Biology Standard III Objective 1

Multiple Choice

Use this picture of the lungs to answer

The next three questions:

a1. What is the name of the structure

labeled A?

A. the trachea

B. a bronchial tube

C. the alveoli

D. the brochioles

a2. What is the structure labeled B?

A. the trachea

B. a bronchial tube

C. the alveoli

D. the brochioles

b3. What role does the diaphram play in respiration?

A. it moves to expand and contract the lungs

B. it provides a resting place for the lungs in the body

C. it separates the lungs from the heart and digestive system

D. it is part of the urinary system and collects wastes

Use this diagram of a cross section

of a stem to answer the next two


a4. What tissues are found in the structures marked “A”?

A. xylem and phloem

B. pith and cortex

C. follicles and glands

D. stomata and guard cells

a5. What is the structure marked “B” called?

A. follicle B. stomata C. xylem D. epidermis

Use this diagram to answer the next four questions:

a6. What is the name of the structure marked “D”?

A. aorta

B. ventricle

C. valve

D. atria

a7. What is name of the structure at “C”?

A. aorta

B. atria

C. valve

D. ventricle

b8. What is the function of the structure at “C”?

A. to carry blood away from the heart

B. to carry blood toward the heart

C. to control the flow of blood through the heart

D. to control the rhythm of the heart as it beats.

a9. What is the tissue at “D”?

A. nerve

B. muscle

C. wall

D. vein

b10. What is a function of skin?

A. Protect the body from bacteria

B. Provide structural support

C. Movement of the limbs

D. Exchange gases in the blood

b11. What is the function of a root?

A. making food through photosynthesis

B. absorbing sunlight and food

C. supporting and anchoring the plant

D. providing food for animals

c12. How is the structure of the heart related to its function?

A. It has many layers, each with a different function

B. It is filled with small bags to absorb gases

C. It has many openings to allow food exchange

D. It is strong and muscular to beat constantly

c13. How does the structure of alveoli in the lungs aid lung function?

A. They have thick, strong membranes to absorb liquids

B. They provide high surface area for gas exchange

C. They contain enzymes for food digestion.

D. Their walls are able to contract and push in gases.

c14. How does the structure of the villi lining the small intestines aid the ability of the small intestine to absorb nutrients? The villi are

A. large cells with a thick cell membrane

B. slender with high surface area to volume ratios

C. smooth and flat against the sides of the small intestine

D. rough in texture to mechanically break down food.

d15. How are the ovaries in a plant and in an animal similar?

A. They both are made of animal cells

B. They are both part of the respiratory system.

C. They both produce eggs.

D. The are both located in a flower.

d16. How are the gills of a fish and the lungs of a duck similar?

A. both exchange gases with the environment

B. both are attached to the sides of the animals’ head

C. both are found in the chest cavity of the animal

D. both pump oxygenated blood into the body.

Use this drawing of a cross section of a plant stem to answer the next two questions:

b17. What is the function of the xylem and phloem?

A. to transport water and food in the stem

B. to hold the stem so the plant doesn’t fall over

C. to allow gasses into the plant

D. to create stored food for the plant use as energy

d18. What organs in the animal body are the vascular bundles most like?

A. lungs

B. kidneys

C. muscles

D. blood vessels

d19. The femur (thigh) bone in a human has the same function as which part in a tree?

A. leaf B. stem C. root D. flower

d20. Which of the following has some of the functions as the lungs in a frog?

A. B. C. D.

e21. Which of the following is a technological development related to the circulatory system?

A. dialysis machine

B. insulin pump

C. X-ray machine

D. artifical heart

e22. Which of the following best describes the ability of technological devices to take the place of real organs? The artificial organ:

A. works just as well as a healthy real organ.

B. works almost as well as a healthy real organ.

C. works well enough for people to have a reasonable quality of life.

D. work so poorly that people cannot live for very long with them.

e23. A kidney dialysis machine cleans the blood for a person who has non-functioning kidneys. Where is the blood cleaned?

A. outside the body in the machine

B. inside the body with an implant

C. on the surface of the person’s body with membranes

D. the person’s kidneys are made to function for a short time by the machine.


1. How does the structure of muscle fibers allow a muscle to function?

2. Describe two examples of how the structure of an organ is related to it’s structure.


1. B

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. C

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. D

13. B

14. B

15. C

16. A

17. A

18. D

19. B

20. C

21. D

22. C

23. A

Essay Sample Answers:

1. Muscle fibers a able to contract by shortening and sliding across one another. This shortens the whole muscle allowing it to contract against a bone and move it.

2. A thigh bone is long and densely packed with strong minerals. This structure helps the bone hold the weight of the body. The skin is flexible and contains sweat and oil glands. The skin can bend as the body moves and the oil helps keep it flexible. The sweat keeps it cool.