CCNS Course Template Submission – GtPathway

Submitted by (course author) College Date

Steps for approval:

  1. Reviewed by College Curriculum Committee
  2. Submission by CAO to System Office
  3. Posted to Bulletin Board for 30 day review
  4. Reviewed by State Faculty Curriculum Committee
  5. Reviewed by Chief Academic Officers
  6. Approved changes posted to Common Course Numbering System
  7. System Provost confirms ALL College syllabi have gt statement to CDHE
  8. College syllabi are eligible for back end audit

Please see the FAQ for additional information, instructions

☐New gtPathway ☐Revision of existing gtPathway

What is being revised?

Change prefix or number this is a NEW course

Change credit hours this is a NEW course

Change gt category this is a NEW course

☐Change course title

Prior title

☐Change classroom hours

Prior hours

☐Change catalog description

☐Change course learning outcomes

☐Change topical outline


Course Prefix Course Number

COURSE INFORMATION – required, all submissions

Course prefix Course number

Course title (limit 30 characters that includes “:gt category code”)

Course long title

CIP code (must enter) CIP cost assigned at System

Credits min Credits max

Total classroom hours

LEC/LAB/LLB, etc breakdown*must be completed*

Schedule type

LEC Lecture(1:1) ☐LAB Lab(2:1)) ☐LEL Academic Lec & Lab Combo (1.5:1)

☐Other (please list)

Course repeat limit ☒1

Grading method

☒G Standard Grade

Course attribute (choose ONE additional)

GTP GT Pathway Course ☐AH1 GT: Arts & Expression ☐AH2 GT: Literature & Humanities

AH3 GT: Ways of Thinking ☐AH4: World Languages ☐CO1 GT: Intro Writing ☐CO2 GT: Intermediate Writing

CO3 GT: Advanced Writing ☐HI1 GT: History ☐MA1: GT Mathematics ☐SC1 GT: Science Course with required lab

SC2 GT: Science Course, no required lab ☐SS1 GT: Economic, Political Systems ☐SS2 GT: Geography

SS3 GT: Human Behavior, Culture, Social Framework


Course prefix Course number

Course Catalog description (max 75 words)

This course…

The following information is required in ALL Syllabi

State required gtPathway statement.

Gt Category

Written Communications

☐CO1 Introductory Writing Course

☐CO2 Intermediate Writing Course

☐CO3 Advanced Writing Course



Arts & Humanities

☐AH1 Arts & Expression ☐AH3 Ways of Thinking

☐AH2 Literature & Humanities ☐AH4 World Language (200 level or +)



Social, Behavioral Science

☐SS1 Economic, Political Systems

☐SS2 Geography

☐SS3 Human Behavior, Culture, Social Framework

Natural, Physical Sciences

☐SC1 Course with required lab

☐SC2 lecture course without required lab

Selecting a category will automatically insert the required CDHE statements regarding course transferability, content criteria, competencies and student learning outcomes into the course template located on the Common Course Numbering home page. These statements MUST BE included on the College course syllabus to ensure compliance. For final, approved, required syllabi information, please go to:


Required Course Learning Outcomes (must be completed)

Recommended Course Learning Outcomes (this may be left blank)


Required Topical Outline (must be completed)

Recommended Topical Outline (this may be left blank)