Visit of Dr. Axel Hoffer at Prague

From 22-25th October the Czech Psychoanalytic Society had an outstanding opportunity to welcome to Prague Dr. Axel Hoffer, the Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (BPSI) and the Honorary Member of the Czech Psychoanalytic Society.

On Thursday 22nd Dr.Hoffer met the board members of the Society and led the seminar with members and candidates. In the seminar under the title Freud and the Buddha: The Couch and the CushionDr.Hoffer opened a discussion with a focus on the commonality between the psychoanalyst’s neutrality as he listens to his freely associating patient, and the Buddhist monk’s non-judgmental attention to his mind. Dr.Hofferstressed apower of non-verbal communication for communicating feelings in analytic work. In his opinion, the role of words, thinking and even “understanding” hastended to be over-emphasized in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, making the communication of deeply felt emotions all the more difficult, the result being that the analyst misses vital information for truly understanding the patient’s experience.. (point elaborated in Dr. Hoffer’s book:Freud and the Buddha: the Couch and the Cushion, Karnac 2015) A discussion was rich and stimulating and Dr.Hoffer was able to create a working and accepting atmosphere at the same time. In a general discussion candidates and members had also an opportunity to discuss an article of Dr.Hoffer´s about psychoanalytic neutrality that was distributed beforehand (Hoffer, A.: Passionate neutrality).

During the second part of his visit from Friday 23rduntill Sunday 25th Dr. Hoffer participated on the 1st Prague conferencededicated to Otto Fenichel (an outstanding figure of world psychoanalysis, who played an important role in establishing the Prague psychoanalytic group). The main theme of the conference “Otto Fenichel and his legacy” was Fear of Strangeness:Anti-Semitism, Xenophobia and Uncanny Experience.

At the first day of the Conference Dr. Hoffer presented his paper:"Helplessness and our War against Feeling “ (the panel “Helplessness, uncanny). In his view at the root of fear of strangeness is the anticipation of helplessness, which is for him the most unbearable feeling that human beings can feel (hopelessness is a close second to helplessness, but he suggested that behind hopelessness is the feeling that there is no one to help). Helplessness is so a primal, often intolerable feeling that underlies and intensifies other feelings that are also hard to bear. In psychoanalysis, both analysts and patients face helplessness, and both resort to defences, often intensely, in order to avoid it. The intensity of this battle can merit calling it a war. The analyst’s internal war is conducted using distancing, anger, blaming and disparaging as well as by intellectualizing the patient’s struggles. Patients then find themselves abandoned and helplessly alone. Dr. Hoffer stressed that analysts, of course, want not to fall into the trap of war, and try to free themselves from waging it. A major way we accomplish this is through continuously working, often with the help of analysis and self-analysis, to increase our capacity to maintain our emotional stability in the face of these intensities. Thus we could learn to find new forms of awareness, beyond words and ideas. Dr.Hoffer brought a case study, which helped an audience to understand this, quite often painful to both sides, process.

On a closing panel on Sunday 25th Dr.Hoffer emphasized that it is the anticipation of feeling helpless that underlies fear of strangeness, as well as anti-semitism and uncanny experience.

The Conference was attended by more than 140 people and Dr.Hoffer helped substantially to its success. His presentation will be published in Czech.