Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Michael Naldo Bucci

Office Address:

109 Montgomery Drive 3 St. Francis Dr. Ste. 330

Anderson, SC 29621 Greenville, SC 29601

(864) 224-5700 (864) 220-4263


University of Michigan, B.S. with distinction, 1978

University of Michigan, Graduate School, 1978-79

Wayne State University, M.D. degree, 1983

Graduate Training:

University of Michigan, Surgical Internship, 1983-84

University of Michigan, Resident Neurosurgeon, 1984-89

Certification Licensure:

Certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, May 1992

Fellow, American College of Surgeons, 1993

Certified by the American Board of Forensic Examiners, August 1994

American College of Surgeons, "Advanced Trauma Life Support," certified 1983, 1967 and 1989. Certified Instructor through 2000

National Board Diplomate, June 1984

State of Michigan, July 1985 - #047337

State of South Carolina, March 1989 - #14321

Drug Enforcement Agency #BB1952729

Medical Advisory Committee, South Carolina Workman’s Compensation Commission, 1995

Honors and Awards:

Admissions Committee, Wayne State University School of Medicine, 1980-82

Aesculapians Honor Society, 1981-83

Distinguished Service Award, 1983

Medical School Senior Class President, 1982-83

Bronze Beeper Award for Excellence in Medical Student Teaching, 1985

Paul Rosenblum Award for the Outstanding Resident Presentation, Central Neurosurgical Society Meeting, 1986

Michigan Association of Neurological Surgeons Award for the Outstanding Resident Presentation, Annual Meeting, 1987, co-author

Board Membership:

Mid-Atlantic Chapter, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Active Board Member, 2002-2003

Professional Societies:

American Board of Forensic Examiners

American Medical Association

Anderson County Medical Society

American College of Surgeons

Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Southern Neurosurgical Society

South Carolina Medical Association

American Association of Neurological Surgeons

North American Spine Society

Grant Support:

Jobst Corporation funding for a clinical protocol regarding deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis, 1985-88

Department of Surgery funding for metabolic studies on head injured patients, 1985-87

Hospital Appointment:

Anderson Area Medical Center St. Francis Hospital

800 North Fant Street One St. Francis Drive

Anderson, SC 29621 Greenville, SC 29601

Academic Appointment:

Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine

Medical University of South Carolina

Charleston, SC 29425

Original Articles:

1.  Bucci MN, Farhat SM, Papadopoulous SM: Ipsilateral Sensory Symptoms Caused by Temporal Lobe Glioma. Neurosurgery 17:332-334, 1985

2.  Bucci MN, Farhat SM: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate as a Cause of Subdural Hematoma. J. Urology 135:803-804, 1986

3.  Bucci MN: (Letter) J. Neurosurgery 64:687, 1986

4.  Bucci, MN, Hoff JT: Barbiturate Therapy in Neurosurgery: A Reappraisal. Contemporary Neurosurgery Volume 8, Number 7, 106, 1986

5.  Bucci MN, Black KL, Venes JL, Latack JT: Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Low Attenuation Lesions on Computed Tomography. Neurosurgery 18:625-627, 1986

6.  Bucci MN, Schroeder KA, Schneider RC: Ipsilateral Sensory Symptoms (letter) Neurosurgery 18:386, 1986

7.  Bucci MN, Phillips TJ, McGillicuddy JE: Delayed Epidural Hemorrhage in Hypotensive Multiple Trauma Patients. Neurosurgery 19:65-69, 1986

8.  Bucci MN, Chandler WF, Gebarski SS, McKeever PJ: Multiple Progressive Familial Thrombosed Arteriovenous Malformations. Neurosurgery 19:401-404, 1986

9.  Bucci MN, Dechert R, Arnold D, Campbell J, McGillicuddy JE, Barlett RH: Metabolic Requirements in Severe Head Trauma. Surgical Forum 37:524-526, 1986

10.  Bucci MN, McGillicuddy JE: Spinal Extradural Meningeal Cysts Which Contain Nerve Fibers. Neurosurgery 21:411-413, 1987

11.  Bucci MN, Chin LS, Hoff JT: Perioperative Morbidity Associated with Operative Resection of Craniopharyngioma: A Review of Ten Years Experience. Neurochirugia 30: 135-138, 1987

12.  Bucci MN, Dauser RC, Maynard FA, Hoff JT: Early Operative Fusion Versus Halo-Vest Immobilization for Post-Traumatic Instability of the Cervical Spine, Surgical Forum 38:499-501, 1987

13.  Bucci MN, Decher RE, Arnoldi DK, Campbell J., McGillicuddy JE, Bartlett RH: Elevated Intracranial Pressure Associated with Hypermetabolism in Isolated Head Trauma. Acta Neurochirurgica 93, 133-136, 1988

14.  Bucci MN, Dauser RC, Maynard FA, Hoff JT: Management of Post-Traumatic Cervical Spine Instability: Operative Fusion versus Halo-Vest Immobilization. Analysis of Forty-Nine Cases. J. Trauma 28: 1000-1006, 1988

15.  Bucci MN, Black KL, Hoff JT: The Effect of Ischemic Stroke on Arachidonic Acid Metabolites. Surgical Forum 39:491-493, 1988

16.  Bucci MN, Feldenzer JA, Phillips WA, Gebarski SS, Dauser RC: Atlantoaxial Rotational Limitation Secondary to Osteoid Osteoma of the Axis. J. Neurosurgery 70:129-131, 1989

17.  Lemay RD, Bucci MN, Farhat SM: Extraneural Metastasizing Meningioma Following Malignant Transformation. Case Report. Surg Neurol 30:365-368, 1989

18.  Levy DI, Bucci MN, Hoff JT: Discitis Caused by CBC Group VE-1. Neurosurgery 25:655-657, 1989

Bibliography of Original Articles (continued):

19.  Bucci MN, Papadopoulous SM, Chen JC, Campbell JA, Hoff JT: Mechanical Prophylaxis of Venous Thrombosis in Patients Undergoing Craniotomy: A Randomized Trial. Surg Neurol 32:285-288, 1989

20.  Papadopoulous SM, Chen JC, Feldener JA, Bucci MN, McGillicuddy JE: Anterior Cervical Osteophytes as a Cause of Progressive Dysphagia. Acta Neurochirugica 1989

21.  Bucci MN, McGillicuddy JE, Taren JA, Hoff JT: Management of Anteriorly Located C1-2 Neurofibromata. Surg Neurol 33:15-18, 1990

22.  Bucci MN, Black KL, Hoff JT: Arachidonic Acid Metabolite Production Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia: Time Course and Effect of Meclofenamate. Surg Neurol 33:12-14, 1990

23.  Bucci MN, Hoff JT: Neurologic Evaluation and Management in Walker RW, Fonseca RJ (eds): Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, Saunders, 1990

24.  Bucci MN, Hoff JT: Spinal Meningiomas in Neurosurgical Operative Atlas, AANS Atlas/Fasciles Project, Volume 1, 123-126, 1991

25.  Carr WA, Bucci MN: MRI Examination of a Symptomatic Convexity Arachnoid Cyst. J. Neuroimaging, 1991

26.  Bucci MN, Carr WA: Stereotactic Neurosurgery in the Management of Deep Lesions in the Brain. JSCMA 87:5-7, 191

27.  Levy DI, Bucci MN, Weatherbee L, Chandler WF: Intradural Extramedullary Ganglioneuroma: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Surg Neurol 37:216-218, 1992

28.  Bucci MN, Lanham J, Long SB, Philyaw D: Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion in a Community Hospital Setting. JSCMA 89:131-136, 1993

29.  Bucci MN, Philyaw D: Incidence of Astrocytoma in Anderson County – A Three Year Analysis. JSCMA 1993, 90:270-274, 1994

30.  Bucci MN: Neurologic Evaluation and Management in Fonseca RJ (ed): Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, Saunders 1997

31.  Bucci MN, Philyaw D: Successful Fusion Using Allogeneic Bone Graft in Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion. JSCMA 94:9-11, 1998

32.  Bucci MN, Papadopoulous SM, Chen JC, Campbell JA, Hoff JT: Mechanical Prophylaxis of Venus Thrombosis in Patients Undergoing Craniotomy: A Randomized Trial. Phlebology 44 (Abstract 1998)

33.  Bucci MN, Bridges W: Incidence of Astrocytoma in South Carolina: Follow up Study. JSCMA 99:162-164, 2003

34.  Butterfield KJ, Piecuch JF, Fletcher MC, Bucci MN: Neurologic Evaluation and Management in Fonseca RJ (ed): Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, 3rd Edition, 2005


1.  Michigan Neurosurgical Society Meeting, June 1985 on "Delayed Epidural Hemorrhage in Multiple Trauma Patients."

2.  E.A. Kahn Neurosurgical Meeting, October 1985 on "Delayed Epidural Hemorrhage in Multiple Trauma Patients."

3.  Central Neurosurgical Society Meeting, January 1986 on "Metabolic Requirements in Head Injury."

4.  Michigan Neurosurgical Society Meeting, June 1986 on "Metabolic Requirements in Head Injury."

5.  American College of Surgeons, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1986 on "Metabolic Requirements in Head Injury."

6.  E.A. Kahn Neurosurgical Meeting, October 1986 on "Metabolic Requirements in Patients with Severe Craniocerebral Trauma.."

7.  Michigan Neurosurgical Society Meeting, June 1987 on "The Effect of Ischemic Stroke on Arachidonic Acid Metabolites in Rat Brain."

8.  American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, September 1987 on "Early Operative Fusion versus Halo-Vest Immobilization for Post-Traumatic Instability of the Cervical Spine."

9.  American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, 1987 on "Early Operative Fusion versus Halo-Vest Immobilization for Post-Traumatic Instability of the Cervical Spine."

10.  E.A. Kahn Neurosurgical Meeting, October 1987 on “Early Operative Fusion versus Halo-Vest Immobilization for Post-Traumatic Instability of the Cervical Spine.”

11.  American College of Surgeons, Chicago Illinois, October 1988 on “The Effect of Ischemic Stroke on Arachidonic Acid Metabolites.”

12.  E.A. Kahn Neurosurgical Meeting, October 1988 on “The Management of Anteriorly Located C1-2 Neurofibroma.”

13.  The Rocky Mountain Neurosurgery Meeting, March 1989, on "The Management of Anteriorly Located C1-2 Neurofibroma."

14.  Festival of Flowers Medical Conference, Greenwood, South Carolina, July 1990, on "Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage."

15.  E.A. Kahn Neurosurgical Meeting, November 1990, on "Initial Experience with CRW Stereotaxy."

16.  Anderson College, October 1990, on "Compartmentalization of Cerebral Cortical Functioning."

17.  Tri-County Technical College, January 1991, on "Neurological Assessment."

18.  Furman University, August 1992, on "Compartmentalization of Cerebral Cortical Functioning."

19.  E.A. Kahn Neurosurgical Meeting, October 1992, on "Elevated Incidence of Astrocytoma in a Rural South Carolina County."

20.  Tri-County Technical College, February 1993, on "Cerebral Neoplasms, Spinal Trauma and Stroke."

21.  Pickens County Medical Society, May 1993, "Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage."

22.  Furman University, August 1993, on "Compartmentalization of Cerebral Cortical Functioning."

23.  Tri-County Technical College, February and April, 1994, on "Cerebral Neoplasms, Spinal Trauma and Stroke."

24.  Furman University, February 1995, on "Management of Trauma."

25.  North American Spine Society, Hawaii, March 1997, on "Successful Fusion Using Allogeneic Bone Graft in Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion."

26.  Critical Care Course: Neurosurgery, AAMC, October 1997.

27.  Southeastern Trauma Symposium, Greenville Hospital System and Anderson Area Medical Center, October 1998. Topic: Management of Craniocerebral Trauma.

28.  Upstate Critical Care Nursing Society, February 1999, Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.

29.  Upstate Critical Care Society, October 2000, Greenville Hospital System: Management of Malignant Astrocytoma.

30.  Greenville County Family Practice Society, Stealth Station Craniotomy, January 2001

31.  Oconee County Medical Society, Management of Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathy, March 2001

32.  AnMed Family Practice Symposium, May 2001, Management of Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathy

33.  Upstate Critical Care Nursing Society, Greenville Hospital System, October 2001: CNS Neoplasms.

34.  Southeastern Trauma Symposium, Myrtle Beach, SC, October 2002, Topic: Current Management of Head Trauma.

35.  Management of Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease, Anderson Area Medical Center Family Practice Seminar, June 2003

36.  Upstate Critical Care Nursing Society, Greenville Hospital System, October 2003: Management of Trauma

37.  Clemson University Critical Care Nursing Conference, October 2004. management of the Patient with Acute Head Trauma

38.  Hoff Retirement Symposium, July 2005 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Management of Symptomatic Lumbar Spondylolisthesis with Capstone Bone and Legacy Fusion System.

39.  Clemson University Critical Care Conference, October 2005, “Management of ICP”

Scientific Posters:

1.  Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, AANS, Phoenix, Arizona, February 1988: Anterior Cervical Osteophytes as a Cause of Progressive Dysphagia, Chen JC, Bucci MN, McGillicuddy JE

2.  American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Toronto, April 1988: Arachidonic Acid Metabolite Production Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia. Bucci MN, Hoff JT, Black KL

3.  AANS, Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, April 1994: The Unreliability of Cerebral Angiography in Predicting Intraoperative EEG Changes during Monitored Carotid Endarterectomy. Bucci MN, Burns B, Philyaw D, Long SB