
LastName / StudentNumber
Baker / 100
Abernathy / 200
Jackson / 300
Johnson / 400,700
Tufte / 500
Smathers / 600
LastName / StudentNumber
Baker / 100
Abernathy / 200
Jackson / 300
Johnson / 400
Tufte / 500
Smathers / 600
Johnson / 700
Major / StudentNumber
Accounting / 100,300,500,700
Info Systems / 200,600
Marketing / 400
Major / StudentNumber
Accounting / 100
Info Systems / 200
Accounting / 300
Marketing / 400
Accounting / 500
Info Systems / 600
Accounting / 700
StudentNumber / Name / Name / Major
100 / James / Baker / Accounting
200 / Mary / Abernathy / Info Systems
300 / Beth / Jackson / Accounting
400 / Eldridge / Johnson / Marketing
500 / Chris / Tufte / Accounting
600 / John / Smathers / Info Systems
700 / Michael / Johnson / Accounting
700 / Michael / Johnson / Accounting
StudentNumber / FirstName / LastName / Major
100 / James / Baker / Accounting
200 / Mary / Abernathy / Info Systems
300 / Beth / Jackson / Accounting
400 / Eldridge / Johnson / Marketing
500 / Chris / Tufte / Accounting
600 / John / Smathers / Info Systems
700 / Michael / Johnson / Accounting

PROJECT relation (homework)

ProjectID / EmployeeName / EmployeeSalary
100A / Jones / 64K
100A / Smith / 51K
100B / Smith / 51K
200A / Jones / 64K
200B / Jones / 64K
200C / Parks / 28K
200C / Smith / 51K
200D / Parks / 28K

PROJECT (ProjectID, EmployeeName, EmployeeSalary)


ProjectID is the name of a work project.

EmployeeName is the name of an employee who works on that project

EmployeeSalary is the salary of the employee whose name is EmployeeName

figure 5-3 p. 124

SID / Activity / Fee / Name
100 / Skiing / 200 / Smith
150 / Swimming / 50 / Jones
175 / Squash / 50 / Black
200 / Swimming / 50 / Blake

Figure 5-4 p 124

SID / Activity / Fee
100 / Skiing / 200
100 / Golf / 65
150 / Swimming / 50
175 / Squash / 50
175 / Swimming / 50
200 / Swimming / 50
200 / Golf / 65

(SID,Activity) à Fee

Table above is NOT in 2nd Normal Form because it is not true that

All of the non-key attributes are dependent on the entire key

Fee is partially dependent of the key

SID / Activity
100 / Skiing
150 / Swimming
175 / Squash
200 / Swimming
Activity / Fee
Skiing / 200
Swimming / 50
Squash / 50