· Place circuit cards around the room.
· Divide students into groups and have each group stand at one circuit card.
· Play music and instruct groups to do the action on the card.
· After a couple of minutes, pause the music and have the students rotate clockwise to the next card.
· Restart the music and have them do the actions on the new card.
· Continue until students have done all the cards or they have been active for a set amount of time.
Keep students engaged in physical activity, by encouraging them to take the lead. Have them choose the music and organize the activity!
Thumbing a Ride
Hold right hand clenched with thumb pointing upward.
Shake hand from right side to left side.
Repeat with left hand.
John Travolta
Stand with feet apart.
Take left arm and cross it in front of hip – then stretch left arm up and point to the sky.
Repeat with right side.
Digging the Dirt
Pretend to dig the ground with a shovel.
Dig to the Left and Dig to the Right
Funky Fish
Put palms together.
Shake your hands upward to the right.
Repeat to the Left.
Toss the Pizza
Take your left hand and cross it in front of your hip.
Then move it up to the left side into the air.
Make a flick with your hand like you are tossing a pizza.
Repeat with right side.
Washing windows
Hold your right hand out front with palm facing forward.
Circle your arm (like you are washing a window).
Stand with feet apart.
Left hand out to the side.
Make a large circle with your right hand over head.
Leave your right hand out to the side and make a large circle with your left hand over head.