyn Unit CEMIC

May 2002 to the present time


1.- Rioplatense Anatomy Association

September 1979 to 1998.

2.- Neurosciences Argentina Association.

June 1983 to August 1987.

3.- Surgical Argentina Association.

April 1984 to 2003.

4.-.Membership of New YorkAcademy of Sciences (New York, USA)

August 2000 to 2002.

5.- Active Member of the American Association of Clinical Anatomist

May 2002 to the present time.

6.- Associate Member of the Buenos Aires Gynecology and Obstetric Society (SOGIBA)

December 2002 to the present time.

7.- Member of Critic Obstetric Committee. Argentina Society of Intensive Therapy

July 2006 to the present time.

8.- Editorial Advisory Board Member Open Reproductive Science Journals (TORSJ ORSR and ORSL) 2007-

9.- Member of Argentina Anatomy Association. October 2008-

Activity In Congresses

1.-Relator:Hospitalary infection.

Hospital days meeting Vicente López, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 1994.

2.- Relator:Elective surgery of deep venous system.

57ntArgentina Congress of Surgery, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

3.- Relator:Symposium Hemorrhagic syndromes before and after delivery: Placentary adhesive disorders.

XVII Congress of Argentina association of Gynecology and Obstetrics, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 1999.

4.- Relator:International course: Emergencies during the labor: Surgical, electric and mechanic treatment of uterine atony.

XVII Congress of Argentina Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 1999.

5.- Relator:Symposium Delivery complications, Theme: Diagnosis and treatment of placenta accreta and percreta.

First Congress of Health Equipment, QuilmesUniversity, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 1999.

6.- Relator:Experts meeting: Hemorrhages of the second half and the puerperium. Theme: Attitudes and behaviors before the serious obstetric hemorrhage.

XVIII Congress of Argentina Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 1999.

7.-Relator:News and controversies in obstetrics and perinatal medicine.

Español Hospital, La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 2000.

8.- Relator:Puerperal hemorrhage: Can it be carried out a conservative treatment?. Posture for the Yes. XIX Congress of Argentina Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 2001.

9.- Relator:Arterial and venous irrigation of the pelvis.

VII Congress of the Anatomical Association of Morphological Sciences. Corrientes, Argentina. June 2001.

10.- Relator:Obstetric and Gynecology emergencies that’s need a multidisciplinary approach.XVII ArgentinaCongressofemergentologypathology. Mar del Plata, Argentina, September 2001.

11.- Relator:Controversy “placenta accreta: arterial ligatures or arterial embolization”.

Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 2002.

12.-Relator:Placentary Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

IV Argentina Congress of Radiological Techniques. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina June 2002.

13.- Relator:Therapeutic considerations in the diagnosis of placentary adhesion disorders by MRI.

48th Radiology Congress. Argentina Federations of Radiology Societies. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2002.

14.- Relator: Ginecology and obstetric imaging.

49thArgentina Congress of Radiology. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2003.

15.-Relator: Conservative treatment with selective ligatures in placenta acreta.

21st Congress of Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 2003.

16.- Relator: Uterine hemostasis.

II meeting of Critic Obstetric Committee.Argentina Society of Intensive care. San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán. September 2006.

17.- Relator: Distal Uterine Anastomosis as cause of uncontrollable hemorrhage after uterine artery occlusion.

XXV International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Buenos Aires, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jul 2007.

18.- Relator: Obstetric hemorrhage: Hidden mistakes as cause of unexpected results.

17º Argentina Congress of Intensive Care. Argentina Society of Intensive Care, City of Salta, Salta, Argentina. August 2007.

19.- Relator: Obstetric hemorrhage.

II Argentina Congress of Emergency, Trauma and Critical Care. Argentina Society of Surgery and Medical Trauma and annexed Societies SAPUE, SATI, SAME Y SUET). City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 2007.

20.- Relator: Uterine preservation techniques.

18º Argentina Congress of Intensive Care and 3º Argentina Congress of Urgency Diseases, Emergentology, Trauma and Critical Care. City of Buenos Aires, August 2008.

21.-Relator: Diagnosis and management of postpartum hemorrhage.

XXV Multidisciplinary Journey. PiñeiroHospital, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2008

22.- Relator: Surgical application of the lower uterine anastomotic system.

XLV Anatomy Argentina Congress. Mendoza, Argentina October 2008.

23.- Relator: Epidemiology (Placenta Praevia Accreta session on Thursday 8 October). XIX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 4-9 October 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.

24.- Relator: Conservative Approach by One-step Surgery and Potential Prevention (Placenta Praevia Accreta session on Thursday 8 October). XIX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 4-9 October 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.

25.- Relator: Conservative methods in PPH: uterine blood supply and hemostatic procedures. 9º World Congress of Perinatology, 24-28 de Octubre de 2009, Berlín, Alemania.

26.- Relator: Conservative in accreta: one-step conservative surgery. Parallel Session PPH. 9º World Congress of Perinatology, 24-28 de Octubre de 2009, Berlín, Alemania.

27.- Chairperson: Symposium of placenta accreta. XIX FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 4-9 October, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.

28.- Chairperson: Functional anatomy of the pelvis. Parallel Session. 9º World Congress of Perinatology, 24-28 October 2009, Berlín, Germany.

29) Relator: Uterus conserving surgeries in controlling obstetrics hemorrhage. Keynote Lecture. SOGOG 2009 Ahmedabad Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society. January 8-11, 2010. Madhubhan Resort, Anand, Gujarat, India.

30) Relator: Unusual cases of PPH-Interactive Session. Ahmedabad Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society, January 12, 2010, Ahmedabad, Guarujat, India

31) Relator: One-step surgey in placenta accreta. Ahmedabad Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society, January 12, 2010, Ahmedabad, Guarujat, India

32) Relator: Lower uterine blood supply. AICOG 53rd All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Guwahati, Assam. 19 al 22 de Enero de 2010.

33) Relator: Complications in the third stage of labor. AICOG 53rd All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Guwahati, Assam. January 19-22, 2010.

34) Relator: Unusual cases of PPH-Interactive session. AICOG 53rd All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Guwahati, Assam. January 19-22, 2010.

35) Relator: Surgical techniques to control obstetric hemorrhage-Review of 500 cases. AICOG 53rd All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Guwahati, Assam. January 19-22, 2010.

36) Relator: Safe management of PPH in level-1-care. AICOG 53rd All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Guwahati, Assam. January 19-22, 2010.

37) Relator: Uterine conservation in patients with severe hemodynamic and hemostatic status.XII International Congressin Medicine. Hospital Civil de Guadalajara 2010. February26, 2010, Guadalajara, México.

38) Relator: Therapeutic options in placenta accreta and percreta. XII International Congress in Medicine. Hospital Civil de Guadalajara 2010. February26, 2010, Guadalajara, México.

39) Relator: Meet the expert: Placenta accreta: Conservative management.7 de Mayo de 2010. XXI European Congreso of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Flanders Congress & Concert centre. Atwerpen, Bélgica. 5-8 Mayo de 2010

40) Relator: Special lectures: Placenta accreta: Conservative management. 8 de Mayo de 2010. XXI European Congreso of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Flanders Congress & Concert centre. Atwerpen, Bélgica. 5-8 Mayo de 2010

41) Relator and Chairperson: Practical steps to solve severe postpartum bleeding. 37º Nordic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Copenhagen, Dinamarca. 15 al 18 de Junio de 2010

42) Relator: Management of placenta accreta with different resources. 32º British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Belfast, Reino Unido. 20 al 23 de Junio de 2010.

43) Relator: Breaking news: Conservative management of intractable postpartum haemorrhage. 32º British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Belfast, Reino Unido. 20 al 23 de Junio de 2010.

44) Relator: Breaking news: Management of pelvisubperitoneal haemorrhage with hemodynamic deterioration. 32º British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Belfast, Reino Unido. 20 al 23 de Junio de 2010.

45) Relator: Management of placenta accreta with different resources. 32º British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Belfast, Reino Unido. 20 al 23 de Junio de 2010.

46) Relator: Breaking news: Conservative management of intractable postpartum haemorrhage. 32º British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Belfast, Reino Unido. 20 al 23 de Junio de 2010.

47) Relator: Breaking news: Management of pelvisubperitoneal haemorrhage with hemodynamic deterioration. 32º British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Belfast, Reino Unido. 20 al 23 de Junio de 2010.

48) Relator: Placental magnetic resonance imaging: How, when and why.II International Simposium of Clínica del Prado. July 23-24, 2010. Medellín, Colombia.

49) Relator: Importance of proximal vascular control in the evolution of obstetric hemorrhage. II International Simposium of Clínica del Prado. July 23-24, 2010. Medellín, Colombia.

50) Relator: Therapeutic alternatives in placenta accreta.II International Simposium of Clínica del Prado. July 23-24, 2010. Medellín, Colombia.

51) Relator: Unusual cases of obstetric hemorrhage: Interactive resolution.II International Simposium of Clínica del Prado. July 23-24, 2010. Medellín, Colombia.

54) Member of local Committee: 10th World Congress Of Perinatal Medicine. 8-11 November. 2011. Punta del Este. Uruguay.

55) Relator: Surgical emergencies in obstetrics and gynecology. XXVII Multidisciplinary Journey of Health. VélezSarsfieldHospital. November, 2010.

Courses Of Improvement

1.- Anatomic and surgical basis of pathological diseases of central nervous system.

November to December 1994. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 30 hours.

2.- Posgraduate course to surgeons.

Argentina Surgical Association. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1993. 132 hours. With final evaluation.

3.- Coloproctologyto graduate surgeons.

Argentina Surgical Association. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 13 hours.1985. With final evaluation.

4.- New knowledge’s in surgical diseases of liver and biliary tract(International course)

PirovanoHospital. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 1986. 50 hours.

5.- Surgical infections.

School of Medicine, Capital Federal, Argentina. 70 Hours. With final evaluation.

6.- Management course of the commission of the AmericanCollege of Surgeons.

AmericanCollege of Surgeons, Santiago, Chile, April 1991 ONE CREDIT.

7.-ATLS (Advanced trauma live support)

Argentina Chapter of the trauma Committee by the AmericanCollege of Surgeons. CosmeArgerichHospital. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 22 Hours July-August 1993. With final evaluation.

8.- Applied biological statistics.

Pharmacy and BiochemicalSchool. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 73 hours. April to June 1995. With final evaluation.

9.- Advances and controversies in general surgery.

Hércules de la Rua Foundation, Lanús, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 1998. 120 hours. With final evaluation.

10.- Surgical and clinics emergencies

Hércules de la Rua Foundation, Lanús, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 1998. 30 hours.

11.- Course of Writing of Scientific Materials

Pharmacy and BiochemicalSchool, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. April to June 2000. 40 hours. 3 credits.

12.- Formation of tutors for the Curricular Change

School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. June to August 2000. 40 hours.

13.- Oratory course

School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.May to June of 2005. 12 hours.

Dictation Of Courses

1.- Firs aids course

School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. Capital Federal, Argentina. August to November 1991. 100 hours.

2.- Updates in obstetrics

Theme: Hemorrhagic disorders in a pregnant women. Sardá Maternity, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 1997.

3.- Annual course of Superior Training in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Theme: Placenta accreta and uterine atony.City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Obstetric and Gynecology Society. August 1998.

4.-Updates in anhestesiology (Second theoric course).

Theme: Proximal vascular control in massive obstetric hemorrhage. GermanHospital, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 1998.

5.- Emergencies in obstetrics

Theme: Actual treatment of placenta accreta and percreta. GermanHospital, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 1998.

6.-Second annual course of obstetrical updates

Theme: Uterine conservation techniques in massive obstetric hemorrhage. RivadaviaHospital, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 1998.

7.- Gynecology and obstetrics themes

Theme: Uterine conservation procedure in uterine atony, placenta accreta and percreta.

Dr. Oscar Allende Hospital, Lomas de Zamora, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 1998.

8.- Updates in obstetrics

Theme: Uterine conservation techniques

Ana Goitia Maternal and infantile Hospital, Avellaneda, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 1999. 180 hours.

9.- Cranialnerve pairs by ORL

Theme: Identification of cranial pairs in anatomical specimens

University of Buenos Aires, Anatomy Department, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. April 2000.

10.- Surgical and laparoscopic training in unembalmed corps by gynecology and obstetrics

(As Director and lecturer)

Surgical Anatomic Centre, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 20 credits. June 2002.

11.- Surgical Anatomy of the liver to general surgeons in unembalmed corps

(As coordinator and lecturer)

Surgical Anatomic Centre, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 20 educative credits. June 2002.

Themes: General structure of female pelvis, pelvic vascular hemostasis, surgical video-laparoscopic mostration.

12.- Interactive resolution of uncommon cases of obstetric hemorrhage

Ramos Mejía Hospital, July 2002, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

13.- Surgical anatomy of the liver in unembalmed corpses

1st Anatomy Chair, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, September 2002, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

14.- Placental adhesive disorders and obstetric hemorrhage: Clinical cases.

2nd Annual intensive course in obstetrics and gynecology. City of Buenos Aires, Piñero Hospital, Argentina. June 2004.

15.-Obstetric hemorrhage: High efficacy and lower complexity surgical techniques

International meeting of obstetrics, perinatology and prenatal diagnosis. AGOBB. Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2004.

16.- MRI in 300 cases of placenta accreta: Surgical correlation of images

International meeting of obstetrics, perinatology and prenatal diagnosis. AGOBB. Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2004.

17.- Uterine conservation in adherencial diseases of placenta: Placenta accreta; increta and percreta

International meeting of obstetrics, perinatology and prenatal diagnosis. AGOBB. Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2004.

18.- Obstetric hemorrhage: Interactive cases

International meeting of obstetrics, perinatology and prenatal diagnosis. AGOBB. Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2004.

19.- Placenta accreta: Clinical interactive cases

Journey Medical Day, Mater Dei Hospital, Obgyn Department. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 2004.

20.- Obstetric hemorrhage: Interactive cases

Annual Journeys of actualization, AustralUniversity, Obgyn Department. Pilar, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 2004.

21.- Emergencies in obstetrics: Surgical hemostasis during obstetric hemorrhage

Instituteof maternityand gynecology “Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes” San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán. April 6,7,8 2006. Hands-on course 30 Hs. with final evaluation. Granted byFundació Clínic Barcelona, Corporació Sanjtària Clínic.

22.- Updates in pelvic pain

Argentine Society of Pain Treatment. April 2006. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

23.- Annual course in modules-Practical themes in obstetrics and gynecology. Module: Strategies in postpartum hemorrhage with uterine conservation. Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Buenos Aires. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.June 2006

24.- Postpartum hemorrhages: Drug therapy and surgical conservative techniques. Superior annual course in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Buenos Aires. June 2007,City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

25.- Hemostasis respect to uterine topographic areas. Obstetric and Gynecologic Journeys, Chapter: hemostasis and thrombosis. San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. July 2007.

26.- Interactive resolution of inusual cases of obstetric hemorrhages. 5 th Annual intensive course of obstetrics and gynecology. ParmenioPiñeiroHospital, July 2007, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

27.- Surgical treatment of obstetric hemorrhage. Efficacy and availability of hemostatic techniques. Journey of obstetric and gynecology. OSDE Foundation, Junín, July of 2007, Provinceof Buenos Aires, Argentina.

28.- Adherent placentation: Tactic and surgical technique

La Plata Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Course: Emergency in obstetrics and Gynecology. La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

29.- Applied anatomy to uterine anastomotic system

IX Congress of Morphologic Science Society of La Plata.Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2007.

30.-Surgical management of placenta accreta

Platense Societyof Anesthesiology. City ofLa Plata, Province of Buenos AiresArgentina. Agosto de 2007.

31.- Adherent placental diseases and its neonatological implicance

XXIV Annual Scientific Meeting ofSantojanniHospital. October. 2007.

32.- Pospartum hemorrhage symposium

I Meeting AMPRO, III Meeting of Materno Infantil Departament ofHurlinghamHospital. News y advances in perinatal medicine andObgyn. Hurlingham, Pcia de Bs. As. October 2007.

33.- Annual Course 2008. Module: Massive Obstetric hemorrhages

a) Uterine arterial system

b) Conservative treatment in anterior placenta percreta

c) Conservative treatment in cervico-segmentary pregnancy

d) Conservative treatment in uterine rupture at 20 weeks

e) ¿It is possible to avoid placenta accreta independently of the cesarean numbers?

f) Surgical treatment of uterine bleeding.

AGOBB. Bahía Blanca, June 2008, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

34.-Surgical anatomy of the pelvis.

Annual Course of Argentina Society of reproductive Medicine. June 2008,City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

35.- Strategies in postpartum hemorrhages.

Annual Course of Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Buenos Aires. June 2008, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

36.- Hemostatic vascular uterine techniques.Surgical Anatomy Course of Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Buenos Aires. September 2008, City of Buenos Aires,Argentina.

37.- Surgery of placenta percreta. Specialization course in obstetrics (1,100 Hours). MedicalCollege of Province of Buenos Aires. Lanús, October 2008, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

38) Arterial blood supply of the uterus: Anastomotic system. Universitary Specialist Course. School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. October, 2009.

39) Conservative treatments in placenta accreta. Universitary Specialist Course. School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. October, 2009.