March 3, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present were Roger Ihrke, Michelle Peterson, Aaron Nicklay, Jerome Dyba, Marvin Ihrke, Sheriff Dave Mueller. Not present was Teresa Hackler.

Sheriff Mueller presented last month’s police log for the City of Dover . He gave a brief discussion on their services, and welcomed questions we may have now or in the future. A copy of the letter the City received regarding a reported dog bite was given to Sheriff Mueller for his review. With no further discussions, he exits.

The March Agenda was presented for approval. A motion was made by Jerome Dyba to approve, seconded by Aaron Nicklay. All agreed. Motion carried.

February meeting minutes were presented for approval. A motion was made by Jerome Dyba to approve, seconded by Aaron Nicklay. All agreed. Motion carried.

Bills were presented for approval. A motion was made by Aaron Nicklay to approve, seconded by Jerome Dyba. All agreed. Motion carried.

Aaron Nicklay gave a brief presentation on the 2011 Township meeting with the Dover Fire Department. Dover and Elmira Township were present, but Quincy was not. The annual bills were presented to the townships along with discussion on contributions for the Fire Relief Association.

Roger Ihrke explained to the council how the Dover Fire Department is run and gave an explanation of the billings to the townships. The 2011 Fire Department Budget was also presented with an explanation. The City of Dover pays 40% to operate the Fire Department and the townships pay 60%.

The Letter of Engagement from Wolter and Raak was discussed. Jerome Dyba is checking with three other firms for cost comparisons. The reply’s are as followed: One came back with a price which was expensive, the other firm stated that they do not do that type of work. We are waiting to hear back from the third firm. A motion was made by Jerome Dyba to have a contingency upon the signing of the above Letter of Engagement; a signed contract with the auditor as to the price of the services provided for 2011. This motion was seconded by Michelle Peterson. All agreed. Motion carried.

Update discussed on the purchase of the Ball Park . Roger stated that Mr. Henry needs to quiet title the property before the City of Dover can purchase it. Our current lease with Mr. Henry will probably expire before an agreement is reached. A Purchase Agreement should be drafted and signed before the council proceeds.

Marvin Ihrke stated that there is a problem with our well which was constructed in 1970. It has not been pulled since 1993. We received a bid from Thein Well in the amount of $15,000.00. A motion was made by Jerome Dyba to approve this bid and proceed with the work needed, seconded by Aaron Nicklay. All agreed. Motion carried.

Roger met with Mark Welch of GGG Inc. on the preliminary plans for the project regarding County Road #142 West, County Road #10, the street by the Fire Hall and the Park, and a section of Main Street between South Street and Center Street . The total estimated cost including the engineering fees would be approximately $1.5 million. Olmsted County ’s share of this would be $800,000.00.

Received a request from HBC for our interest in a franchise agreement. We will contact them for more information and ask that they attend our next council meeting.

The council needs to appoint an Assistant Mayor in the absence of our Mayor, Roger Ihrke. A motion was made by Aaron Nicklay to appoint Jerome Dyba, the motion was seconded by Michelle Peterson. All agreed. Motion carried.

With no further business, a motion was made by Jerome Dyba to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Michelle Peterson. All agreed. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

Karen Henry/Clerk of Dover