Minutes of Hawkesbury Parish Council Meeting
held on Mon 6th July 2009 at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall
PresentS Hope(SH Chair), H Bleaken(HB Vice-Chair), C Dixon(CD),
D Higgs (DH), A Musty(AM), J Otley (JO), L Roberts(LR)
R Tyson(RT), F Steeds (FS Temporary Minutes Secretary).
1 / Apologies: None.
2 / Public Participation: None
3 / Declaration of Interests
4 / Approval of Minutes
The Minutes were amended to show HB as Vice Chair and were then signed and accepted.
5 / Update of Previous Actions
5.1 / Appointment of Parish Clerk – 6 applications were received and 3 candidates have been invited to interview on Friday 10th July.
5.2 / Feedback on the Commons – Registered graziers and Rights Holders have been invited to a meeting on 13th July regarding the possibility of HLF funding.
Post Office – An application from a villager to run the Post Office has been made. Post Office are only willing to fund 28 hours per week. PC has requested more hours but no reply so far. RT proposed a motion:-
“to urge the Post Office to ensure that Hawkesbury Upton Post Office is open for postal business during normal shopping hours including Saturday mornings”. This was seconded by AM.
6. / Reports & Matters raised by Parish Councillors
6.1 / LR attended a Tree Warden Training session with Joan Yuill. This will enable them to do a survey of local important trees prior to any building works being carried out. Grants are available for planting hedgerows. LR to distribute details and to find out if PC needs to survey its chestnut trees. / LR
6.2 / LR also reported that she had collected a bin liner of rubbish left in the Coombes over the weekend by teenagers. SH to report the matter to Community Police. LR to inform Beaufort Estate. / SH/LR
6.3 / RT requested progress re Home Farm gates. SH advised that it has been logged as a complaint and negotiations are taking place with the Conservation Officer.
6.4 / CD has spoken to Paul Fortune re quad bikes on Common. Advice is to take
photos of licence plates and report to police.
6.5 / JO reports that netting adjacent to a stile on Audrey Cole’s land has been cut - probably by dog walkers - which has led to sheep escaping. Footpaths are arranging for a kissing gate to replace the stile.
6.6 / The footpath from Park St to A46 has been netted and an electric fence put up. JO advised that Footpath Rangers will clear this.
6.7 / HB attended Cotswold Environment Link meeting. Topics covered included Lance Pond being partially cleared; Barn Owl’s return to Inglestone Common; installation of SGC renewable energy grants available.
6.8 / HB advised that cows have been getting in the Phone Box on the Common for shade. So far they have not damaged the phone, but we need to ask BT for a door to be fitted. / HB
6.9 / The marker for the Water Hydrant adjacent to Severn View Farm has gone. CD believes it was destroyed by a tractor. HB to report to Bristol Water. / HB
7 / District Councillor’s Report
SH attended the official opening of ActonTurvilleSchool today.
There is a meeting of Safer Stronger Communities on 16th July.
SH expressed concern about how grant money was being spent.
LR and SH are attending Speed Camera Training. AM, JO and DH were also interested in this depending on dates. A flashing speed sign has been installed by Farm Pool temporarily.
Swine Flu – NHS Sth Glos have written regarding this. SH to speak to Simon Hailwood regarding possible talk to PC. / SH
A bid for funding for extension to Park n Share at Tormarton has been submitted.
SH attended Climate Change meeting. RT asked about Severn Barrage. SH to pass on information about this. Council Officer has advised that application for Composting Site at Tormarton is not acceptable in its current form and is expected to be re-submitted. / SH
Concerns raised about synchronisation of traffic lights on A46 and at M4 junction. PC to write a letter requesting part time signals at motorway. / SH
8 / Urgent Correspondence
/ Item / Action or Note
Letter from Deborah May complaining about wheelchair access through village and dog mess. / SH to arrange walk through with DM to assess. Councillors to assess where best to place dog mess bins and report back.
Letter from Mary Davies requesting Bridle Path from Beaufort House to Cotswold Way. / JO to refer to Footpaths. PC in favour, in principle.
Cotswold Conservation Board seeking Parish representative / HB nominated by RT, seconded by DH
SITA Trust for Enhancing Nature / LR to attend meeting on 13/7
Electrical Safety Compliance Notice / FS to give to Hall Committee
Gypsy & Traveller Site Plans / Plans online until 13/7 – 5 extra sites
Community Cashback from Criminals Scheme / SH to email details of this to CD
9 / Finance
9.1 / Statement of Accounts
These were unavailable.
9.2 / Invoices to be paid
From / Reference / Amount / Pay/No
Garden Manicures / Grass Cutting - Cemetery / £152.95 / Pay*
Marcliff Plumbing** / Bibc Tap / £34.20 / Pay
Sth Glos Council / Grass Cutting / £863.36 / Pay
Allianz Insurance / Insurance Premium / £752.42 / Pay
Newsquest Media Group / Advert for Parish Clerk / £106.95 / Pay
* JO to write requesting invoices show dates & number of cuts.
** Cheque made out to Barrie Hope who had paid in cash. / JO
10 / Planning Applications Received
App No. / Address / Description / PCs’ Comments
PK09/0998/LB / Church Farm House, Hawkesbury / Internal & external alterations / No objection – but attention to be paid to land and storm drain which has caused flooding in the past.
PK09/1122/LB / Ingleside, The Barton, Inglestone Common / External & internal repairs / No objection
PK09/1014/LB / Collyns Mead, Back St, H/U / Erection of clock tower to roof of existing outbuilding / No objection
PK09/1020/F / Stone Cottage, The Barton, H/U / Erection of rear conservatory / No objection
FS to email PC comments to South Gloucestershire Planning Department. / FS
11 / Planning Decisions Made
App No. / Address / Description / PCs’ Comments
PK09/0550/CA / Westside, France Lane, H/U / Demolition of dwelling & garage to erect no 2 dwellings
PK09/0593/F / The Cottage, Back Street, H/U / Erection of single storey rear extension
PK09/0686/F / Land adjacent to Pool House, H/U / Erection of no 1 dwelling & garage
/ Sth Glos Decision
12 / Allotments
RT to draft a proposed Allotment Holders Agreement (based on Marshfield model). Meeting to be called with allotment holders and those on waiting list for new plots. Payments system to be set up. RT will also prepare covering letter to be sent out with Agreement prior to meeting.
JO & AM to survey new plots with a view to measuring them out. LR concerned about possible presence of adders on the site. / RT/SH
13 / Calendar of Events
13.2 / Bonfire night – ongoing date tbc
Show Day – 29th August with concert planned for 30th August in marquee. / AM
14 / Cemetery
RT to arrange Annual Meeting for September with date in October for tidy up. / RT
15 / Next Meeting Monday 3rd August 2009